I. Circulatory System- Chapter 16.1

(a.k.a _______________________________)

A. Function is to _________________________, delivers ________________ to cells, and remove ______________.

1. Consists of the ____________, ___________________, and ___________.

B. Heart Structure

1. A human heart has 4 chambers

a. The 2 ___________ are the top chambers and they __________ blood from the body and the lungs.

b. The 2 ___________ are the bottom chambers and they __________ blood to the body and the lungs.

2. ___________ are flaps of tissue between the chambers that prevent the blood from flowing _____________.

a. It is the ______________ and ______________ of the valves that makes the lub-dub noise in the heart.

C. How the heart works

1. When the heart ____________ the atria fill with blood.

2. When the heart _____________ the blood gets pumped forward.

3. The _____________________ fills with _____________________, sends it to the _________________________, which pumps it to the ______________.

4. At the lungs, the blood receives _______________ and gets sent to the _______________________.

5. The left atrium sends the _____________________ to the ____________________, which pumps it to the body and the brain.

D. Blood vessels

1. ______________ thick blood vessels that carry blood __________ from the heart.

2. __________ thinner blood vessels that carry blood _____________ the heart.

3. _______________ are the smallest blood vessels as is where the exchange of gases (________________ and ________________) takes place with the cells.

E. Blood

1. Blood is _____________ tissue that carries oxygen and other substances to the body and lungs.

2. Plasma is the ___________ part of the blood.

a. Contains water, ______________, _______, ____________, and _____________.

b. Floating in the plasma are red and white blood cells and ________________.

F. Contents of Blood

1. Red blood cells transport ___________ to your cells and live only ______ days.

2. White blood cells ______________________ and live for ___________.

3. Platelets are particles that prevent ________________ when you cut or scrape your skin.

II. ______________________________________ system

A. Function

1. Absorb environmental _____________________ and pass them to blood

2. Remove _______________________________ from body

B. Major organs

1. Lungs

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. Bronchi

C. Pathway of air

1. Air à nose (cilia to filter out dirt) à ___________________ (back of throat) à trachea ______________________ à __________________________ (two tubes)

2. Bronchus à tiny bronchioles (tubes) à ____________________ (tiny sacs) surrounded by __________________________ doing gas exchange

D. ______________________________

1. Sheet of muscle dividing chest cavity from abdominal cavity

a. moves ____ = ___________

b. moves ____ = ___________

III. Human Reproductive system – Ch 16.2

A. Male reproductive system

1. Function is to produces _________ and transfers it to the female reproductive system.

B. Male structures

1. _____________ produce _________ and the hormone ________________.

2. _____________ are chemicals that regulate body functions.

3. Testosterone increases __________,

__________________, and the growth of body hair.

C. How sperm travels

1. Sperm is produced in the __________________ which are located in the _______________.

2. Sperm moves from the seminiferous tubules to the ______________________ to mature.

3. From the epididymis the sperm travels up a tube called the ___________________.

4. The sperm mixes with fluid from the ____________________ and now the liquid is called ___________.

5. Semen travels down the ____________ and is ejaculated out.

D. Female reproductive system

1. Function is to produce ___________, _________________________, and give _______.

E. Female structures

1. ____________ is the size of an __________ that produces ________ and the hormones, _______________ and __________________

a. The ovaries produce up to _______________ undeveloped eggs by puberty but only ___________are released and make it to the uterus.

F. How an egg travels

1. A mature egg is released from one of the two ovaries which is called ___________.

2. The egg travels down the ________________________, which leads to the uterus.

3. ______________ is the organ where a baby can grow and develop.

4. If the egg does not meet a sperm the unfertilized egg plants itself into the _________________________ and then the egg and lining are ___________ from the female’s body over a period of _____________.

5. This is called the _________________________ or period.

6. If the egg meets a sperm in the fallopian tube then _________________ takes place and now the egg is called a ________________.

7. The zygote takes _____________ to travel down the fallopian tube to the uterus.

8. When the zygote reaches the uterus, it is an ______________ that looks like a tiny ball of cells.

9. The embryo plants itself into the uterus wall, which is called ____________________.

10. This is the start of ______________________.

G. Pregnancy

1. The first sign of pregnancy is when the _______________________________.

2. Birth occurs between ________________________________________.

3. Embryo is called a ________________ at the 8th week.

4. ___________________ is an organ that supplies the baby with ____________ and _________________ from the mother’s blood.

