Spelling 3

Unit 1

Words with dr, sc, ft, nk

  1. dry
  2. dream
  3. drink
  4. score
  5. soft
  6. left
  7. think
  8. dragon
  9. drum
  10. scared
  11. scarf
  12. gift
  13. thank
  14. bank


  1. drawer
  2. scanner
  3. aircraft
  4. prank

Spelling 3

Unit 2

Words with ch, sh, th, ng

  1. rich
  2. finish
  3. they
  4. mother
  5. something
  6. long
  7. morning
  8. chain
  9. touch
  10. shadow
  11. smash
  12. thick
  13. tooth
  14. ring


  1. cheese
  2. sandwich
  3. dishwasher
  4. belongings

Spelling 3

Unit 3

Sounds /j/ and /s/

  1. large
  2. page
  3. jam
  4. center
  5. pencil
  6. sometimes
  7. silly
  8. orange
  9. jeans
  10. joke
  11. jelly
  12. circle
  13. cents
  14. circus


  1. bandage
  2. journey
  3. vegetables
  4. concert

Spelling 3

Unit 4

Adding -s and -es

  1. friend
  2. inch
  3. brush
  4. fix
  5. fly
  6. try
  7. penny
  8. cracker
  9. march
  10. stitch
  11. rush
  12. mix
  13. lady
  14. party


  1. wasps
  2. mailboxes
  3. companies
  4. batteries

Spelling 3

Unit 5

Adding –ed and -ing

  1. started
  2. starting
  3. smiled
  4. smiling
  5. cried
  6. crying
  7. planned
  8. planning
  9. hoped
  10. hoping
  11. fried
  12. frying
  13. hopped
  14. hopping


  1. amazed
  2. amazing
  3. dragged
  4. dragging

Spelling 3

Unit 6 Review

  1. bank
  2. dragon
  3. dream
  4. drink
  5. gift
  6. left
  7. scared
  8. scarf
  9. thank
  10. long
  11. morning
  12. mother
  13. rich
  14. ring
  15. shadow
  16. smash
  17. something
  18. tooth
  19. center
  20. cents
  21. circus
  22. jam
  23. jelly
  24. large
  25. orange
  26. silly
  27. crackers
  28. fixes
  29. flies
  30. friends
  31. inches
  32. ladies
  33. pennies
  34. crying
  35. smiling

Spelling 3

Unit 7

Short e

  1. smell
  2. then
  3. together
  4. getting
  5. head
  6. ready
  7. instead
  8. fresh
  9. spelling
  10. else
  11. breakfast
  12. dead
  13. feather
  14. bread


  1. arrest
  2. pretend
  3. heavier
  4. jealous

Spelling 3

Unit 8

Long e

  1. many
  2. any
  3. seem
  4. deep
  5. week
  6. idea
  7. video
  8. city
  9. lucky
  10. busy
  11. Halloween
  12. asleep
  13. secret
  14. even


  1. trophy
  2. activity
  3. referee
  4. torpedo

Spelling 3

Unit 9

Short a and Long a

  1. last
  2. and
  3. math
  4. began
  5. tail
  6. afraid
  7. today
  8. camping
  9. trail
  10. aim
  11. Maine
  12. holiday
  13. crayon
  14. spray


  1. fantastic
  2. mechanic
  3. complain
  4. essay

Spelling 3

Unit 10

Short o and long o

  1. body
  2. socks
  3. gold
  4. most
  5. ago
  6. coat
  7. toast
  8. monster
  9. collar
  10. Ohio
  11. hello
  12. road
  13. coach
  14. load


  1. fossil
  2. volleyball
  3. potato
  4. oatmeal

Spelling 3

Unit 11

Short i and Long i

  1. still
  2. with
  3. his
  4. bright
  5. might
  6. my
  7. why
  8. visit
  9. picnic
  10. winter
  11. tight
  12. sight
  13. fly
  14. sky


  1. pumpkin
  2. lightning
  3. nightmare
  4. recycle

Spelling 3

Unit 12


  1. breakfast
  2. fresh
  3. getting
  4. instead
  5. ready
  6. smell
  7. spelling
  8. together
  9. asleep
  10. city
  11. even
  12. lucky
  13. many
  14. secret
  15. video
  16. week
  17. afraid
  18. and
  19. began
  20. camping
  21. math
  22. today
  23. ago
  24. coat
  25. load
  26. road
  27. fly
  28. his
  29. my
  30. picnic
  31. sky
  32. visit
  33. why
  34. winter
  35. with

