Questions for May 29th Luke 4:31-40
As it is a holiday with lots of people traveling, I thought we might have a little bit different focus for our study questions today. If you are indeed meeting with your group this week, please feel free to answer these as well. If you are not meeting, I invite you to approach these questions with a spirit of self-reflection. May God bless you as you reflect in both settings. God is faithful.
- In verse 32, we are reminded that “his words had authority”.
In our day to day life, we don’t always think about that. For you, what words have been had the most authority?
Think about the times when Jesus’ Word have had the most impact?
Have His words on forgiveness, or charity, or lust, or grace or something else made a difference in how you handled yourself?
I want you to take a moment and reflect on where you are struggling most right now. Why not do a google search asking “What does the Bible have to say about (fill in the blank). Take some time to read the passages and pray that God will challenge to respond with specific actions/attitudes.
- The first healing describes a man being possessed by a demon. Do you think that still happens today? Do you have any experience with that?
Can mental health challenges all be explained with demon possession?
- There was a very clear separation of these people in ancient times. They lived on the fringes and were not part of the community. They were ostracized, punished and with little hope. Do you think we do a better job today of integrating and serving the people who struggle with mental health concerns?
Do you think you have any prejudice or fear about those who struggle with mental health issues? Take some time to pray about that. If you know someone who struggles with mental health challenges, including depression, please pray for that person right now.
- The second healing is of a woman with a fever. Jesus rebukes her fever and it comes out and she immediately serves them. Do you think you would honestly have the same response? I think I might call my mom or tell my best friend that I was finally feeling better. She serves Jesus.
We have all been healed in some way or another, and my question for significant reflection today is: How are we serving Jesus, specifically. Take some time to journal about all the ways that Jesus has healed you- not just from generic sin, but specifically. And then list out the ways that you have responded in service. Please approach this in a spirit of self-reflection, not shame. Just an honest look. Close out your time journaling a prayer of adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication (for how you might serve).