Anchor Activity for Library Books

Choose ______activities to do from this list. Make your work creative. Show the teacher that you have read the entire book.

A.  Create a musical collage for your book. Burn a CD with songs or parts of songs that reflect some meaning in the book. Write a few sentences for each song to explain why you chose it and how it is connected to the book.

B.  Write an “I Am” poem ( or bio-poem ( for one of the major characters in your book. Write the same kind of poem for yourself. Illustrate each poem with pictures that reflect the personality of the character and you. Write a brief comparison of you and the character and attach it to the poems.

C.  Create a flip book on literary elements of your book. Use 3 sheets of construction paper or unlined white paper to make the book. Each flap will contain information about the book:

Flap 1. The title and the author

Flap 2. Titled Character. Describe a character from the story.

Flap 3. Titled Setting. Describe a setting in the story.

Flap 4. Titled Conflict/ Resolution. Tell about one conflict from the story and how it was resolved.

Flap 5. Titled Plot. Describe important events that occurred in the story.

Flap 6. Titled Critique. Give your opinion of the story and give reasons why you liked or disliked the story. Be sure to include specific details.

The flaps must be in this order. Include illustrations on each flap. Write your name on the back of the flip book.

D.  Write a skit for your book. Choose one major event that is important to the overall message of the book. Rewrite the scene in the format of a skit. The skit should retell the same message as the original version.

E.  Design the front page of a newspaper to tell about the events in the book. The headline story should be about a major event. The smaller articles may be about minor events. Include a name for the newspaper that reflects the setting of the book. You should have at least 4 articles that report on 4 events from the story and include illustrations on at least 2 of them. Look at the front page of a real newspaper for ideas on what else to include in your work to make it authentic.

F.  Find and list several important statements that characters made in your book. The statements can come from more than one character. These quotes should be words that made you think. They may have reminded you of something in your own life or of some advice another person gave you. Choose the top 4 statements to write on 4 index cards. Write the statement on the front along with the name of the character and the title of the book. On the back of each card, write your thoughts on why this statement is important.