Croft SIP goals
4thquarter updates
•Goal 1: Provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis.
A lunchroom monitor was hired. Instructional assistants also assist on a 30 minute rotation.
•Goal 2: Provide duty-free instructional planning time for every teacher under G.S. 115C-105.27 and -301.1, with the goal of providing an average of at least five hours of planning time per week, to the maximum extent that the safety and proper supervision of students may allow during regular student contact hours.
Each teacher has 90 minutes of instructional team planning one day a week. On 3 other days, they have 45 minutes of planning time. Each teacher has 10 minutes before and 20 minutes after school of additional planning time. This totals 6 hours and 15 minutes a week.
•Goal 3: Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.
Each class has participated in Guidance lessons with our counselor.
Bully prevention lessons have been conducted in each class.
Each class has worked with Mr. Sid from the Department of Respect Ability and participated in the “Don’t Laugh at Me” lessons.
Teachers are providing lessons based on the “Don’t’ Laugh at Me” lessons.
Students are recognized monthly for demonstrating good character.
Small group/individualized counseling is available for students as needed.
All students have 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
The school counselor has a “Why Try” group that focuses on motivation, good study habits, and earning/ maintaining good grades.
Croft has a reading buddy mentor program which a k-2 classroom partners with a 3-5 classroom to participate in various academic and social activities to build community and confidence within the school and students.
The Croft Colts with Character Program recognizes students with outstanding character and the 7 core virtues.
The 5th grade students received a cyber-bullying prevention and awareness lesson from the executive director of The Department of Respect-Ability this quarter.
•Goal 4: By the end of 2014-2015, 80% of K-2 students will be reading on grade level as measured by their Text Reading Comprehension (TRC) Reading 3D data and MAP RIT scores.
Implementation of LLI (Leveled Literacy Instruction) for our struggling readers.
Implementation of Balanced Literacy instruction.
Implementation of weekly RtI time to meet student’s learning goals.
Students utilizing RAZ Kids and Compass Learning to remediate/enrich reading skills while using the iPads, Chrome books and computer lab during the instructional day.
MAP, Reading 3D and common assessment dataindicate growth in reading.
Book drive & Book fair sponsored by the PTA.
Teachers at Croft receive professional development on a consistent basis to keep up with researched-based, best practices to help with the diverse learners in the school.
Croft Community School received a grant the past two years that awarded every student in the school with Time for Kids non-fiction magazines for the entire school year.
As a part of our schools data wise model, teachers pre-assess, analyze data to determine what needs to be taught and to what extent, instruct students, and then post assess. Data is again analyzed and the cycle repeats to ensure academic success.
•By the end of the 2014-2015 school year, 70% of our students in grade 3-5 will demonstrate proficiency in reading as determined by the North Carolina Reading End-of-Grade test. (Current Score: 62.5%)
Spring MAP and Reading 3D data indicates growth in reading.
Implementation of weekly RtI time to meet student’s learning goals.
Implementation of LLI (Leveled Literacy Instruction) for our struggling readers.
Mock EOGs given to simulate EOGs and to plan remediation for EOG review.
Book drive and Book fair sponsored by the PTA.
Students utilizing RAZ Kids and Compass Learning to remediate/enrich reading skillswhile using the iPads, Chrome books and computer lab during the instructional day.
Teachers at Croft receive professional development on a consistent basis to keep up with researched-based, best practices to help with the diverse learners in the school.
As a part of our schools data wise model, teachers pre-assess, analyze data to determine what needs to be taught and to what extent, instruct students, and then post assess. Data is again analyzed and the cycle repeats to ensure academic success.
Croft Community School received a grant the past two years that awarded every student in the school with Time for Kids non-fiction magazines for the entire school year.
•Goal 5: By the end of 2014-2015, 60% of K-2 students will perform on grade level in math as measured by their MAP RIT scores.
Spring MAP and common assessment data indicate growth in math.
Students utilizing Dreambox and Tenmarksto remediate/enrich math skills while using the iPads, Chrome Books and computer lab during the instructional day.
Implementation of weekly RtI time to meet student’s learning goals.
Teachers at Croft receive professional development on a consistent basis to keep up with researched-based, best practices to help with the diverse learners in the school.
As a part of our schools data wise model, teachers pre-assess, analyze data to determine what needs to be taught and to what extent, instruct students, and then post assess. Data is again analyzed and the cycle repeats to ensure academic success.
•By the end of the 2014-2015 school year, 65% of our students in grade 3-5 will demonstrate proficiency in math as determined by the North Carolina Reading End-of-Grade test. (Current Score: 56.9%)
Spring MAP data indicates growth in math.
Common assessment data indicates growth in math.
Implementation of weekly RtI time to meet student’s learning goals.
Mock EOGs given to simulate EOGs and to plan remediation for EOG review.
Teachers at Croft receive professional development on a consistent basis to keep up with researched-based, best practices to help with the diverse learners in the school.
As a part of our schools data wise model, teachers pre-assess, analyze data to determine what needs to be taught and to what extent, instruct students, and then post assess. Data is again analyzed and the cycle repeats to ensure academic success.
•Goal 6: By the end of the 2014-2015 school year, students in grade 3-5 will demonstrate an overall increase in proficiency from 61.61% to 70% as determined by the North Carolina End-of-Grade tests. (2013-14 score:61.61%)
Data from SpringMAP indicates students are growing academically.
Students utilizing instructional websites to remediate/enrich math and reading skills while using the iPad, Chrome books and computer lab during the instructional day.
Implementation of weekly RtI time to meet student’s learning goals.
Teachers at Croft receive professional development on a consistent basis to keep up with researched-based, best practices to help with the diverse learners in the school.
As a part of our schools data wise model, teachers pre-assess, analyze data to determine what needs to be taught and to what extent, instruct students, and then post assess. Data is again analyzed and the cycle repeats to ensure academic success.
•Goal 7: By the end of the 2014-2015 school year we will cultivate and increase partnerships from 6 to 7 with families, businesses, and faith-based or community organizations to provide a sustainable system of support and care for each child.
Partnerships with: Chick-fil-A, Marco’s Pizza, Ryan Homes, Trees Charlotte, Kona Ice, Lorraine Academy, University Public library, Wells Fargo – Reading first program for k-2, Department of Respect-Ability
Croft Community school has partnered with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte by allowing student teachers the opportunity to learn and conduct their student teaching experience here at Croft. Croft is in the business of raising quality teachers, and their knowledge and support within the building helps increase academic achievement.
Other great things happening at Croft:
Croft Community school holds quarterly awards ceremonies to acknowledge the academic growth, improvement, and citizenship that our students possess.
Croft has a reading buddy mentor program which a k-2 classroom partners with a 3-5 classroom to participate in various academic and social activities to build community and confidence within the school and students.
Mrs. Verner’s 3rd grade class won 1st place in the county Sumdog math contest.
All 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students participate in clubs on a bi-weekly basis during the school day.
After school clubs that meet: Croft’s Drama Club, Chorus, Girls on the Run, University YMCA Dance
Croft has an active and dedicated PTA that supports Crofts academic and social activities.
Croft is in the final stages of equipping every class with a smart board. (only 5 more classrooms to go!)
Croft students have participated in several cultural arts programs/assemblies throughout the school year.