2009/2010 updated 02.12.09



1. SGIS Sports Constitution and Governance3

2. Competition Policy Guidelines

3. SGIS Sports Coordinator4

4. SGIS Sports Committee4

5. General5

6. Pre-Tournament6

7. Tournament Organization8

8. Ages and Eligibility of Competitors9

9. Team Roster

10. Uniforms10

11. Referees10

12. Injuries 10

13. Supervision / Coaches 11

14. Meeting of Coaches 11

15. Accommodation 11 Conduct 11

16. Award Ceremony and Trophies12

17. Post –Tournament 13

18. Sanctions 14

19. Finances 14

20. Miscellaneous 14

21. International Sports Organization Rules15

22. Specific Sports Handbook Sections16



Established 1992/1993

  1. Set up in accordance to THE SWISS GROUP OF INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS (SGIS) ARTICLES OF THE ORGANISATION, Section 2: Activities, d) Sports:

"To promote interschool sports competition at every level. Sports directorsshall meet in a general assembly twice each year. From this group, six sports directors shall be designated to form a sports committee with responsibilities for different sports. This committee shall meet at least twice each academic year."

  1. Furthermore, Section 4: The Executive Committee, d) "...shall be responsible for confirming the appointment of the SGIS Sports Coordinator..."

(June 30, 1991, signed by Executive Committee Members)

A resignation notice period of three months shall be given by a resigning Sports Coordinator.

  1. For the election of a new sports coordinator:
  1. Nominations will be sent to the departing Sports Coordinator the week prior to the general meeting of athletic directors.
  2. Presentations by nominees may take place at the general meeting of athletic directors once their nomination has been formally proposed and seconded.
  3. The final decision will be made by secret ballot at that general meeting of athletic directors, by majority decision. Asecond, faceoff secret ballot will settle a drawn outcome of the first ballot.
  4. Final approval of the elected sports coordinator will be given by the SGIS Executive Committee.

1Changes in sports committee membership will be made at the general meeting of athletic directors. Candidates should be nominated or selfnominated from the area of the retiring member, if possible. Asecret ballot will take place if more nominations arise than places.

2See page 4 for the current membership and duty distribution within the SGIS sports committee.


SGIS SportsCoordinator

TheSGIS Sports Coordinator is responsiblefor organisingmeetings for theSGIS Sports Committee(minimum two; oneshould beinthe first term andthesecondshouldbeprior totheAGM inthespring)

  1. The SGIS Sports Coordinator has the power to arrange extraordinary meetings.

The present SGIS Sports Coordinator is:

Elinor Osborne, Inter-CommunitySchool, 2007-

  1. The SGIS Sports Coordinator has been co-opted onto the SGIS executive board.


SGIS Sports Committee

  1. The SGIS Sports Coordinator, in consultation with the SGIS Sports Committee, is responsible for organizing the SGIS Sports AGM, and notifying all schools concerned. (April and September).

The SGIS Sports Committee is responsible for preparing the contents of the agenda for the SGIS Sports Directors' Meetings (April and September).

  1. A list of all SGIS Sports competitions, venues and dates will be set by the SGIS Sports Committee and displayed on the SGIS sports web pages before the commencement of the next school year.
  1. The SGIS Sports Committee is responsible for listing current members, addresses, emails, telephone and fax numbers and displaying this (password protected for all on the list) on the SGIS sports web pages.
  1. All SGIS Sports Competitions are governed by the SGIS Sports Committee.
  1. The SGIS Sports Committee advises regarding the type of competition and suitability of host schools.
  1. The present SGIS Sports Committee and advisory roles:

Elinor Osborne, ICS – basketball, tennis, sports coordinator, web pages

Linda Pujol, ISG La Chataigneraie – rugby, badminton

Moana Whatarau, IS Basel – volleyball, unihockey, swimming, touch rugby

Keith Rhodes, ISG Nations – football, golf

Elisabeth Ruiz, ISZL, Zug Campus

Benjamin Corset, ISLausanne

Betta Hanson, TASIS – track & field, lacrosse

Jan Hill, St Georges



  1. Each SGIS member school is responsible for sending a representative to the April and September SGIS Sports Directors' Meetings.
  1. Each SGIS Sports tournament director is responsible for confirming their tournament hostings for the next school year at the September SGIS Sports Directors' Meeting.
  1. SGIS schools must have paid their SGIS dues to compete at an SGIS Sports tournament. Only SGIS affiliated schools may participate in SGIS tournaments.
  1. All SGIS schools are guaranteed entry of one team in a SGIS Sports

tournament. The host school is to get priority for a second team and then it will be based on first come first served in regards to second team requests. Some of the bigger one day tournaments have been expanded to two days in order to make it easier for host schools to accommodate more teams and not lose the quality of the tournament.

