Bleyer, Anthony J., M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
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NAME:Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
CURRENT ACADEMIC TITLE:Professor of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
Office: Department of Internal Medicine
Section on Nephrology
Wake Forest School of Medicine
Medical Center Boulevard
WinstonSalem, North Carolina 27157
Telephone: (336) 7164513
Fax: (336) 716-4318
1979-1983 Rensselear Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York
B.S. (Chemistry)
Minor (Biochemistry)
Magna Cum Laude
1982-1983Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich, Switzerland
(Swiss International Exchange Scholarship)
1983-1987Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas
1992-1995Wake Forest University
WinstonSalem, North Carolina
Masters (Epidemiology)
19871990Internal Medicine
Internship and Residency
Baltimore, Maryland
19901992Fellowship in Nephrology
University of PennsylvaniaSchool of Medicine
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2010Method for diagnosing renal diseases or predispositions
# 7,781,164
North Carolina, #35589
1990American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine
1992American Board of Internal Medicine, Nephrology (Recertified 2002)
6/30/09The CITI Program in Protection of Human Research Subjects
Department of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
WakeForestUniversitySchool of Medicine
WinstonSalem, North Carolina
2000-2006Associate Professor
Department of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
WakeForestUniversitySchool of Medicine
WinstonSalem, North Carolina
19942000Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
WakeForestUniversitySchool of Medicine
WinstonSalem, North Carolina
Revised 3/5/15
Bleyer, Anthony J., M.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Page 1
Department of Internal Medicine/Nephrology
WakeForestUniversitySchool of Medicine
WinstonSalem, North Carolina
1992-2002Head, Renal Undergraduate Medial Education
2000-2003Faculty Forum Committee
1999-2001Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee
2002-2003Chairman, Faculty Forum Committee
2005-2007Continuing Medical Education Committee
2006-presentChairman, Mortality Review Committee
2006-presentInternal Medicine Promotion and Tenure Committee
2008-2010Member, Dean's Advisory Committee
Editorial Boards:
2007 - present Editorial Board, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
2008-present Editorial Board, Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
2010-present Editorial Advisory Board, Kidney and Urology News
1998-2002Editorial Board, American Journal of Kidney Diseases
2010-2014Editorial Board, Nephron
Professional Society Committees:
2005-2008, 2009-present Post-Graduate Education Committee, American Society of Nephrology
2007-present Chronic Kidney Disease Advisory Committee,
American Society of Nephrology
2005 Planning Committee, National Kidney Foundation 2006 Meeting
1996Archives of Family Medicine
1998-presentKidney International
1999The American Journal of the Medical Sciences
1999Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery
2000Southern Medical Journal
2002-presentAmerican Journal of Kidney Diseases
2002-presentNephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation
2001-presentPeritoneal Dialysis International
2003-presentJournal of the American Society of Nephrology
2004Arthritis and Rheumatism
2004, 2009American Journal of Physiology - Renal Electrolyte
2004Journal of Medical Genetics
2004American Journal of Transplantation
2005 Archives of Internal Medicine
2006-2010, 2013 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
2007-2009,2013 JAMA
2008, 2013 Circulation
2008 Peritoneal Dialysis Interntational
2008 Journal of Urology
2009 New England Journal of Medicine
2009 Lancet
2009 Metabolism
2009, 2010 Clinical Nephrology
2012 Guest associate editor for article review, JASN
2013 American Journal of Nephrology
2012 Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease
2013 Annals of Internal Medicine
2014 JNCCN
4/07 to 7/2014The Immobiliaria Foundation, Mexico City, Mexico
Research to Identify the Genetic Cause of Hereditary Insterstitial Kdiney Disease
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D. (50% salary support)
1/12 to 1/15Czech-United States International Collaboration Grant, $300,000
Principal Investigator: Stanislav Kmoch, Ph.D.
United States Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D. (0% salary support)
9/02-7/08NIH PAS (Subcontract with Case Western Reserve University)
"Renal Disease Progression in African Americans"
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey Schelling, M.D. (CaseWestern ReserveUniversity)
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
CoInvestigator: Barry I. Freedman, M.D.
