Noah’s Ark
302 N.E. 2nd Street
Buffalo, MN 55313
Phone number: 763-682-1883
Preschool Child Information Sheet
Today’s Date______
Child's name______Sex M F Birthdate ______
My child prefers to be called ______
Home Address______
Parent’s name______
Home/ Cell # ______Work #______
Email Address ______
Parent’s name______
Home/ Cell # ______Work #______
Email Address ______
Names & birth dates of siblings:
Church affiliation: ______
How did you find out about Noah's Ark Preschool? ______
Who, besides parents listed, is authorized to pick up your child from preschool?
Name______Relationship ______Phone number: ______
Name______Relationship ______Phone number: ______
Name______Relationship ______Phone number: ______
Name______Relationship ______Phone number: ______
Tuition Discounts
Please mark the discounts that apply to you…discounts will be applied on the first tuition check.
- Are you a member of St. John’s Lutheran Church? ______
All church members will receive a 10% discount on tuition each month.
- 3&4 year old class tuition with church member discount---$103.50
- 4&5 year old class tuition with church member discount ---$117.00
- Extended day class tuition with church member discount --$162.00
- Want to pay for the whole year’s tuition at the beginning of the year?______
Receive 10% off for a year tuition paid in full by September 4th, 2017
- 3&4 year old class tuition for full year with discount---$931.50
- 4&5 year old class tuition for full year with discount---$1,053.00
- Extended day class tuition for full year with discount---$1,458.00
- Because of our involvement and 3 star rating from Minnesota’s “Parent Aware Program” our students are now eligible to apply for the
“Early Learning Scholarship” through the state of Minnesota.
If you want to know more or would like the application please contact
Kelly @ 763-682-1883 or check out under the preschool tab. Look under “Parent resources” for a link to more information.
Please Mark the class you wish your child to attend…
______3&4 year olds class- Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am-11:30am
______4 & 5 year old class – Monday, Wednesday Friday 9:00am-11:30am
______4 & 5 year old EXTENDED DAY – Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00am-2:00pm
$50.00 Registration Fee due with registration
Noah’s Ark reserves the right to cancel classes based upon enrollment. In event of cancellation, registration fees will be returned to families.
Personal Information About Your Child
1. What do you enjoy most about your preschooler? ______
2. What are your preschooler’s favorite activities? ______
3. Are there any activities that your preschooler typically avoids? ______
5. In what areas would you like to see your child grow?
6. What family traditions or customs do you celebrate in your home?
7. Why have you chosen to enroll your child in preschool?
Emergency Information
Child's name: ______Birthdate: ____/____/______
Parent/Guardian Name(s): Home/Cell Number Work Number 1.______
Emergency Contacts Name (s): Relationship Phone Number
- ______
- ______
Physician: ______
Clinic name/phone number:______
Hospital: ______
Allergies: ______Medications:______
Dentist: ______
Dental Clinic name/phone number: ______
Other significant health information or special needs: ______
I give permission to Noah's Ark Preschool to make whatever emergency measures as judged necessary for the care and protection of my child while under their supervision.
In case of medical emergency, I understand that my child will be transported to an appropriate facility by the local emergency unit for treatment if the local emergency resource deems it necessary.
It is understood that in some medical situation, the staff will need to contact that local emergency resource before the parent, child's physician and/or other adult acting on the parent's behalf.
Please place your initials next to each item to give permission.
A. I hereby grant permission for my child to use all of the play equipment and participate in all of the activities of the school. ______
B. I hereby grant permission for my child to leave the school premises under the supervision of a staff member for neighborhood walks or for fieldtrips in authorized vehicles. ______
C. I hereby grant permission for the Director or Acting Director to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain emergency medical care if warranted. These steps may include, but are not limited to, the following: ______
1. Attempt to contact a parent or guardian.
2. Attempt to contact the child’s physician.
3. Attempt to contact the parent through any of the persons listed on the emergency record completed for Noah’s Ark Preschool
4. If we cannot contact the parent or the child’s physicians, we will do any or all of the following: (a) call another physician; (b) call an ambulance; (c) administer syrup of ipecac (which induces vomiting) as instructed by Poison Control; (d) have the child taken to an emergency hospital in the company of a staff member.
