District Enrollment Management Committee (DEMC)

Thursday, April 24, 2008 at 1:30 p.m.

Executive Conference Room 114


Members Present: Patricia Alvano, Arleen Elseroad, Norman Fujimoto, Peter Hardash, John Hernandez, Carl Jaeger, Noemi Kanouse, Sylvia LeTourneau, Kathy Mennealy, Linda Miskovic, Aracely Mora, Phuong Nguyen, Christopher Truong, Jose Vargas,

Members Absent: Mary Halvorson, James Kennedy, Sara Lundquist, Erlinda Martinez, Larry Mercadante, Denise Pennock, Julie Slark, Juan Vazquez


Peter Hardash welcomed the attendees and mentioned the meeting notes of March 13, 2008 are attached in the packet for review.

2007-08 FTES Update, CCFS-320 P-2 Report

Peter Hardash introduced this agenda item by mentioning the early filing request by the state Chancellor’s Office. Our CCFS-320 report was filed April 16th to enable the Chancellor’s Office to support the augment for more growth dollars. Carl Jaeger introduced the P-2 Report with a cutoff of April 8, 2008 to comply with the early reporting. Essentially the better than target performance of 1,501.05 FTES is all credit related. Noncredit is just meeting target. In percentage terms the increase over target is 4.7% with the target 0.714% higher than actual last year. Year to year actual growth comparison is 5.4%. Assumptions in the P-2 filing include credit positive attendance matching the spring target of 1,894.72 FTES, noncredit attendance for spring will match the target of 5,708.26 FTES, and DSCH preliminary will be the same as the final spring result.

Peter Hardash introduced the funding reality and the lack of growth dollars. For P-1 we were funded at 1% over target. At P-1 the growth cap was updated from 0.714% to 0.690% because of similar growth patterns experienced by districts and the lack of funds for growth. Another issue impacting growth dollars are the 42 districts in restoration. The success of the restoration has used up the $77 million set aside for restoration, and further restoration funding will have priority on the growth dollars. Another reality is the overstatement of property taxes by the state with no backfill money. The 1.5% overstatement translates to $2.1 million for our district with potentially another $3 million shortfall that might be shared by all districts. The need for more growth dollars is exacerbated by the state’s higher education system closing its doors early to applicants, forcing the community colleges to accept more students. So far we have been able to handle the growth this year with the same amount of instructional money provided last year.

Addendum Report CDCP (SB 361 Enhanced Funding)

Peter Hardash mentioned the significant percentage of noncredit FTES that are associated with college development and college preparation or the enhanced funding program. For our combined continuing education schools, the percentage is 82%. Most districts that have the same program are reporting their enhanced FTES in the 60% range.

2008-09 FTES Targets for Tentative Budget

The 2008-09 tentative budget will be based on a 1% growth place holder. Taking the 2007-08 target a 1% growth factor will be applied and the P-2 reporting by the colleges will determine how the total FTES will be split between them.

For the 2008-09 adopted budget, the actual FTES will be subjected to a growth cap. The System Office and the Department of Finance havenot released the capped growth rates yet.

Course Repetition Review

With the Title V revisions, the substandard grade removal has been increased to 3 allowable repeats for state apportionment, and the “W”, withdrawals, has been increased to 4 allowable attempts for state apportionment. The maximum allowed could be 7 repeats. The cultural change will be the substitution of “W”s in lieu of “F”s.So far these favorable changes to course repetition have reduced the repetition adjustment by approximately 50% as compared to last year.

Review District’s Vision Statement & Goals

The basis of all our activities and decisions for this committee should be consistent with the vision statement and goals. A copy of the 2007-09 Vision Statement and Goals were distributed for review.

Next Meeting

The next DEMC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room (114).