  1. Division two is for all teams not entering an SGIS tournament on the grounds that they don’t consider their standard high enough to compete. In the main tournament this can also include B teams.
  1. Each SGIS member school are obligated to try and host at least one SGIS Sports tournament each year. If there is a special circumstance, that stops a school from fulfilling this, then the AD needs to speak to the SGIS Head Sports Coordinator at the Fall AGM. Furthermore, it is possible that schools without facilities can use another schools facility in order to host their tournament. (for example, ISW using ICS’s gyms at Farlifang. ISW will be responsible for organising the tournament with some support form ICS.)
  1. All SGIS member schools are invited to host competitions. By accepting to host an SGIS sports tournament, the responsibility is on the school and not the sports director. Hosting schools therefore must be fully committed and prepared to help thoroughly (i.e. from finding adequate accommodation for all travelling schools, supplying suitable refreshments at the sporting facility, providing professional medical/firstaid personnel, etc.) Directors or school administrators, as well as student bodies, and parent support groups should all be involved in the making of the events for the success of the participants.
  1. SGIS Sports have a seasonal sporting approach, allowing for stronger competitions. The sports fall generally into the following seasons:

Fall: Soccer (indoor & outdoor CAT D – CAT A ), volleyball, cross country, rugby uni- hockey

Winter: Basketball, Skiing, badminton, swimming; Primary indoor football

Spring: Tennis, Golf and Track and Field, Primary outdoor soccer



  1. Hosting schools should send information about SGIS Sports tournaments to all SGIS member schools at least six school weeks prior to the tournament date, asking for school participation. Schools must send participation registration responses within two school weeks of receiving the information. The host school must clearly indicate the registration deadline date.
  1. Approximate cost for the tournament should be included in the invitation/inscription. If for some reason the cost changes during the weeks leading up to the tournament itself, then the Tournament Director must inform the teams participating prior to the tournament taking place. If the actual cost is much higher than the approximate cost, then the tournament should discuss this matter with the SGIS Sports Co-ordinator to discuss how to handle the situation. It is possible that if the costs are much higher than the approximate cost, the host school may have to cover the difference.
  1. Deadlines for inscriptions need to be strictly respected.
  1. Late inscriptions to tournaments may be accepted at the discretion of the SGIS Sports tournament director and with the approval of the SGIS Sports Coordinator.
  1. The SGIS Sports tournament director will send a written confirmation to all participating teams within three days of the inscription deadline. All schools that are already attending should respond to this e-mail to confirm attendance.
  1. At least two weeks prior to the tournament a tournament schedule, arrival and departure times and any accommodation instructions should be sent to all participating schools.
  1. The SGIS roster form must be downloaded from the SGIS sports web pages and completed by participating schools. It must be returned, signed by the school’s SGIS sports representative prior to, or at, the coaches meeting. The roster stated at the coaches meeting is final. An e-mailed copy from the school’s SGIS sports representative is equivalent to a signature. Teams that include ineligible players on their team roster or falsify information forfeit their place and award in the tournament.
  1. All correspondence concerning SGIS Sports tournaments must be sent to the officially designated SGIS sports contact at the school (see mailing list on SGIS sports web pages).
  1. As a matter of courtesy all SGIS Sports correspondence should be answered.
  1. The person in charge who signs the tournament acceptance form for the SGIS Sports Competition does so knowing that they are committing their school to both financial and participation obligations. The tournament director has the right to charge any withdrawing teams up to the full tournament fee to any team that withdraws up to two weeks prior to a tournament.
  1. This same person is responsible to the SGIS Sports Committee, for that tournament
  1. Payment of inscription fees by participating teams is due after the tournament. An approximate cost must be given to all participating schools prior to the tournament. (see number 2 above). Schools will be billed for the inscription fees straight after the tournament. Please include a detailed invoice and banking details with all billing. This should be within 3-5 working weeks after the tournament.
  1. The financial obligation of teams should include cost of awards, professional first-aid personnel, rental of facilities, expenses of referees, extra cleaning, etc.