5. Any expenses incurred under #4 above will be borne by this child’s family.
D. The school will not be responsible for anything that may happen as a result of false information given at the time of enrollment. ______
F. The school will not assume responsibility for a child who has not been signed in when he/she arrives for the day. ______
G. Public relations –I give permission for my child’s photo to be taken and/or video recorded. Photos and recordings will be used within the program (bulletin boards, teaching materials, etc.) or in promotional materials for the preschool (newspaper, website, flyers etc.). Photos used for public relations will generally not identify any child by name. Children’s names and faces will not appear on Facebook. ______
Signature______Date ____/_____/______
(Parent or legal guardian)
(Tuesday & Thursday - $115.00 per month)
Dear Parent(s)
Please review the regulations below and sign. Your cooperation is essential to the successful operation of the preschool in providing quality education for your child.
1. Tuition payment is due on the first attendance day of each month for that month. An enrollment fee of $50.00 required at registration. Check or money order must be used to pay all tuition for record-keeping purposes. Make checks payable to Noah’s Ark Preschool.
2. Days your child is absent cannot be made up or tuition refunded, as operating expenses continue whether or not the child is in attendance.
3. Tuition rate will be $115.00 per month for 2 days per week from September through May. Your child is scheduled to attend the preschool on Tuesday and Thursday from:
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- Noah’s Ark Preschool reserves the right to dismiss a student when payment is delinquent for more than one month.
- Noah’s Ark reserves the right to cancel classes based upon enrollment. In event of cancellation, registration fees will be returned to families.
Written notice must be submitted to the director 2 weeks prior to termination from preschool.
I have read the above Tuition Agreement Form and agree to comply with the requirements as listed.
______/______/______Parent Signature Date
(Monday, Wednesday & Friday - $130 per month)
Dear Parent(s)
Please review the regulations below and sign. Your cooperation is essential to the successful operation of the preschool in providing quality education for your child.
1. Tuition payment is due on the first attendance day of each month for that month. An enrollment fee of $50.00 required at registration. Check or money order must be used to pay all tuition for record-keeping purposes. Make checks payable to Noah’s Ark Preschool.
2. Days your child is absent cannot be made up or tuition refunded, as operating expenses continue whether or not the child is in attendance.
3. Tuition rate will be $130.00 per month for 3 days per week from September through May. Your child is scheduled to attend the preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from:
9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- Noah’s Ark Preschool reserves the right to dismiss a student when payment is delinquent for more than one month.
- Noah’s Ark reserves the right to cancel classes based upon enrollment. In event of cancellation, registration fees will be returned to families.
Written notice must be submitted to the director 2 weeks prior to termination from preschool.
I have read the above Tuition Agreement Form and agree to comply with
the requirements as listed.
______/______/______Parent Signature Date
(Monday, Wednesday & Friday Extended DAY - $180 per month)
Dear Parent(s)
Please review the regulations below and sign. Your cooperation is essential to the successful operation of the preschool in providing quality education for your child.
1. Tuition payment is due on the first attendance day of each month for that month. An enrollment fee of $50.00 required at registration. Check or money order must be used to pay all tuition for record-keeping purposes. Make checks payable to Noah’s Ark Preschool.
2. Days your child is absent cannot be made up or tuition refunded, as operating expenses continue whether or not the child is in attendance.
3. Tuition rate will be $180.00 per month for 3 days per week from September through May. Your child is scheduled to attend the preschool on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from:
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
- Noah’s Ark Preschool reserves the right to dismiss a student when payment is delinquent for more than one month.
- Noah’s Ark reserves the right to cancel classes based upon enrollment. In event of cancellation, registration fees will be returned to families.
Written notice must be submitted to the director 2 weeks prior to termination from preschool.
I have read the above Tuition Agreement Form and agree to comply with
the requirements as listed.
______/______/______Parent Signature Date