Spelling 3

Unit 13

  1. found
  2. doing
  3. until
  4. one
  5. sure
  6. always
  7. almost
  8. hasn’t
  9. couldn’t
  10. alone
  11. a lot
  12. hadn’t
  13. angry
  14. hungry


  1. chimney
  2. computer
  3. hundred
  4. burglar

Spelling 3

Unit 14

Words with w and wh

  1. was
  2. warm
  3. want
  4. went
  5. where
  6. what
  7. when
  8. watched
  9. wear
  10. would
  11. wheel
  12. whip
  13. whale
  14. while


  1. warrior
  2. weather
  3. whether
  4. whisper

Spelling 3

Unit 15

Sounds /s/ and /k/

  1. once
  2. chance
  3. face
  4. house
  5. neck
  6. trick
  7. jacket
  8. since
  9. police
  10. erase
  11. chase
  12. bucket
  13. ticket
  14. locker


  1. furnace
  2. violence
  3. purpose
  4. tackle

Spelling 3

Unit 16

Words with kn, wr, and st

  1. knife
  2. know
  3. wrong
  4. write
  5. wrote
  6. listen
  7. Christmas
  8. knee
  9. knight
  10. knock
  11. wrap
  12. wrestle
  13. castle
  14. whistle


  1. doorknob
  2. knowledge
  3. wristwatch
  4. hustle

Spelling 3

Unit 17


  1. there
  2. their
  3. they’re
  4. hour
  5. our
  6. to
  7. too
  8. two
  9. tail
  10. tale
  11. hole
  12. whole
  13. weak
  14. week


  1. boarder
  2. border
  3. soar
  4. sore

Spelling 3

Unit 18


  1. alone
  2. always
  3. couldn’t
  4. hadn’t
  5. hasn’t
  6. one
  7. until
  8. warm
  9. watched
  10. wear
  11. went
  12. when
  13. while
  14. chance
  15. chase
  16. house
  17. jacket
  18. locker
  19. neck
  20. since
  21. ticket
  22. castle
  23. knee
  24. listen
  25. whistle
  26. wrap
  27. wrestle
  28. write
  29. wrote
  30. hour
  31. our
  32. they’re
  33. to
  34. too
  35. week

Spelling 3

Unit 19

Double Consonants

  1. happen
  2. pretty
  3. letter
  4. little
  5. rabbit
  6. off
  7. hurry
  8. million
  9. balloon
  10. ladder
  11. puddle
  12. middle
  13. hammer
  14. lesson


  1. intelligent
  2. marshmallow
  3. pepperoni
  4. supposed

Spelling 3

Unit 20

Vowels Sounds in book and boy

  1. good
  2. took
  3. cookie
  4. put
  5. enjoy
  6. point
  7. voice
  8. shook
  9. foot
  10. pull
  11. toys
  12. royal
  13. noise
  14. oil


  1. understood
  2. plural
  3. destroy
  4. disappointed

Spelling 3

Unit 21

Vowel Sounds in uncle and moon

  1. study
  2. summer
  3. such
  4. true
  5. due
  6. who
  7. move
  8. truck
  9. uncle
  10. Sunday
  11. glue
  12. clue
  13. lose
  14. movie


  1. dumped
  2. clumsy
  3. gruesome
  4. whoever

Spelling 3

Unit 22

Vowel Sound in ball

  1. walking
  2. talk
  3. drawing
  4. straw
  5. claws
  6. because
  7. fault
  8. chalk
  9. stalk
  10. lawn
  11. thaw
  12. sauce
  13. haunted
  14. cause


  1. sidewalk
  2. lawyer
  3. laundry
  4. faucet

Spelling 3

Unit 23

Getting letters in correct order

  1. friend
  2. night
  3. thought
  4. does
  5. again
  6. said
  7. people
  8. believe
  9. tried
  10. died
  11. eight
  12. tired
  13. Friday
  14. Saturday


  1. pierced
  2. horrible
  3. jewelry
  4. guard

Spelling 3

Unit 24


  1. hammer
  2. happen
  3. ladder
  4. lesson
  5. letter
  6. little
  7. middle
  8. million
  9. puddle
  10. rabbit
  11. good
  12. noise
  13. oil
  14. point
  15. pull
  16. put
  17. royal
  18. voice
  19. clue
  20. glue
  21. move
  22. movie
  23. study
  24. summer
  25. true
  26. chalk
  27. lawn
  28. walking
  29. again
  30. believe
  31. night
  32. people
  33. said
  34. thought
  35. tried

Spelling 3

Unit 25

Including all letters

  1. easy
  2. picture
  3. through
  4. guess
  5. caught
  6. kept
  7. different
  8. surprise
  9. favorite
  10. Tuesday
  11. swimming
  12. Monday
  13. fifth
  14. presents