Tournament Organisation

  1. Every effort should be made by the SGIS Sports tournament director to ensure that the facilities and equipment meet the appropriate requirements.
  1. All SGIS controlled venues, where possible, are encouraged to be 'NO SMOKING'.
  1. A tournament organization area should be clearly marked at a location convenient to all participating teams. The table should be manned by an adult or competent student at all times.
  1. All SGIS Sports tournaments must have comprehensive written guidelines for tournament organization. There should be some consistency between tournaments that are of the same nature in regards to format and sports rules, so that coaches and teams have some form of expectation upon arrival of the different tournaments. (i.e. snr indoor soccer, cat 3 soccer, cat 3 and snr BB, etc)
  1. SGIS Sports differing by either age category or sex should have similarly structured organizational rules (i.e. basketball, soccer, volleyball, tennis), based on the handbook section for that specific sport. Any exceptions to the guidelines in that sports handbook section must be clearly communicated to the SGIS sports contact person at each participating school.
  1. All efforts should be made to have weekend tournaments scheduled to end by 15:00/15.30 on a Sunday. The addition of two day tournaments for some events has been done to keep this rule in effect.
  1. All Coaches are expected to be at the coaches meeting, regardless of their teams starting time in the tournament. If there is no coach in attendance, then the coach may not complain about any issues that were discussed in the coaches meeting prior to the start of the tournament. If there is less than 90% of coaches present, then the organiser may delay the start of the tournament until there are enough coaches to hold a coaches meeting.
  1. Determining how a team progresses in a competition must be clearly defined in writing prior to the commencement of the tournament.
  1. If there needs to be a back to back game, or a possibility that a team might be inconvenienced, it should be the host school where possible.
  1. For all tournaments involving an initial round of pool play, the top two teams from each pool should advance to the finals.
  1. Where possible senior SGIS Sports tournaments are to be divided up into divisions. Division one is to be the stronger (experienced or SV) and the division two for the less strong (beginners or JV).
  1. The organising school must provide a professional first aid person for every tournament. The cost of this, if there is one, should be factored into the tournament fees for the competing schools.
  1. For invitationals, in order to be listed on the SGIS calendar/website, hosting schools must follow the SGIS first aid requirements. Otherwise, your tournament cannot be put on the calendar. (see above)

Ages and Eligibility of Competitors

  1. An athlete must be currently enrolled at an SGIS school in order to represent the school at an SGIS Sports tournament.
  1. Teams should respect the maximum age qualifications. Each competition will be categorized. SGIS senior team competitions are generally regarded as Cat I & 2 unless otherwise stated. Players’ eligibility is determined by their year of birth as of September 1.

SGIS Age Categories- Academic Year 2009-2010

Category / Date of Birth / zurich area, etc… schools / Geneva system
A (Seniors A team) / 1.9.90 – 31.8.95 / Gr. 9 to 12 / Gr. 10 to 13
B (Seniors B team) / 1.9.92 – 31.8.95 / Gr. 9 to 11 / Gr. 10 to 12
C (Juniors A team) / 1.9.95 – 31.8.98 / Gr. 6 to 8 / Gr. 7 to 9
D (Juniors B team) / 1.9.96 – 31.8.98 / Gr. 6 & 7 / Gr. 7 & 8
E (Primary upper level) / 1.9.98 – 31.8.00 / Gr. 4 & 5 / Gr. 5 & 6
F (Primary lower level) / 1.9.00 – 31.8.02 / Gr. 2 & 3 / Gr. 3 & 4

We are continuing with the 1st September to 31st August age grouping for the next 2 years. The entire age category system will be re-evaluated in April 2011.

All students must be born in the correct years to be eligible for the Category tournament.

There is NO exception.

  1. Age I.D.'s should be available at any point during a tournament.


  1. All team members must wear uniform shirts (numbered where appropriate) and sport shorts of similar style and colour in order to participate in a SGIS Sports tournament.


