The HPCS Scholarship Prograam is designed to provide scholarship assistance and public recognition to students of demonstrated achievement or academic progress as stipulated by the donors.
Eligible recipients must be a graduate from Heritage Peak Charter School in the class of 2015-2016. They must have attended a minimum of 1 full semester and be considered a ‘full-time’ student. They must have achieved a 2.5 or cumulative grade point average. A plan for continued enrollment at a Community or State College is not mandatory but encouraged and will be considered in the award.
Scholarship recipients will be required to write a thank you letter to the Site Leader and Learning Center they attended. They must attend the graduation ceremony and be prepared for recognition. Failure to do such will constitute a forfeiture of the scholarship.
Scholarship applications must be typed. You can type your responses directly into the application. Be sure to print out your completed application and submit to your Academic Counselor before the deadline. Save a copy before closing out of the application.
Thoroughness is very important in any kind of competition for scholarship or employment. If your application is not properly completed, ask for another application and try again.
If you are applying for more than one scholarhip, please complete a separate application for each scholarhip. Each HPCS scholarshipcommittee has unique qualities it is looking for in its applicants. Be sure to read the qualifications of each scholarship before applying.
- Scholarship applications must be typed, printed and signed by the applicant. Please use additional space to answer the questions thoroughly, do not limit your responses to the space provided. Attaching answers on a separate sheet is encouraged.
- The application must then be submitted to the Heritage Peak Charter School Learning Center Counselor.
- A copy of your current High School Transcript must also be attached.
- Submission deadline is April 22nd, 2016. (no exceptions)
- A maximum of one $250.00 scholarships will be awarded per site
- Recipient announcements will be made at the May 26, 2016 Heritage Peak Charter School Graduation Ceremony.
See your site’s Academic Counselor for a copy of your transcript. Attach a copy of your transcript to your application. Grades are not the only factor the scholarship committee will consider in determining a winner.
Announcement of Awards
The Scholarship Selection Committee will review all applications received by the deadline. Winners will be required to attend the graduation ceremony scheduled for May 26th 31st, 2016226th, 2011. Scholarship winners will be announced at the graduation ceremony and will receive their scholarhip check at that time.
Heritage Peak Charter School Learning Center Scholarship ($250)
Applicant Full Name: ______
Home Address: ______
Email: ______
Cumulative High School Grade Point Avg.: ______
Phone: ______
Learning Center Attended: (check one)
Elk Grove
Rio Linda
Sacto Homeschool
West Sacramento
Where do you plan to attend school in the fall? ______
What is your intended course of studyor major? ______
What are your future career plans?
Describe Applicant’s Information Release and Statement: I authorize the release of the following information for review by all members of the Scholarship Selection Committee: Copy of Scholarship Application Form, Transcript of Academic Record, Personal Autobiography, and Letters of Recommendation. I hereby certify that the information submitted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This information will be confidential. I understand that it is my responsibility to report any scholarship(s) that exceed college costs, as earned income on my Federal Income Tax Return.
Applicant’s Signature ______Date ______your strengths as a student or citizen of your community, any involvement you’ve had at your HPCS Learning Center, or obstacles you’ve had to overcome on your path to graduation
Are there any particular circumstances, school experiences or persons that influenced or motivated you to be who you are today?
List and describe any personal awards, honors, or achievements that the teachers, staff and administration at your learning center should be aware of.
Briefly describe your family’s economic background. Include any information about your financial challenges. (if applicable)
Applicant’s Information Release and Statement: I authorize the release of the following information for review by all members of the Scholarship Selection Committee: Copy of Scholarship Application Form, Transcript of Academic Record, and Personal Autobiography. I hereby certify that the information submitted is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This information will be confidential.
I attest and certify that the information provided in this scholarship application was completed by myself as the applicant and that no other person or persons were responsible for the completion of this document. I furthermore give permission for the information to be released and viewed by the staff of the learning center I attended.
______, on this date______
Signature (Ink only)
Heritage Peak Charter School Staff Only
Counselor or Counseling Tech:______Date: ______
Pacific Charter Institute Academic Counseling Coordinator: ______
Submitted to review committee: ______(Date)
Applicant’s Signature ______Date ______
3600 Madison Avenue, Suite 596450 20th St.North HighlandsRio Linda, California9567360
866.992.9033 / Fax: 916.338.4770991-5500