Total Budget: $1,044,836
7/02-6/06NIH (Subcontract with University of Pittsburgh)
"Genotype and Phenotype of Familial Nephropathy with Gout"
Principal Investigator:Thomas Hart, M.D. (University of Pittsburgh)
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $357,945
9/02-9/03National Kidney Foundation of North Carolina, Inc.
"Cardiovascular Calcification in Patients Undergoing Parathyroidectomy"
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $10,000
11/02-11/04Genzyme Pharmaceuticals
"A Randomized, Open Label, Parralel Design Study of Sevelamer Hydrochloride (Renagel) in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients"
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Budget: $30,000
1/01-1/02Amgen/The Lewin Group
"Protocol for the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Registry"
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Budget: $450/patient
3/98-10/99 ClinTrials/GelTex Pharmaceuticals
"RenaGel in Chronic Renal Failure"
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $57,000
4/98-9/98National Kidney Foundation
Genetic Linkage for Familial Gouty Nephropathy
Principal Investigator: Scott G. Satko, M.D.
Co-Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $5,000
3/98-3/00Hoechst Marion Russell, Inc.
Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous HMR4396 and Epogen for the Management of Anemia in Subjects with Chronic Renal Failure"
Principal Investigator:John M. Burkhart, M.D.
Co-Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $536,970
4/984/00Baxter Healthcare
"A Study to Evaluate the Safety of a 7.5% Icodextrin Peritoneal Dialysis Solution in Patients Treated with Peritoneal Dialysis and Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis"
Principal Investigator: John M. Burkart, M.D.
CoInvestigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $5,194
"A Study of Minocycline - EDTA to Prevent Hemodialysis Catheter Infection"
Principal Investigator: Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget: $48,000
11/96-11/97GelTex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
"An Extended Use Study of RenaGel in Hemodialysis Patients"
Principal Investigator:Anthony J. Bleyer, M.D.
Total Budget:$65,250
5/96-11/96GelTex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
"An Open Label Cross Over Study of Renagel and Calcium Acetate in Hemodialysis Patients"
Principal Investigator:Anthony J. BLeyer, M.D.
Total Budget:$61,920
International Society of Nephrology
Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation
American Society of Nephrology
National Organization of Rare Diseases
International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society
Selected to serve as the student member of the Texas Medical Association on Sexually Transmitted Diseases
The Caplovitz Award for the Outstanding Student in Internal Medicine
Baylor Neurology Department Award for Excellence in Neurology
Honors Award for Basic Sciences
Swiss federal government scholarship to study at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland
John and Mary Cloke Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry
Merck Index Award for Scholarship
American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Award
Hartford Pilot Project Grant for Research in Aging, 1992
Fellow, American Society of Nephrology 2004
Best Doctors in America, 2005-present
Best Doctors in North Carolina, July, 2006
UnitedHealth Premium Quality and Efficiency Designation, 2005
Fellow, AmericanCollege of Physicians, 2008
Wake Forest School of Medicine Research Excellence Award, 2011
Up To Date(Up To Date is the international gold standard reference for clinical care, with over one million users in 174 countries, including more than 500 medical schools/medical centers in 147 countries):
UpToDate has over 1 million users in 174 countries, but the number of actual subscribers is lower since a hospital that has 1 subscription might have hundreds or even thousands of users – additionally, our donations program ropes in many more users that are not accounted for in Marketing’s other numbers.
Bleyer, AJ. Hereditary Interstitial Kidney Disease (read 5670 times in 2014)
Bleyer, A.J. Reciprocal Creatinine Curve to Monitor Progression of Kidney Disease
Bleyer, A.J. Determining when to Initiate Dialysis (under Review) (read 40,363 times in 2013)
Burkart, J, Bleyer, A.J.: Management of Exit Site Infections
Bleyer, A.J.: Urine output and residual renal function in renal failure (referenced 13,451)
GeneReviews: (GeneReviews is the National Institutes of Health Sponsored international reference for genetic diseases. It is a leading reference used by clinicians, geneticists, and subspecialists in the interpretation of genetic mutations and the care of individuals with genetic diseases)
Bleyer AJ, Hart PS.UMOD-Associated Kidney Disease.In: Pagon RA, Bird TD, Dolan CR, Stephens K, editors. GeneReviews [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-.2007 Jan 12 [updated 2011 Mar 15].
