NAME: ______RANK: ______
LAST VESSEL ______DATE S/OFF ______RANK ______
A. Organization Structure of Owners1 / The owners operate from Montreal, Canada. Important persons are-
Mr. Lawrence G. Pathy - Chairman
Mr. Paul Pathy - President & Co-CEO
Mr. Mark Pathy -President & Co-CEO
Mr. Thomas H. Paterson - Senior Vice President, SHARP
Mr. Paul Gourdeau - Senior Vice President
Mr. John Weale - Senior Vice-President, Risk Management
Mr. David Grieve - Vice-President, Operations
Mr. John Stubbs - Director, Technical Services
Mr. Philippe Roderbourg - Senior Manager, Operations
B. Owner’s Requirements- Reporting/ Circulars
1 / Relationship between Fednav Limited (owners) and Fednav International Limited (charterers):
Fednav Limited is the head company which owns and leads various subsidiaries and divisions engaged in various marine related activities (e.g. ship owning, time charter fleet operation, marine terminals etc.
Fednav International Limited (FIL) is the main commercial chartering and operating division of Fednav Limited. It operates on time charter deep sea bulk carriers which are then traded worldwide. A number of vessels being chartered and operated by FIL are owned by subsidiary companies of Fednav Limited.
The relationship between Fednav and FIL officially is similar to that of any vessel being time charter from an owner to a vessel operator.
It must be ensured that any noteworthy occurrences, incidents or accidents are reported to the Owners- Fednav Limited, and FIL Operations should be copied if the occurrence or incident or accident involves the cargo or stevedores or if it would influence the vessel’s operation or commercial trading, or if it will require FIL’s or their local agent’s intervention or assistance.
2 / Fednav’s Standing Instructions to Masters (SITM)- Please read and be familiar with Fednav’s Standing Instructions to Masters (SITM)
3 / TEC- GEN Circulars- Please read and be familiar with TEC-GEN circulars.
4 / Fednav Fleet Incident Alerts- Please read and be familiar with Fednav Fleet – Incident alerts. The purpose is to provide a preliminary alert to all the Fednav vessels soon after any incident in the fleet.
5 / Reporting- Please send the noon reports, arrival/ departure messages to FIL as per SITM.
6 / Efficient Fuel Management Onboard
· Please note that owners require strict compliance with proper fuel management practices on board. Large variances in fuel quantities can put the owners in an embarrassing situation with charterers and incur huge losses.
· On the Fednav ships, it is very difficult to hide “pocket” fuels and serves no purpose. It is bound to be revealed when loading cargo in the Lakes by large variations in ship’s draft and when calling the same ports again and when under the same long term charter.
· It is, therefore essential that actual bunkers onboard per soundings are given at On-Hire and at regular intervals and no “pocket” / “sleeve” fuel be kept onboard. Some charterers specialize in closing their eyes during the delivery survey but will make all efforts to ‘discover’ it on redelivery. The final result is that charterers won’t pay for the sleeve oil at the beginning of the charter but will sell it back to the owners on redelivery. In the past two years, due to large bunker discrepancies noted during bunker surveys on various ships, Owners incurred losses ranging from a few thousands to several tens of thousands of dollars, despite sending clear standing instructions to the vessel that prior delivery C/E must confirm that there is no sleeve oil whatsoever on board and if there is to make absolutely sure to have it included in the quantities reported at delivery.
· It is stressed that overall responsibility for bunker soundings, calculations and bunker management onboard remains the responsibility of the C/E at all times. C/E must personally cross check soundings taken by 4/E or J/E. If C/E is busy, he should depute the 2/E for this job. C/Es must also cross check fuel line flow meter readings with actual soundings and calculations at regular intervals, on good weather days.
· Monitor fuel consumption closely and record / log actual consumption on daily basis and at end of the voyage vessel to take sounding with known drafts to arrive at proper fuel ROBs.
· Please send the bunker reports in the specified format by e-mail to AESM every fortnight. Please also note that it is customary to have variations in fuel quantities not exceeding 3% of the ROBs.
· At every handing / taking over, both C/E’s are to mutually agree to fuel ROBs and calculations. If large discrepancies (over 3%, depending on the total quantity of bunkers) are noticed, soundings and calculations must be re-checked and discrepancy brought to Superintendent’s notice.
· Please read AE guidelines on close monitoring of high risk fuels and efficient fuel management practices to be followed on board. Please feel free to contact your Superintendent/ AESM for any clarification.
Please always ensure:
· Chief Engineer + concerned engineer to be aware of the tank ROBs prior commencement of surveys. This is to be done with soundings recorded during best possible conditions of minimum trim / zero list conditions, and as close to the approximate survey date. Hence, any abnormal values obtained during the surveys, can be immediately cross-checked. Bunker tank sounding tables are part of the trim and stability booklet and obviously class approved. If soundings are to be taken by way of ullages, then the full tank soundings are to be established with vessel plans, in case the surveyor wishes to verify them. Please continue with forwarding the regular weekly sounding reporting, preferably on Sundays, weather-permitting.
· All surveys are preferably to be done at about even keel trim and zero list (if not possible, then a maximum 0.5m aft trim OR the same trim that was kept for on-hire bunker survey to be allowed for). Attending surveyor to be politely requested to re-schedule his arrival accordingly. If these conditions are NOT met, then all parties to be suitably informed in writing.
· Trim and list to be recorded concurrently / immediately prior commencement of surveys. It is common knowledge that small variations on trim / list may lead to high discrepancies in tank ROBs – an issue exacerbated on the Chinese class vessels.
