The Iowa Annual Conference of

The United Methodist Church

Conference Connectional Ministries Council


The Unified Grant Application is to be used for requesting grants from these committees:

Standing Committee on Community and Institutional Ministries:

These funds are for Shalom Zone Ministries, emerging ministries, connectional agencies,

and health ministries, including parish nurse programs.

Rev. Josh Steward, Chair; 515-991-6368;

Standing Committee on Hispanic Ministries:

These funds are for support of Hispanic/Latino ministries and programming.

Nitza Dovenspike, Chair, 515-250-4175;

Standing Committee on Parish Development:

These funds are for new congregational development and revitalization of existing


Rev. Bruce Wittern, Chair; 641-672-2564;

NOTE: Applications for Matthew 25 Funds are handled within district offices; please contact your district

staff for application forms and other related information.

Applications must be in the district office no later than June 30, 2016.

District teams must complete site visits, make recommendations, and scan and send the applications and completed site visit forms by September 1, 2016to Dee DeeSobotka at .

For District Information:
Central District /
East Central District /
North Central District /
Northeast District /
Northwest District /
South Central District /
Southeast District /
Southwest District /


  • June 1, 2016

-Application available on website at - Connectional Ministries

  • June 30, 2016

-Completed applications including budget information sent to District Office

  • July – August 31, 2016

-District Ministry teams review applications

-District Ministry teams conduct site visits and prepare site visits reports

  • September 5, 2016

-Applications, site visit reports and recommendations sent to Conference Office

  • October 2016

-Standing Committees review applications, site visit reports and districtrecommendations, determine grant recommendations, and presentrecommendations to Board of Global Ministries for approval

  • November - December, 2016

-Recipients informed about decisions


If the ministry is requesting grants from both Parish Development and Hispanic/Latino Ministries – please request one total amount. The two committees will collaborate in the discussion and decision for ministries applying to both committees.

This application is due, complete with required signatures and documentation, in your district
office no later than June 30, 2016.

Please make every effort to send your application electronically. All signatures must be original

(not typed), but if you are able to scan and send your application to the district office, please do

so. Handwritten or hand-printed applications will not be accepted.

Please review your completed form before submitting it; any incomplete grant applications

(including those without signatures) will not be considered or funded.

Keep a copy of your application for your files and reference.

Applications are reviewed by the conference committees to which they are submitted. Their

recommendations are submitted to the Conference Board of Global Ministries for approval.

The decisions of the Conference Board of Global Ministries are final.

After the committees meet, the Board of Global Ministries will consider and take action upon

committee recommendations.

The grant year begins on January 1, 2017.


The chairpersons of the standing committees (listed on the title page) can assist you in clarifyingwhether your request fits the criteria for their particular committees.

Your District Superintendent and Field Outreach Minister can assist you in clarifying your

ministry funding proposal and make suggestions to improve your application, as well asunderstanding the district process that will be used to review your application. (District Office information is listed on the first page of this document.)

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