  1. Proficient referees or umpires must be employed in all SGIS Sports competitions.
  1. Where possible the SGIS Sports tournament director should refrain from refereeing. However, if this is not possible, another official must be appointed to take over the duties of the tournament organising and handle all matters including disputes, etc.
  1. Coaches and players must respect the decisions made by the referees. Any official complaint must be made in writing immediately after the game and submitted to the SGIS Sports tournament director.
  1. Official scoring tables should have adult supervision. Students may be used for scoring tables, but there should be an adult there to oversee them at all times. (this adult may be a staff member, parent or official referee)


  1. Host schools must provide professional medical personnel to deal with all types of accident and emergencies. The cost of this, if there is one, should be factored into the tournament fees for the competing schools.
  1. For minor injuries, it is up the individual school to provide their own travelling medical team first aid kits.
  1. It is ultimately the visiting coach and the first aid personnel’s final decision regarding whether an injured player should continue playing or not, but there should be some consultation with the tournament director as well, once this decision has been made (or is being made).


Supervision/ Coaches

  1. An adult from each school in addition to the coach should be in attendance at SGIS Sports tournaments. (An extra chaperone should be in attendance for all tournaments, for supervision, injuries, etc)
  1. Coaches should respect the fact that they are teachers and offer positive examples to students and to other coaches. Role modelling is expected behaviour from all coaches.

Meetingof Coaches

  1. The SGIS Sports tournament director must state the time of the coaches meeting prior to the start of any SGIS Sports tournament competition. All tournaments must have a coaches meeting prior to the start of the tournament. See tournament information section
  1. Each team must send a representative to and must present any changes in the roster at the meeting of the coaches. Coaches who are not in attendance at the meeting of coaches must accept and follow all decisions and guidelines reviewed. (see tournament information section)
  1. All coaches must have the Tournament Director’s contact phone number in case there is an unexpected delay in their arrival.


  1. Schools using any kind of overnight accommodation for a SGIS Sports tournament must ensure that team members are properly supervised by an appropriate number of adult chaperones.


  1. Players must respect rules both on and off the field of play for the entire duration of the SGIS Sports competition as set by the SGIS Sports tournament director, and in accordance with this policy manual.
  1. The SGIS Sports tournament director has the right to dismiss a player, coach or spectator from the area of play for any offence deemed justified.


  1. In the case of a dispute, a decision would be made by a small committee composed of the SGIS Sports tournament director and two uninvolved coaches.
  1. All appeals during a SGIS Sports competition should be submitted, in writing, to the SGIS Sports tournament director, immediately following the tournament in question.
  1. The SGIS Sports tournament director has the final authority over all tournament decisions.
  1. All players are to refrain from smoking at the venue, changing rooms and restaurant during the competition.
  1. All visitors are asked to respect property and not to litter.


AwardCeremony andTrophies

  1. Presentation of the SGIS Sports awards should be made immediately after the completion of the final game at an area announced by the SGIS Sports tournament director.
  1. No team should leave the competition facilities before the presentation of the awards. Teams unable to follow this request are required to have prior permission of the SGIS tournament director.
  1. All local teams (w/in 1 hour 30 min of venue), are expected to stay for the awards ceremony.
  1. SGIS Sports travelling trophies are discretionary for all SGIS Sports tournaments. These trophies remain the property of the SGIS Sports Committee. It is the responsibility of the wining school to engrave the SGIS Sports travelling trophy and to return it in a presentable manner on or before the day of the next SGIS Sports competition.
  1. For all SGIS individual sports such as skiing, swimming, cross country and track and field, medals will be given for the top three finishers in each event and category (gold, silver, and bronze). A trophy may be awarded to the winning team in each category.
  1. All SGIS Sports participation certificates and SGIS Sports permanent miniature trophies must be purchased by the hosting school. The costs will be included in the inscription fee for each tournament.
  1. For division one, an individual trophy should be awarded for the first, place team. For division two there are NO trophies. For division 2 tournaments, medals may be given at the discretion of the tournament organizer but no trophies must be awarded.
  1. For tournaments of 6 or more teams, medals should be purchased for teams finishing in 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and a trophy must be given to the first place team.