BidNite 2014 – Teddy Bears’ Soirée
Saturday, November 15, 5:00 – 9:30 pm
Phoenix Hall
Calling all teddy bears and teddy bear aficionados!
If you go down to the church this night
You’re sure of a big surprise
If you go down to the church this night
You’d better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was
Will give a big hooray
Because that’s the night the
Teddy Bears have their soirée!
Join us and our teddy bears for the UCM’s annual fundraising auction.
Good fun and good food “teddy-bear-style” will surround the evening’s offering of Fixed-Price Items, Silent-Auction Opportunities, and Live-Auction Temptations – all offered by UCM members and friends. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres and dinner for everyone with childcare provided for the youngest guests.
Help us NOW by submitting your offer(s) for the auction
catalog using the form on the next page.
All offers must be submitted by
Sunday, October 19 at Noon
Need ideas to help you think of an appropriate offer? See next page for details and examples or check out past BidNite catalogs displayed on the notice board in Phoenix Hall.
This year there will be only one pre-event sign-up
for Fixed-Price and Silent-Auction Items
Sunday, Nov. 9 before and after the church service
BidNite 2014 Offer Form
Fill out the form below and put it in the BidNite envelope on the bulletin board in Phoenix Hall, or access the link to the electronic version found in the October newsletter. The form may be filled in electronically, saved on your computer and sent by email as an attachment to .
Decide what kind of offer you would like to make:
· A fixed-price offer has a set price. It can be for a large-group event (e.g., picnic in the park for 12 people on June 24. $15 each), a service (e.g., will drive you to the airport for $25 on the date of your choice) or an item (e.g., three jars of homemade jam. $10 each). Buyers may sign up for these items in Phoenix Hall on Sunday, Nov. 9 and at BidNite.
N.B.: Offers sell out very quickly and many are no longer available by BidNite.
· A silent-auction offer is a single item with a minimum bid price. Bidders participate the same way they would in a live auction, but they do it on paper instead. Offers will be posted for bidding on Sunday, Nov. 9 and at BidNite.
- A live-auction offer is auctioned off in Phoenix Hall on Nov. 15 at BidNite and is usually for small-group events like suppers, luncheons, special outings, etc. It’s important to set a date for your event in advance because it can be difficult to find one later that suits everyone. Talk with your friends now and see if they might like to collaborate on offering an event.
BidNite 2014 offer form (Please print or type.)
Use a separate form for each offer. Additional forms are available in Phoenix Hall or by printing multiple electronic versions of this form. Submission deadline: NOON on Sunday October 19.
Name(s):Please fill in shaded boxes only if you are new to BidNite.
Address (of contact):
City: / Province: / Postal Code:
Evening telephone:
/ E-mail address:
Title of Offer: (To Be Filled in by BidNite organizers)
Description of offer (To be filled in by you): Note: Text may be edited for brevity, clarity, or variety.
Check one: Fixed Silent Live (Your preferences may be changed by the BidNite organizers to ensure distribution among the 3 categories and price parity.)
Number of times the offer will be made:
If it is an event, how many participants:
Check one of the following. Offer to be delivered: At BidNite At time and location arranged with bidders
On following date* (month/day/year): Time: Day of Week:
*Items and activities must be fulfilled any time before the following year’s BidNite.
** If you would like to hold your event at UCM, please check with Petrina Lee Poy before submitting it. See Petrina during the social hour after a regular Sunday service or contact her at (514) 485-5555 or at .