The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 8th April 2009 at 7.30 p.m. in The Reading Room, Main Street, Ewerby


Councillor M Scott (Chairman)

Councillor T Henson

Councillor T Dean

Councillor B Collishaw

Councillor M Priestley

Councillor P Austen

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies had been received from Councillor B Hallawell and District Councillor D Dickinson.

2. Election of Chairman 2009/10

Councillor M Priestley proposed Councillor M Scott, seconded by Councillor P Austen. There being no other nominations Councillor Scott was unanimously elected Chairman.

3. Election of Vice Chairman 2009/10

Councillor M Scott proposed Councillor T Henson, seconded by Councillor M Priestley. There being no other nomination Councillor Henson was unanimously elected Vice Chairman.

4. Election of Charity Trustees 2009/10

The following were elected as Trustees of the relevant charities:

Rothwell - Councillor M Priestley/Councillor P Austen

Tindale - Councillor T Henson/Councillor T Dean

Pells - Mrs S Whitehead

5. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th February 2009

The minutes of the Meeting held on 4th February 2009 were approved and signed as being a true record.

6. Matters arising from the minutes

a). The Chairman reported that the District Council had been successful with three prosecutions for fly tipping.

b). The Chairman reported that he had taken references on Green Grass Contracting and had awarded the 2009 grass cutting contract to them.

c). Councillor Priestley had made safe the chicken in the playing field and would look into its repair.

7. Village Clock

The Chairman proposed that in the light of an under spend on the mowing in 2008 and the receipt of the VAT refund the Council was in the position to pay £2,500 towards the cost of modifying the clock from a 4 day to a 7 day wind. The draft accounts confirmed the ability of the Council to afford the payment and it was unanimously agreed to approve the expenditure

8. Finance.

Income Received


Jas Martin£ 50.00 re Winchelsea Graves


It was unanimously agreed to pay the following amounts:

NKDC rates£ 36.38

Heckington Voluntary Car Service£100.00

Evedon PCC£100.00

Ewerby Reading Room & Room Hire£150.00

9. Planning matters

a). Applications

1. Evedon Developments Ltd, Vine House Farm, Evedon. – Full application for the erection of a detached dwelling with garage and associated works on land opposite Paper House Close south of Main Road. There were no objections.

2. B W Howe & Son , Ewerby Thorpe Farm, Ewerby Thorpe – erection of dwelling with garage and associated works. There were no objections.

10. Playing Field

The repair of the ‘Chicken’ to be progressed. The Chairman agreed to approach the company who had supplied some of the existing equipment to establish if spare parts were available for this item of equipment.

11. Correspondence

It was agreed not to enter the Best Kept Village Competition.

12. Any other business

a)The Chairman had produced the Annual Newsletter which would be circulated to all houses in the Village. The newsletter would make it clear that it would be circulated electronically in the future to save paper – this was agreed.

b)Councillor Priestley requested the Council investigate the possibility of changing the priority at the junction of the Howell/Ewerby Thorpe to Ewerby Waithe Road – priority to be given to traffic turning down to Howell making the Ewerby Waithe Road at that point the minor road. It was agreed that the Clerk should explore this possibility with Highways.

10. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 1st July 2009 at 7.30 p.m. at The Reading Room, Ewerby