5. ________________________ connects the baby to the ________________ and contains _______________ and _____________ that nourish the baby.

H. Birth

1. When fetus is developed contractions occur which is called _______________.

2. The baby is pushed ________________ through the vaginal canal.

IV. Integumentary system

A. Function

1. ___________________________________ environment

2. Blocks moisture + invaders like _______________________

3. Regulates _____________________________________

4. Senses ________________________ through touch and pressure using nerve endings

B. Structures

1. ____________________________ - thin, outer layer ________________________

2. Dermis - layer made of ___________________________________ + protein fibers

3. Subcutaneous fat layer - ________________________________

4. ____________ – salty fluid that evaporates to ______________________________

C. Other

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

V. Endocrine system

A. Function

1. Produce ______________________ + release them into _____________________

2. _______________________________________ such as cell processes, reproduction + stress response

B. Structures

1. ___________________________ – “master gland”

a. Controls release of other hormones

2. ______________ glands – epinephrine

3. Pancreas - ________________________

4. Other glands

C. Feedback control systems

1. Turns glands _______________________________________

2. Like a thermostat with _________________________

a. Too low à ____________________

b. Too high à ____________________

c. Can break

VI. Digestive system

A. Function

1. Takes in + _________________________________

2. Eliminates _________________________________

B. Structures

1. Esophagus

2. _______________________

3. Small ____________________

4. Large _________________________

C. Digestive pathway

1. Mouth

a. _________________________________

b. _________________________________ breaks down food

2. _________________________________________ -muscular tube to stomach

3. Stomach – _________________________________________ breaks down food

4. ________________________________ - long, twisted, _____________ liquid food

5. _________________________________ - ______________ what's left

6. Waste à __________________________________________________

VII. Excretory system

A. Function

1. ______________________________________ wastes

a. Water, carbon dioxide, salts, + ________________________

B. Structure

1. _________________________

2. Liver

3. Lungs

4. ___________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

VIII. Skeletal System – Ch 17

A. Functions of skeletal system

1. Bones protect _____________ such as the _________, __________, and ___________

2. Bones give your body __________ and ___________

3. Bones along with _____________ allow you to __________

4. Long bones (like ___________) produce ____________________

5. Bones store ______________ such as ____________ and _______________

B. Common and scientific names for bones

1. Vertebrae - _________

2. ___________ - collar bone

3. ___________- funny bone

4. Tibia - _______

5. ___________ - knee cap

C. Two divisions of skeleton

1. All your bones are placed into 2 categories:

a. _________ skeleton supports and protects many organs and consists of ________, _____________, _______, and _____________

b. ______________ skeleton all the other bones including arm and leg bones, _____________, ____________ and ____________

D. What structures make up bone?

1. _________________- tissue that contains blood vessels and is the outer most layer of the bone

2. _________________- hard part of bone that provides _____________ and ___________

a. Contains canals that allow _______________________ to run through it

3. _________________- contains open spaces like a sponge

a. Also known as ____________ bone

b. Protects bone marrow by acting like a shock absorber

4. _________________- thick, jelly-like layer

a. ________ marrow produces ________________________

b. ____________ marrow stores ______

E. Joints - _____________________________________________

1. Synovial fluid- ________________________________________

2. Ligament- ______________________________________

3. Tendon- ______________________________

3. Cartilage- ____________________________

F. 4 types of joints

1. ___________- back and forth motion

o (_________ and _________)

2. ______________________- greatest movement in body

o (_______ and _______________)

3. ____________- 2 bones slide next to each other

o (____________ and ___________)

4. ____________- bones fused together

o (_________)

IX. Muscular System – Ch 17

A. Function

1. The function of muscles is to ___________________.

B. Voluntary vs. Involuntary

1. Voluntary muscles ____________________________________

Ex: ___________ are used to lift our arm

2. Involuntary muscles __________________________________

Ex: Our ________________ is a muscle that helps us breath

C. 3 types of muscles

1. ______________

2. ______________

3. ______________

D. Skeletal Muscles

1. Attach to our bones by _____________

2. _______________ muscles

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. ____________ with many nuclei

E. Cardiac Muscle

1. ___________ is made of cardiac muscle

2. _______________ muscle

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. ____________ with many nuclei

F. Smooth Muscle

1. Makes up organs in our _________________

2. _______________ muscles

3. _____________________

4. _____________________

5. Single nucleus ______________________

G. Other parts

1. Tendon- connects _________ to ____________

2. Ligament- connects _________ to __________

H. Muscle tissue

1. Muscles are made up of thousands of _____________________________.

2. These bundles of fibers are bound together by ________________ tissue.

3. _____________________ and ___________ run through the connective tissue.

