Custer County Commission Meeting
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
420 Mount Rushmore Rd.
Commission Meeting Room
Custer, SD 57730
- Call to Order at 8:00 AM
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Consent Agenda
- Minutes of October 25, 2017 Commission Meeting
- Vouchers
- Monthly Reports (Auditor, Treasurer, etc…)
- Travel Requests– Mike Carter to Safety & Loss Control Training in Mitchell, SD, at a cost of $89 to the county.
- Conflict of Interest Declarations
- Highway Department
- Request to advertise for gravel bids in Buffalo Gap and Hermosa areas
- New Hire – Darcy Smith
- Correction of start date for Scott Schramm
- Planning Department
- Plat of Mill Pond Estates
- Plat of Hartman Tract
- Airport
- Hangar Lease – Pete Shouldis
- Paving Reimbursement Contracts
- Discussion on construction project
- Preliminary Change Order #1
- Emergency Management
- LEPC Grant Activity and Expenditure Summary report
- Personnel Action Form
- Equalization
- Abatement #1114A & Refund #111R
- Fire Advisory Board
- Approve payment to Custer Highlands Fire Department
H. Library
1. Library Trustee appointment
I. Human Resource
1. Employee Handbook Addendum
J. Auditor
1. Approve Revised Resolution 2017-06
2. Approve 2017-2018 Liquor Applications
3. Approve Health Plans
4. Update on Liens
- Executive Session
- Grievance from property owner
- Human Resource -Personnel SDCL 1-25-2(1)
- Director of Equalization update – Personnel SDCL 1-25-2(1)
- Public CommentMeetings of the Board of Commissioners are open to the public. The audience will be allowed to comment on specific agenda items during the time allotted on the agenda for those items, according to established procedures of the Commission. This is a time for members of the public to express concerns or discuss issues having relevance to the County. Anyone wishing to address the Commission during this time shall be asked to identify themselves. The number of presentations and time allotted to individuals may be limited by the Chairman and individuals shall refrain from discussing personalities. The Chairman, at his discretion, may recognize patrons at other times during the Board meeting. No action will be taken by the Commission on any issue raised without being first placed on a future agenda, by the Commission, to allow for proper notice.
- Commission
- Mail call – Thank you card from family of Sharon Mathiesen; letter from Lawrence County Commission; letter from Ken & Vivian Couch
- Meeting schedule
- Meeting reports
- Adjourn
- Adjourn the meeting
Next Meeting Dates: November 29 and December 13, 2017
Custer County fully subscribes to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you desire to attend this public meeting and are in need of accommodations, please notify the Commissioners’ Office at (605) 673-8173 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate services and auxiliary aids are available.