Kmoch S, Živná M, Bleyer AJ. Familial Juvenile Hyperuricemic Nephropathy Type 2 .In: Pagon RA, Bird TD, Dolan CR, Stephens K, editors. GeneReviews [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-. [2011 Apr 5]
Book Chapters:
Bleyer AJ, Bell W. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy. In: Braine M, Carbone PP, eds. Current Therapy in Hematology and Oncology. Toronto, Canada: BCDecker, Inc. 1992:119123.
Bleyer AJ, Goldfarb S. Management of calcium disorders. In: Szerlip H, Goldfarb S, eds. Workshops on Electrolyte Disturbances. New York: Churchill Livingston 1993:135-150
Casey M, Bleyer AJ. Preioperative renal dysfunction and failure: Diagnosis and Management. In: Argenta L, ed: Basic Science for Surgical Specialists. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. 2004
Bleyer AJ. Chapter 19: Familial Juvenile Hyperururicemic Nephropathy, in National Organization of Rare Disorders: Guide to Rare Disorders. Philadephia: Lipincott, Williams, and Wilkins. 2003
Bleyer AJ. Treatment of Chronic Kidney Failure. Rakel R, Bope ET (eds): Conn's Current Therapy 2004. Philadelphia: WB Saunders 2004:754-760
Sane D, Bleyer AJ: Erythropoietin-induced hypertension. In Advanced Therapy in Hypertension and Vascular Disease. Mohler/Towsend (eds). BC Decker 2006, 474-482
Bleyer AJ: Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease. In Lang, F, ed: Encyclopedic Reference of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease. Berlin: Springer-VerlagBerlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. K 2005. ISBN: 3540671366
Bleyer AJ, Hart T: Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease. In Lifton RP, Somlo S, Giebisch GH, Seldin DW (eds): Genetic Diseases of the Kidney. Academic Press 2008 ISBN: 978-0080924274.
Journal Articles:
Taylor ER, Miller KJ, Bleyer AJ. Intercalations of molecules with nucleic acids. X. Covalent Intercalative Binding of the Carcinogen BPDE to kinked DNA. J Biomol Struct Dynam 1983;1:883904
Taffet GE, Teasdale TA, Bleyer AJ, Kutka NJ, Lucchi RJ. Survival of elderly men with congestive heart failure. Age and Aging 1992;21:4955
Bleyer AJ, Fumo P, Snipes ER, Goldfarb S, Simmons DA, Ziyadeh FN. Polyol pathway mediates high glucoseinduced collagen synthesis in proximal tubule. Kidney Int 1994;45:659666
Bleyer AJ, Rocco MV, Burkart JB. The costs of hospitalizations due to hemodialysis access management. Nephrol News & Issues 1995;9:1922
Appel RG, Bleyer AJ, Reavis S, Hansen KJ. Renovascular disease in older patients beginning renal replacement therapy. Kidney Int 1995;48:171176
Shihabi ZK, Hinsdale ME, Bleyer AJ. Xanthine analysis in biological fluids by capillary electrophoresis. J Chromatog B 1995;669:163169
Appel RG, Bleyer AJ, McCabe JC. Analgesic Nephropathy: A soda and a powder. Am J Med Sci 1995;310:161166
Burkart JM, Bleyer AJ, Jordan JR, Zeigler NC. An elevated ratio of measured to predicted creatinine production in CAPD patients may be an indication of noncompliance with the dialysis prescription. Perit Dial Int 1996;16:142146
Bleyer AJ, Tell GS, Evans GW, Ettinger WH Jr., Burkart JM. Survival of patients undergoing renal replacement therapy in one center with special emphasis on racial differences. Am J Kid Dis 1996;28:7281
Bleyer AJ. An international comparison of dialysis prescriptions. Nephrol News Issues 1996;10:3335
Rocco M, Bleyer A, Burkart J. Utilization of inpatient and outpatient resources for the management of hemodialysis access complications. Am J Kid Dis 1996;28:250256
Hansen KJ, Lundberg AH, Benjamin ME, Casey WJ, Craven TE, Bleyer AJ. Is renal revascularization in diabetic patients worthwhile? J Vasc Surg 1996;24:383393
Smith NL, Psaty BM, Heckbert SR, Lemaitre RN, Kates DM, Rutan GH, Bleyer A. The association of antihypertensive medication with serum creatinine changes in older adults. Am J Hypertens 1997;10:1368-1377
Bleyer AJ, Chen R, D'Agostino RB, Appel RG. Clinical correlates of hypertensive endstage renal disease. Am J Kid Dis 1998;31:28-34.
