Theory exam questions
1st Semester
1. The blackbody radiation. The photoelectric effect. The dual nature of light. Matter waves
2. The Rutherford-experiment, Rutherford’s model of the atom. Bohr's model. The Franck-Hertz experiment
3. The quantum-mechanical model of the atom. Heisenberg's uncertainty relationship
4. Interpretation of quantum numbers. The Stern-Gerlach and the Einstein-de Haas experiments
5. X-rays. The electromagnetic spectrum
6. Structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear forces and their properties. Nuclear binding energy
7. Law of radioactive decay. Half-lives. Radioactive isotopes
8. Origin and properties of radioactive radiations
9. Interaction of radioactive radiations with matter
10. Biological effect of radiations. Target theory. Theory of indirect action of radiation
11. The 0th and 1st laws of thermodynamics
12. The 2nd law of thermodynamics. Statistical interpretation of entropy
13. Gibbs free energy. Chemical potential
14. Thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes
15. Diffusion. The role of diffusion in biological systems. Thermodiffusion
16. Osmosis. The role of osmosis in biological systems. Thermoosmosis
17. Laws of fluid flow
18. Biophysics of circulation. Work of the heart
19. Properties and role of water in biological processes
20. Structure of macromolecules. Biophysics of protein folding.
21. Structure and properties of the cell membrane. Origin of membrane potential
22. Function of sensory receptors. Action potential
23. Structure and function of the ear
24. The eye as an optical system. Function of photoreceptors. Color vision
25. The cytoskeletal system. Cellular motility, motor proteins
26. Structural and functional characteristics of muscle
27. Molecular mechanisms of muscle contraction and its regulation
2nd Semester
28. Principles and applications of laser
29. Principles of spectroscopic methods. Infrared, Raman, CD spectroscopy
30. Absorption photometry
31. Principles of luminescence. Parameters of luminescence
32. Fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorescence anisotropy. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
33. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET). Fluorescence quenching
34. X-ray diffraction
35. Principles of ESR and NMR spectroscopy
36. Sedimentation. Electrophoresis
37. Computer tomography. MRI
38. Gamma-camera. PET
39. Principles of information theory. Communication systems. Coding
40. Control theory. Artificial neural networks
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Practical exam questions
1st Semester
1. Ohm’s law, connection of resistors
2. The oscilloscope
3. Measurement of conductivity
4. Refractometry
5. Spectroscopy and spectrophotometry
6. Elements of optics. Elements of photometry
7. Measurement of viscosity
8. Measurement of surface tension
9. Adsorption and swelling
10. Centrifugation
11. Electrophoresis
2nd Semester
12. The Geiger-Müller counter
13. Determination of half-life
14. Gamma-absorption and spectrometry
15. The absorption of beta-radiation. Determination of dead time
16. Scintigraphy
17. Audiometry
18. Absorption photometry
19. Measurement of blood pressure. Electrocardiography
20. Ultrasound
21. Temperature measurement with thermocouple and thermistor
22. Polarimetry