  1. answered
  2. Hawaii
  3. valuable
  4. library

Spelling 3

Unit 26

Prefixes un-, re-

  1. unhappy
  2. unsafe
  3. unlucky
  4. restart
  5. rewrite
  6. replay
  7. reread
  8. untie
  9. unfold
  10. unwrap
  11. unpack
  12. repay
  13. refill
  14. repaint


  1. unconscious
  2. undefeated
  3. remodel
  4. rebound

Spelling 3

Unit 27

Suffixes –ful, -ly, and –ness

  1. careful
  2. beautiful
  3. wonderful
  4. really
  5. finally
  6. sadness
  7. happiness
  8. helpful
  9. graceful
  10. sadly
  11. lively
  12. happily
  13. kindness
  14. sickness


  1. forgetful
  2. lonely
  3. easily
  4. greediness

Spelling 3

Unit 28

Vowels with r

  1. early
  2. heard
  3. were
  4. third
  5. fur
  6. work
  7. word
  8. search
  9. earth
  10. dirt
  11. nurse
  12. turkey
  13. Thursday
  14. world


  1. rehearsal
  2. twirl
  3. furniture
  4. worst

Spelling 3

Unit 29

Vowels with r

  1. America
  2. very
  3. pair
  4. hair
  5. near
  6. year
  7. deer
  8. stereo
  9. fair
  10. stairs
  11. fear
  12. clear
  13. cheer
  14. steer


  1. prairie
  2. beard
  3. appear
  4. volunteer

Spelling 3

Unit 30


  1. caught
  2. different
  3. easy
  4. favorite
  5. guess
  6. kept
  7. presents
  8. surprise
  9. swimming
  10. through
  11. replay
  12. restart
  13. unfold
  14. unlucky
  15. unpack
  16. unsafe
  17. unwrap
  18. beautiful
  19. careful
  20. finally
  21. happily
  22. happiness
  23. lively
  24. wonderful
  25. early
  26. search
  27. were
  28. word
  29. America
  30. cheer
  31. fair
  32. pair
  33. steer
  34. very
  35. year

Spelling 3

Unit 31

Compound Words

  1. himself
  2. afternoon
  3. everything
  4. grandmother
  5. homework
  6. outside
  7. bedroom
  8. butterfly
  9. grandfather
  10. everybody
  11. backyard
  12. popcorn
  13. everyone
  14. anyone


  1. reindeer
  2. lamppost
  3. nowhere
  4. nickname

Spelling 3

Unit 32


  1. I’m
  2. it’s
  3. he’s
  4. that’s
  5. didn’t
  6. won’t
  7. let’s
  8. haven’t
  9. doesn’t
  10. aren’t
  11. I’ve
  12. they’ve
  13. we’re
  14. you’ll


  1. needn’t
  2. should’ve
  3. you’ve
  4. that’ll

Spelling 3

Unit 33

Vowels in Final Syllables

  1. wagon
  2. open
  3. garden
  4. sugar
  5. paper
  6. travel
  7. animal
  8. lemon
  9. dollar
  10. another
  11. brother
  12. squirrel
  13. nickel
  14. final


  1. Oregon
  2. calendar
  3. character
  4. cardinal

Spelling 3

Unit 34

Suffixes –er, -or, and –ist

  1. farmer
  2. reader
  3. player
  4. visitor
  5. sailor
  6. artist
  7. finalist
  8. painter
  9. waiter
  10. hunter
  11. actor
  12. inventor
  13. violinist
  14. tourist


  1. announcer
  2. manager
  3. governor
  4. scientist

Spelling 3

Unit 35

Words with no sound clues

  1. special
  2. real
  3. before
  4. every
  5. being
  6. laugh
  7. could
  8. caterpillar
  9. cousin
  10. chocolate
  11. dinosaur
  12. upon
  13. Wednesday
  14. clothes


  1. barbecue
  2. scissors
  3. somersault
  4. cupboard

Spelling 3

Unit 36


  1. afternoon
  2. backyard
  3. bedroom
  4. butterfly
  5. grandfather
  6. grandmother
  7. himself
  8. outside
  9. popcorn
  10. didn’t
  11. I’m
  12. it’s
  13. animal
  14. another
  15. brother
  16. dollar
  17. garden
  18. lemon
  19. squirrel
  20. sugar
  21. wagon
  22. actor
  23. farmer
  24. hunter
  25. painter
  26. sailor
  27. violinist
  28. waiter
  29. caterpillar
  30. chocolate
  31. clothes
  32. could
  33. cousin
  34. upon
  35. Wednesday