Cities, Rural Migrants and the Urban Poor
Select Bibliography
[This is not at an exhaustive bibliography. The books, articles, and documents cited below refer to the issues and problems discussed in the proposal. Thus it does not include the general literature on urbanization and the urban poor. It lists material dealing with issues such as cities and migration, rural migrants as part of the urban poor population, select crucial policies with regard to the urban poor – particularly the rural migrants in the cities, reference material to relevant Chinese and other Asian experiences, select theoretical work, policies of giving identity to the migrants and shadowy urban poor population groups with a view to providing welfare measures, and finally issues related to the question of social justice and the city.]
“Aadhar Handbookfor Registrars”, Version 2.0, Unique Identification Authority of India,Planning Commission, New Delhi, 2012
Afsar, Rita, “Internal migration and the development nexus: the case of Bangladesh”. Available at:
Anisef, P. and M. Lanphier (eds.), The World in a City, University of Toronto Press:Toronto, 2003.
Atabay ,Piril H. Belonging to the City: Rural Migrants in Modernizing Chicago and Istanbul, Umi Dissertation Publishing: Proquest, 2011.
Bakewell, Olliver, “Migration, Mobility, and the African City”, International Institute of Migration Studies Working Paper Series, 2010.
Bandopadhyay, Krishna and Nilanjan Dutta, Eroded Lives – Flood and Displacement in Maldah and Murshidabad. Calcutta Research Group: Kolkata 2008
Bennett, Colin J. and David Lyon (eds.), Playing the Identity Card: Surveillance, Security and Identification in Global Perspective. Routledge: London, 2008.
Bhagat, R. B., Souumya Mohanty, “Emerging Pattern of Urbanization and the Contribution of Migration in Urban Growth in India,” Asian Population Studies, 2009, Vol.5(1), Pp.5-20
Bhattacharya, Neeladri, “Predicaments of Mobility: Peddlers and Itinerants in Nineteenth Century Northwestern India”, in Claude Markovits, Jaacques Pouchepadass and Sanjay Subramanium (eds.), Society and Circulation: Mobile People and Itinerant Cultures in South Asia 1750-1950. Permanent Black: New Delhi, 2003.
Census of India (1991, 2001, 2011) and all relevant GOI, ADB, and World Bank Policies and Reports
Chang, Leslie T .Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China, Spiegel & Grau: New York, 2009.
Chaplin, Susan E. “Cities, Sewers and Poverty: India’s Politics of Sanitation”, Environment and Urbanisation 11, no. 1,1999. Pp145-158
Cowan, Sylvia R.,Jeffrey N. Gerson and Tuyet-Lan Pho, “Southeast Asian Refugees and Immigrants in the Mill City: Changing Families, Communities, Institutions: Thirty Years Afterwards”, The New England Quaterly, Dec. 2008, Vol.81, no.4.
David, M. D. Urban explosion of Mumbai: Restructuring of Growth, Himalaya Publishing House:Bombay: 1996.
Davis, Mike, Planet of Slums, Verso: London, 2006.
Dziewulska, Agata and Anna M. Ostrowska, (ed.),New Neighbours- on The Diversity Of Migrants' political Involvement, Warsaw:University of Warsaw, 2012.
Fassmann, Heinz, Yvonne Franz, Integration Policies at the Local Level: Housing Policies for Migrants. Examples from New York City, St. Paul, Antwerp, Vienna and Stuttgart, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press:Vienna , 2010
Fawcett, James, Siew-Ean Khoo and Peter Colin Smith,Women in the Cities of Asia: Migration and Urban Adaptation, Westview Press: Boulder, 1984
Foner, N., In a New Land: A Comparative View of Immigration, New York University Press:New York, 2005.
Gardner ,Andrew M.,City of Strangers: Gulf Migration and the Indian Community in Bahrain, Cornell University Press: Ithica, 2010)
Ghosh Atig, Branding the Migrant, Frontpage Publications: Kolkata, 2012
Glick, Schiller and Ayse Simsek-Caglar, Locating Migration, Rescaling Cities and Migrant, Cornell University Press: Ithica, 2011.
Grigolo, Michele, “Human rights andcities: the Barcelona Office for Non-Discrimination and its work for migrants,” The International Journal of Human Rights, 2010, Vol.14(6),Pp.896-914
Grigolo, Michele “Incorporatingcitiesinto the EU anti-discrimination policy: between race discrimination andmigrantrights,” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2011, Vol.34(10), Pp.1751-1769
Gulati, Leela, “ Rationing in a Peri-Urban Community, Case Study of a Squatter Habitat”. Economic and Political Weekly 12, no. 2, 1977. Pp 501-506
Guha, Ranajit, “The Politics of Identity and Enumeration in India, c.1600-1990”. Comparative Studies in Society and History 45, no, 2003. Pp 148-167.
Harvey, David, “The Right to the City”, New Left Review, 53, September-October 2008.
----,Social Justice and the City, Georgia: University of Georgia Press,2009.
Herbert, Joanna, Negotiating boundaries in the city: migration, ethnicity, and gender in Britain, Aldershot: England, 2008
Iveson, K., “Strangers in the cosmopolis”, in S.Millington et al. (eds.), Cosmopolitan Urbanism. Routledge: London,2006.
