The Guild of Health Ltd
an ecumenical Christian society serving the Healing Ministry
c/o St Marylebone Parish Church, 17 Marylebone Road, London NW1 5LT
tel: 020 7563 1389 e-mail: net:
The Courage to Change –
are we Responsive Pilgrims?
This is the title of a Residential Conference running from lunch on Tuesday 30 September to lunch on Thursday 2 October inclusive. It is offered by The Guild of Health, a non-denominational Christian charity committed to a broad spectrum of wholeness.
The conference addresses the need - and how to make - individual, responsible and responsive change on levels from the personal to the corporate, for the healing of the earth and thereby the good of all.
The venue is High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, Herts.
The cost is £150, with a £10 reduction for The Guild of Healthmembers.
Booking (£20 deposit required):
Dr Rupert Sheldrake:
renowned biologist, Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Anglican, co-author with Matthew Fox, he studied with Bede Griffiths & will be sharing avant garde ideas about Creation. It is not a mere ‘thing’, but an organism that is alive, sacred and with whom we share some kind of consciousness. It is in all our interests to learn how to cherish and nurture this fundamental relationship.
Dave Hampton MA (Cantab):
‘The Carbon Coach’ is a chartered engineer, campaigner andconsultant on climate change and responsible lifestyle. Dave will be giving down to earth do-able advice on how to help ‘save the planet’ and enhance our own enjoyment of life through less reliance on fossil fuel.
Dr Terry Cooke-Davies:
Management Consultant advising, among others, the Archdiocese of Canterbury, NASA, BP, BMW; & Local Preacher (URC), Terry will help us look at change in the face of our fallen human nature, in the light of the latest thinking in cognitive science, evolutionary psychology, socio-biology and behavioural economics. His insights will be relevant to organisations and individuals. ‘Behold I Make All Things New’ may never seem the same again!
Rev’d Roger Hoath, Chair of the Guild, presents:
The Road Ahead: plans for The Guild’s future,
followed by Members Forum: a chance for members to have their say.
Rev’d Guy Laurence, Vice Chair of the Guild, presents
Gremlins of the Mind: Mind Sets Created by Early Experience
Rev’d Chris MacKenna, Chaplain of the Guild, presents:
Resonant Listening: the pre-requisite of Therapeutic Conversation.
President: Rt Rev’d John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford.
Chaplain: Rev’d Chris MacKenna.
Registered charity: 211016. Registered company: 487460