Appel RG, Bleyer AJ, Burkart JM. Does hypertension cause end-stage renal disease in older white patients? Nephron 1998;78:332-333
Bleyer AJ, Appel RG. Metabolic alkalosis due to pica in a hemodialysis patient. Nephron 1998;79:483-484.
Bleyer AJ, Choi M, Igwemezie B, de la Torre E, White WL. A case control study of proximal
calciphylaxis. Am J Kid Dis 1998;32:376-383
Bleyer AJ, Burkart JM, Russell GB, Adams, PL. Dialysis modality and delayed graft function after cadaveric renal transplantation. J Am Soc Nephrol 1999;10:154-159.
Bleyer AJ, Casey MJ, Kandt M, Burkart JM. Peritoneal dialysate fill volume and hernia development in a cohort of peritoneal dialysis patients. Adv Perit Dial 1998;14:102-104
Chertow GM, Dillon M, Burke SK, Steg M, Bleyer AJ, Garrett BN, Slatopolsky E. A randomized trial of sevelamer hydrochloride (RenaGel) with and without supplemental calcium: Strategies for the control of hyperphosphatemia and hyperparathyroidism in hemodialysis patients. Clin Nephrol 1999;51:18-29
Bleyer AJ, Burke SK, Dillon M, Garrett B, Kant KS, Lynch D, Rahman, SN, Schoenfeld P, Teitelbaum I, Zeig S, Slatopolsky E. A comparison of the calcium-free phosphate binder sevelamer hydrochloride with calcium acetate in the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kid Dis 1999;33:694-701
Bleyer AJ, Hylander B, Sudo H, Nomoto Y, de la Torre E, Chen, RA, Burkart JM: An international study of patient compliance with hemodialysis. JAMA 1999;281:1211-1213
Bleyer AJ, Russell GB, Satko SG. Sudden and cardiac death rates in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 1999;55:1553-1559
Satko SG, Burkart JM, Bleyer AJ, Jordan JJ, Manning T. Frequency and causes of discrepancy between Kt/V and creatinine clearance. Perit Dial Int 1999;19:31-37
Perry JJ, Fleming RA, Rocco MV, Petros WP, Bleyer AJ, Radford JE Jr, Powell BL, Hurd DD. Administration and pharmacokinetics of high-dose cyclophosphamide with hemodialysis support for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in acute leukemia and end-stage renal disease. Bone Marrow Transplant 1999;23:839-842
Bleyer AJ. A reciprocal graph to plot the reciprocal of serum creatinine over time. Am J Kid Dis 1999;34:576-578.
[To date there have been over 100 requests from >10 countries for the software version of this graph. Reproduced in UpToDate Nephrology]
Appel RG, Bleyer AJ. Pica associated with renal and electrolyte disorders. Int J Artif Organs 1999; 22:726-729
Bleyer AJ, Shemanski LR, Burke GL, Hansen KJ, Appel RG. Tobacco, hypertension, and vascular disease: Risk factors for clinically significant renal functional decline in an older population. Kidney Int 2000;57:2072-2079
Bleyer AJ, White WL, Choi MJ. Calcific small vessel ischemic disease (calciphylaxis). Int J Artif Organs 2000;23:351-355.