Jha, Manish K. ‘Place of Poor in Urban Space’. Policies and Practices, No 39. Calcutta Research Group: Kolkata, 2011.
---,and P.K. Shajahan. ‘Social topography of Delineated Others: Muslims in Contemporary India’, In In: Abdul Waheed(Ed.) Minority Education in India. New Delhi: SERIALS Publications, 2010
Katz Michael B. The Underclass Debate: Views from History. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 1993
Kesten, J. et al., (eds.), Multiculture and community in new city spaces, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 2011. Vol 32, 2, Pp133-150
Kicza, John, ''Migration to major metropoles in colonial Mexico", in David J. Robinson (ed.), Migration in Colonial Spanish America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press:Cambridge, 1990, Pp 193-211.
Kihato, Caroline Wanjiku, “Invisible lives, inaudible voices? The social conditions ofmigrant women in Johannesburg,” African Identities, 2007, Vol.5 (1), Pp.89-110
Kumar, Mithilesh. “Governing Flood, Migration, and Conflict in North Bihar” Policies and Practices, 45, Calcutta Research Group: Kolkata, 2012
Kundu, Amitabh, Exclusionary Urbanisation in Asia: A Macro Overview, Economic and Political weekly,2009, Vol-XLIV No.48.
Ley, D. and P. Murphy, "Immigration in Gateway Cities: Sydney and Vancouver in Comparative Perspective".Progress in Planning,2001,55(3). Pp119-194
Lindio-Mcgovern, Ligaya ,Globalization, Labor Export and Resistance: A Study of Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers in Global Cities (Rethinking Globalizations), Routledge:London and New York , 2011
Markova, Eugenia, and Richard Black, “East European immigration and community cohesion”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation: UK,2007. Available at :
Neuwirth, Robert, Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A New Urban World, Routledge, New York, 2005.
Portes, Alejandro, “Migration, Poverty and the City in Latin America”,Latin America Research Review, 1981,Vol 16 (3)
Price, Marie, “Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities”, Cultural and Ethnic Studies Syracuse University Press:New York, 2008
----, “Migration and Settlement” in Tim Hall, Phil Hubbard and John Short, (eds.), The Sage Companion to the City, Sage: London,2008.
Ramanathan,Usha, Illegality and the Poor, Economic and Political Weekly, July 2006, Vol- XLI, No. 29.
Robinson, David, "The neighbourhood effects of new immigration",Environment and Planning A, 2010,Vol 42(10), Pp 2451-2466.
Robinson, David, and Aimee Walshaw, New Migration, Neighbourhood Effects and Community Change, Connected Communities, Arts and Humanities Research Council. Available at: reviews/Documents/New%20Migration%20Neighbourhood%20Effects%20and%20Community%20Change.pdf
----,K. Reeve, and R.Casey, The Housing Pathways of New Immigrants. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation: York, 2007.
Rogler, Lloyd H.,Migrant in the City Life of a Puerto. Basic Books: New York, 1972)
Sassen S.(2001), The Global City (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press)
Shaw, A, ed. (2007) Indian Cities in Transition (Hyderabad: Orient Longman)
Shaw A. (1999), “Emerging Patterns of Urban Growth in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 17 April 1999
Shaw A. (1990), “Linkages of large Scale, Small Scale and Informal Sector Industries – A Study of Thana Belapur”, Economic and Political Weekly, 17 February 1990
Sarda, Shveta et. al. “Documents and Datelines: The Making and Unmaking of Urban Settlements”, in Sensor-Census-Censor: An International Colloquium on Information, Society, History and Politics: a Report. Sarai Labs: New Delhi, 2007.
Singh,D.P., “Migration and Occupation in Mumbai: Issues and Implications.” Available at
“Social Inclusion and Aadhar: Introduction and Concept Paper”, Unique Identification Authority of India, Planning Commission, New Delhi, 2012
Solomon, Benjamin, “Productive Slums: The Centrality of Urban Land in Shaping Employment and City Politics”, A Report for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Cambridge: Massachusetts, 2005.
Tanja , Bastia ,Migrants and Cities in the Global South: Transnational Migrants and Marginal City Space in Buenos Aires, , Global Urban Research CentreWorking Paper Series, 2010.
Tilly, Charles, “Transplanted Networks” in Virginia Yans-McLaughlin, New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Whitehouse, Bruce Migrants and Strangers in an African City: Exile, Dignity, Belonging Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 2012
Wills, Jane, Global Cities at Work: New Migrant Divisions of Labour Pluto Press:London and New York, 2010
Wong, Tai-chee, Asian Cities, Migrant Labor and Contested Spaces, Routledge: London, 2010
Wu, Weiping, “Drifting and getting stuck:Migrantsin Chinesecities,”City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 2010, Vol.14:1, Pp. 10-20
Yap, Lorene, “The Attraction of Cities: A Review of the Migration Literature,” Journal of Development Economics. 1977; 4(3), p. 239-264
Zhang, Li .Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks Within China's Floating Population Stanford University Press: California, 2002