8. Fernley Hartley Trust
1. The Fernley Hartley Lecture will be delivered on Monday 9 July by The Revd Dr Jonathan Dean, M.A. The title will be ‘Mystics and Pharisees’.
2. The Fernley Hartley Lecture of 2006 has been published in the Epworth Review.
3. In last year’s report to the Conference it was stated that the ex officio trustees (namely, the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary of the Conference) intended to ask the Charity Commission to approve a revised scheme for the administration of the trust and to make the initial appointment of trustees under that scheme. The Conference approved a list of trustees whose appointment was to be sought. When the request was made, the Charity Commission’s response was that the trustees themselves had sufficient powers to modify the existing scheme and that the Conference could appoint new trustees on the nomination of the existing ex officio trustees, although the number of such trustees was not sufficient to constitute a quorum for other purposes. In reliance on that advice from the Charity Commission, the list of proposed trustees brought to the last Conference is brought again, this time with a request that the Conference itself should make the appointment. The Conference is also asked to appoint additional trustees in order to ensure that a quorate meeting can be held at which the trustees can consider the proposed revisions to the scheme. The names and reasoned statements for the proposed additional trustees will be brought to the Conference.
8/1. The Conference adopts the Report.
8/2. The Conference appoints as trustees of the Fernley Hartley Trust:
Professor David Bartholomew
Professor Peter Howdle
The Revd Dr John Job
Profesor Judith Lieu
Dr Anthony Reddie
Professor Morna Hooker Stacey
The Revd Dr John Taylor
Mr Brian Thornton
The Revd Michael Townsend
The Revd Dr Martin Wellings
The Revd Dr Stephen Wigley
The Revd Dr Kenneth Wilson
The Revd Dr Jane V Craske
The Revd David Gamble
Miss Elizabeth H Ovey
The Revd Neil A Stubbens
Mr David S Walton
The Revd Dr Jane V Craske: Chair of the Faith and Order Committee
The Revd David Gamble: Co-ordinating Secretary for Legal and Constitutional Practice
Miss Elizabeth H Ovey: Law and Polity Committee member
The Revd Neil A Stubbens: Theologian
Mr David S Walton: Law and Polity Committee member; Record Secretary