Bleyer, AJ, Donaldson LA, McIntosh M, Adams PL. Relationship between underlying renal disease and renal transplantation outcome. Am J Kid Dis 2001;37(6):1152-1161
Han H, Bleyer AJ, Houser RF, Jacques PF, Dwyer JT: Dialysis and nutrition practices in Korean hemodialysis centers. J Renal Nutrition 2002; 12: 42-48
Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Manolio TA, Tracy RP, Furberg CD, Psaty BM: Cardiovascular disease risk status in elderly persons with renal insufficiency. Kidney Int 2002; 62: 997-1004
Morykwas MJ, Howell H, Bleyer AJ, Molnar JA, Argenta LC: The effect of externally applied subatmospheric pressure on serum myoglobin levels after a prolonging crush/ischemia injury. J Trauma 2002; 53: 537-540
Hart TC, Gorry MC, Hart PS, Woodard AS, Shihabi Z, Sandhu J, Shirts B, Xu L, Zhu H, Barmada MM, Bleyer AJ: Mutations of the UMOD gene are responsible for medullary cystic kidney disease 2 and familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy. J Med Genet 2002; 39: 882-892
Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Manolio TA, Tracy RP, Furberg CD, Psaty BM: Elevations of inflammatory and procoagulant biomarkers in elderly persons with renal insufficiency. Circulation 2003; 7: 87-92
Fried LF, Shlipak MG, Crump C, Bleyer AJ, Gottdiener JS, Kronmal RA, Kuller LH, Newman AB: Renal insufficiency as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes and mortality in elderly individuals. J Am Coll Cardiol 2003; 41: 1364-1372
Edwards MS, Hansen KJ, Craven TE, Cherr GS, Bleyer AJ, Burke GL, Dean RH: Relationships between renovascular disease, blood pressure, and renal function in the elderly: A population-based study. Am J Kidney Dis 2003; 41: 990-996
Bleyer AJ, Woodard AS, Shihabi Z, Sandhu J, Zhu H, Gorry MC, Barmada MM, Hart TC: Clinical and genetic characterization of a family with familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy. Kidney International; 2003; 64: 36-42
Bleyer AJ, Trachtman H, Sandhu J, Gorry MC, Hart TC: Renal manifestations of a mutation in the uromodulin (Tamm Horsfall protein) gene. Am J Kidney Dis 2003; 42: E20-E26
Cherikh WS, Kaufman M, Maghirang J, Bleyer AJ, Johnson CP: A comparison of discharge immunosuppressive drug regimens in primary cadaveric kidney transplantation. Transplantation 2003; 76: 463-470
Edwards MS, Hansen KJ, Craven TE, Bleyer AJ, Burke GL, Levy PJ, Dean RH: Associations between renovascular disease and prevalent cardiovascular disease in the elderly: a population-based study. Vasc Endovascular Surg 2004; 38:25-35
Shihabi ZK, Hinsdale ME, Bleyer AJ: Analysis of Tamm-Horsfall protein by high-performance liquid chromatography with native fluorescence. J Chromotogr A. 2004; 20: 161-166
Bleyer AJ, Hart TC, Shihabi Z, Robins V, Hoyer JR: Mutations in the uromodulin gene decrease urinary excretion of Tamm-Horsfall protein. Kidney Int 2004 66: 974-977
Seliger SL, Siscovick DS, Stehman-Breen CO, Gillen DL, Fitzpatric A, Bleyer A, Kuller LH: Moderate renal impairment and risk of dementia among older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15: 1904-1911
Fried L, Solomon C, Shlipak M, Seliger S, Stehman-Breen C, Bleyer AJ, Chaves P, Furberg C, Kuller L, Newman A: Inflammatory and prothrombotic markers and the progression of renal disease in elderly individuals J Am Soc Nephrol 2004; 15:3184-91
Bleyer AJ, Hart TC, Willingham MC, Iskandar SS, Gorry MC, Trachtman H: Clinico-pathologic findings in medullary cystic kidney disease type 2. Pediatr Nephrol 2005; 20: 824-827
Shlipak MG, Fried LF, Cushman M, Manolio TA, Peterson D, Stehman-Breen C, Bleyer A, Newman A, Siscovick D, Psaty B: Cardiovascular mortality risk in chronic kidney disease: Comparison of traditional and novel risk factors. JAMA 2005; 293: 1737-1745
Bleyer AJ, Mason L, Russell G, Raad II, Sherertz RJ: A randomized, controlled trial of a new vascular catheter flush solution (minocycline-EDTA) in temporary hemodialysis access. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2005; 26: 520-524
