September News

Mrs. Spaulding’s Corner

As I was leaving school on Friday, I left with a smile on my face. I could not have asked for a better first week of school. Your children are excited to be here and so ready to learn. They are truly and awesome group. This year is going to be the best.

Second grade is such an awesome year in a child’s educational career. This is the year of building fluency in reading, and expanding our comprehension skills. Memorizing addition and subtraction facts (I cannot stress enough how important this is!!!!), learning how to make change, telling time, building our knowledge of problem solving, and learning the nuts and bolt of our math skills so that we will be ready for third grade. We will also cover a lot in grammar, science, and social studies as well.

Now, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I have been teaching for 25 years. I taught first grade for 16 years. Nine years ago I moved to second gradeand have been here ever since. I am married to Cliff. We have two girls, Callie – 21 and Sydney – 15. My students love to hear stories about my family so they will know all about them by the end of the year.

Please know that I have been in your shoes. I know exactly what it is like to have a second grader. Call or send a note if you have any questions or concerns.

I am so excited that we will have a student teacher in our room this year. Her name is Mrs. Sarpong (the students call her Mrs. S.). She is a student from Meredith College. She will be with us until the beginning of December!!  The students love her and I could not be happier!!


Homework will begin this week. Your child will have spelling and math homework every night. We will begin reading response journals as soon as I have finished MClass testing. This will happen in a few weeks.

Your child received a set of fact family addition and subtraction triangles today. These should be used every night to help your child memorize their math facts. Your child will be given an addition and a subtraction timed quiz each week. The quiz grades will be averaged and will count as 1 test grade at the end of the quarter.


**Please remember to sign up for Class Dojo – It is an awesome way to check on your child’s behavior and to keep up with class information.

**Please remember to check your child’s folder every night.

**Please check to see important information and pictures from classroom activities on my webpage.

Date to Remember

***September 7th – Labor Day – No School

***September 15th – Teacher Workday – No School


****We are in need of prizes for our prize box. If you would like to donate we would greatly appreciate it. We need small toys, happy meal toys, stickers, pencils, etc.

****We also need candy for our candy jar. We would love any wrapped candy that you would be willing to donate.

****Please continue to send in tissues, zip bags, hand sanitizer, and Clorox wipes.. Thank you so much!!!!!