I. Movement

1. Muscles need to work in _________.

2. When a muscle is bending part of your body it is called a ____________ muscle.

3. When a muscle is extending a part of your body it is called an ______________ muscle.

Ex: When you are lifting your arm your ___________ is contracting and therefore called the flexor muscle whereas your ___________ is extending and therefore called the extensor.

4. During a muscle contraction the muscle fibers shorten.

5. When the muscle relaxes the fibers return to their original position.

J. Exercise

1. Muscles require movement and exercise to remain strong.

2. ______________________ requires muscles to overcome resistance by lifting weight.

3. ________________________ strengthens the heart and increases the endurance of skeletal muscle.

X. Levers in the Body – Ch 17

A. _____________

1. Hard object that _____________ around a set point

2. __________ machines- unpowered mechanical device that makes work ________

a. Examples: Levers, wheel and axle, ropes and pulleys, gears, and _________

B. ____________

1. __________________________, or any action that has the ability to do work.

2. 2 types of force:

a. ____________ - force applied by a lever (effort)

b. ____________ - force exerted on load

C. _________________ of levers

1. Classified by the ___________ of the input and output forces relative to the fulcrum.

2. ___________ - the fixed point where the lever ________________

D. First-class lever

1. _______________ is located _______________ the input and output force

Ex: _______________ and __________________

E. Second-class lever

1. ______________ force is located _____________ the fulcrum and the input force

Ex: ___________________

F. Third-class lever

1. _______________ force is located _____________ the fulcrum and the output force

Ex: ______________

G. Levers in the Body

1. _________ acts as the lever

2. _________ are the fulcrum

3. _________ supply the force

H. Head and neck

1. __________ -class lever

2. ___________ is the fulcrum

3. Input force supplied by ___________ muscles

4. Output force is __________________

I. Feet

1. _____________-class lever

2. ______________ are the fulcrum

3. Input force is supplied by your _____________ muscles

4. Output force is the __________________ being lifted

J. Arms

1. ___________________-class levers

2. Fulcrum is the _____________

3. Input force is supplied by your ___________

4. Output force is lifting your ______________

K. Mechanical Advantage

1. Ratio of __________ force to _____________ force.

XI. Nervous System – Ch 18

A. Function

1. Nervous system ______________________________.

2. ______________ to information.

3. Maintains __________________ through breathing and heart rate.

B. Divided into two categories

1. Central nervous system includes __________ and _______________________

2. Peripheral nervous system consists of _________ that connect to the central nervous system

C. Brain

1. Controls most of your _____________________________

2. Made of 2 types of matter

a. Gray matter- ________________________________

b. White matter- _______________________________

D. 3 parts of the brain

1. ________________- largest part that controls _______________ movements and the senses

2. ________________- provides feedback on the _____________________________ (like being upside down) and controls balance

3. ________________- part of the brain that controls __________________ actions (ex: Breathing)

E. Spinal cord

1. Thick column of nerve tissue that links your brain to most of your nerves and _____________________.

F. Nerves (neurons)

1. Neurons- __________________________________



2. Consist of 3 parts:

a. ___________

b. ___________

c. ___________

3. 2 types of neurons

a. _________________________- picks up stimuli from the environment

b. _________________________- sends an impulse to a muscle and the muscle contracts in response

G. How a nerve impulse works

1. A _____________ starts a nerve impulse in the form of _________________.

2. The impulse starts at the ______________ that are attached to the __________________ and travels down the ______________.

3. The impulse reaches the end of the _____________ and continues down to the _______________.

4. The electrical impulse then changes to _________________ in order to move across the gap or ____________________.

5. The neighboring neuron picks up the chemicals and changes it back to an ____________ impulse continuing the process.

H. Withdrawal reflex

1. Withdrawal reflex- ________________ response to an outside stimulus