Bleyer AJ, Burkart J, Piazza M, Russell G, Rohr M, Carr JJ: Changes in cardiovascular calcification following parathyroidectomy in patients with end-stage kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2005, 46:464-469
Choi SW, Ryu OH, Choi SJ, Song IS, Bleyer AJ, Hart TC: Mutant Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein accumulation in endoplasmic reticulum induces apoptosis reversed by colchicine and sodium 4-phenylbutyrate. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005; 16: 3006-3014
Cao JJ, Barzilay JI, Peterson D, Manolio TA, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Wexler J, Bleyer AJ, Cushman M: The association of microalbuminuria with clinical cardiovascular disease and subclinical atherosclerosis in the elderly: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis 2006; 187: 372-377
Fried LF, Katz R, Sarnak MJ, Shlipak MG, Chaves PH, Jenny NS, Stehman-Breen C, Gillen D, Bleyer AJ, Hirsch C, Siscovick D, Newman AB: Kidney function as a predictor of noncardiovascular mortality. J Am Soc Nephrol 2005; 16: 3728-3735
Bleyer AJ, Hartman J, Brannon PC, Reeves-Daniel A, Satko SG, Russell G: Characterization of sudden death in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int 2006; 69: 2268-2273
Codina J, Liu J, Bleyer AJ, Penn RB, DuBose TD, Jr.: Phosphorylation of S955 at the protein kinase A consensus promotes maturation of the alpha subunit of the colonic H+,K+ -ATPase. J Am Soc Nephrol 2006; 17:1833-1840
Mellen PB, Bleyer AJ, Erlinger TP, Evans GW, Nieto FJ, Wagenknecht LE, Wofford MR, Herrington DM: Serum uric acid predicts incident hypertension in a biethnic cohort: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Hypertension 2006; 48: 1037-1042
Feely T, Coppley A, Bleyer AJ: Catheter Lock Solutions to Prevent Blood Stream Infections in High Risk HD Patients. Am J Nephrol 2007; 27:24-29
Bleyer AJ: Use of antimicrobial catheter lock solutions to prevent catheter-related bacteremia. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2007; 2: 1073-1078
Cao JJ, Biggs ML, Barzilay J, Konen J, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Bleyer AJ, Olson J, Wexler J, Summerson J, Cushman M: Cardiovascular and mortality risk prediction and stratification using urinary albumin excretion in older adults ages 68-102: The cardiovascular health study. Atherosclerosis 2007; 2: 1073-1078
Gupta K, Iskandar SS, Daeihagh P, Ratliff HL, Bleyer AJ: Distribution of pathologic findings in individuals with nephritic proteinuria according to serum albumin. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008; 23:1595-1599
Bleyer AJ, Sedor JR, Freedman BI, O’Brien A, Russell GB, Graley J, Schelling JR: Risk factors for development and progression of diabetic kidney disease and treatment patterns among diabetic siblings of patients with diabetic kidney disease. Am J Kidney Dis 2008; 51: 29-37
Delmez J, Block G, Robertson J, Chasan-Taber S, Blair A, Dillon, M, Bleyer A.J.: A randomized, double-blind, crossover design study of sevelamer hydrochloride and sevelamer carbonate in patients on hemodialysis. Clin Nephrol 2007; 68:386-391
Peacock TP, Shihabi ZK, Bleyer AJ, Dolbare EL, Byers JR, Knovich MA, Calles-Escandon J, Russell GB, Freedman BI: Comparison of glycated albumin and hemoglobin A(1c) levels in diabetic subjects on hemodialysis. Kidney Int 2008; 73: 1062-1068
Bleyer AJ, Hire D, Russell GB, Xu J, Divers J, Shihabi Z, Bowden DW, Freedman BI: Ethnic variation in the correlation between random serum glucose concentration and glycated hemoglobin. Diabet Med 2009; 26: 128-133
Freedman BI, Hicks PJ, Bostrom MA, Comeau ME, Divers J, Bleyer AJ, Kopp JB, Winkler CA, Nelson GW, Langefeld CD, Bowden DW: Non-muscle myosin heavy chain 9 gene MYH9 associations in African Americans with clinically diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus-associated ESRD. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2009;24(11):3366-3371