· Sounding tapes to be only handled by engineer officers and NOT by the surveyor (although, he has the right to cross check).
· Temperature corrections to be properly applied to the tank ROBs.
· Flow meters to be checked onboard every 3 months for proper functioning. A rough calibration can be done by stopping the purifier for a few hours, and matching the service tank level drop / consumption with the FM readings.
· If 1~2 HFO bunker tanks are used during the 10~15 days voyage, then only those tanks need close monitoring- as the other tanks’ contents taken at even trim conditions should remain constant.
· Low / zero tank soundings often give incorrect ROBs – as the tank tables are not properly calibrated at these levels. Hence, it is imperative that tanks stripped dry at maximum trim, and again soundings taken at close to perfect list / trim. (On Jiangnan class vessels, the bunker tank suction pipes are located on the starboard side, hence a slight starboard list helps in a better emptying out of the tank).
· Large discrepancies in readings obtained during the weekly sounding checks are to be brought to the notice of FIL after consulting with your Superintendent, so that any required corrections may be done well in time.
· When sending your weekly fuel management reports, please send as a rolling data, covering a period of 2 years. Each year’s data should be on the same file but on a different worksheet. Please ensure these reports are sent unzipped and as a separate e-mail [(if you wish you may club with the Weekly Inspection report but not with other reports (i.e. not with month end reports, etc.)].
7 / Optimum Speed, Fuel Economy and Air Emissions Reductions: Please read the FIL circular letter on the captioned subject carefully. It is recommended to discuss the circular with engineer and deck officers and provide them with a copy of the circular. Important points:
· The circular letter focuses on fuel consumption through propulsion.
· The vessel’s active participation is absolutely essential in order to reduce energy consumption and air emissions.
· Smart voyage and sea passage planning and prosecution are of key importance.
· Understand the factors to be considered when determining the optimum speed. These are ship’s daily value, fuel cost, contractual and commercial considerations, technical limitations, fuel remaining on board and final ETA at destination.
· In advance of departure the vessel is encouraged to discuss the passage plan with her Fleet Operator and have an open discussion with him/her or ask him/her what the optimum speed should be (at least at the start of the passage).
· Be pro-active and maintain a constant dialogue with Fleet Operator and port agents during the voyage so that the speed can be adjusted when warranted. Identify and take advantage of all opportunities to slow down during the last few days or hours before arrival at each port. Conversely, it may be advisable to speed up in some cases (For example, it may make sense to burn a couple more tons of fuel to arrive in time to catch a tide, or tender NOR, or beat a competing ship, etc.). Likewise, if the vessel is due to arrive on a week-end or holiday, the vessel should communicate with the Fleet Operator and port agent well in advance to see if there are opportunities to slow down.
· Please ensure that the information in various reports (speed, RPM, engine output, slip, fuel consumed, weather conditions and currents encountered, etc.) sent to owners is as accurate as possible.
· Do remember that the final decision on the safe navigation of the vessel remains to be with Master at all time and nothing in the circular should be understood to relieve Master of his/her duties towards the safety of the crew, ship and cargo.
8 / Sub time charters: Please read chapter 24 of SITM (Standing Instructions to Masters) carefully. This chapter covers procedures to be followed when the vessels are let on sub time charters – special emphasis must be laid on the procedures to be followed with regards to bunker fuel supplies arranged by sub charterers.
When your vessel is on sub time charter, it is important that you should take appropriate steps to ensure that bunker suppliers are not able to arrest your vessel for non-payment by sub charterers. In this context, it is not enough for you to endorse or stamp the bunker receipt after the supply has taken place; preventive action has to be taken before the bunkers are physically received at the vessel’s manifold. The steps you are required to take are:
1) Where you know the name of the bunker company which has been contracted by sub charterers, try to notify them in advance of the delivery that “the vessel is on time charter, and the bunkers have been ordered solely by the sub charterers (insert name of sub charterer), and not against the credit of the vessel.”
2) Prior to the delivery of the bunkers, instruct the sub charterers’ agent, in writing, to notify the bunker supplier that “the bunker supply is solely for the account of the sub charterers (insert name of sub charterer), and not against the credit of the vessel.”
3) Prior to connection and commencement of pumping, deliver a written notice to the supplier/barge to the same effect as under point (2)
4) When the delivery receipt is presented to the vessel for signature, make sure that it is endorsed with a statement that the bunkers were delivered for the sole account of the sub charterers, and not against the credit of the vessel; and that the party delivering the bunkers was so notified prior to connection and commencement of pumping.
In case of doubt, please contact FIL prior to physical delivery of the bunkers.
9 / Pornography: Please be reminded that carriage of pornographic material is in contravention of local customs / regulations and may result in delays, penalties and even imprisonment especially in Canada. Please make sure that crew are aware of the consequence of such violation. Refer Anglo- Eastern’s company policy with regards to possession of specific illegal content such as child pornography.
10 / Statement of facts (SOF): SOF must be detailed and factual and all cargo stoppages due to rain or other factors must be recorded accurately. Do keep an accurate weather/ rain log while in port. Compare the rain timings provided in SOF with the ship’s log. Please ensure that all information contained therein in the SOF is accurate prior to signing same. Insert any remarks that you feel are necessary to clarify the facts. Initial each page of the SOF and always sign the final page yourself. Never sign a SOF that is incomplete. This will help to prevent omissions and insertions, which you did not approve. In case the vessel is not proactive in this regard, it can have serious financial implications.