January 2018 Mega ChallengeJanuary 22-31

Week 4January 22nd – 31st (10 days)

This is the final week. After working super hard for 3 weeks, you have just 10 days left to achieve something special, something you can rightly be proud of. You can clearly see the end now, but if you need any help at all to climb this final mountain, here's a message from Arnie to remind yourself of your own motivation should you question yourself during theselast 10 days ....

The activities can be tackled in any sequence of your choosing during the 10 days, including more than one a day.

This allows you to schedule these challenges in with your other commitments and training pattern of this week.

You will need a kettle bell (or equivalent), access to a chair e.g. for dips, and maybe a mat.

You will need to record your activity log and return it to Gary at by the end of Friday February 2nd. All activity records will be loaded on the HIIT and RUN website for motivational purposes, for yourself and others taking part.

BRONZE standardActivity 7, plus the Bronze scaled versions of Activities8 and 9, plus 4 other Activities listed. (7 activities in total)

SILVER standardActivity 7, plus the Silver scaled version of Activities 8 and 9, plus 6 other Activities listed.

(9 activities in total)

GOLD standardAll 11 of the activities, including the Gold scaled version of Activities8 and 9.

Please warm up before each activity and stretch afterwards!


This will be included at Circuit Training on Monday 22nd January.

We're revisiting 'Death by Spartan Burpees' from week 1.

  1. In the first minute, do 5 burpees. Rest for the rest of the minute.
  2. In the second minute, add a burpee for 6. Rest for the rest of the minute.
  3. In the third minute, add another for 7. Rest for the rest of the minute.
  4. etc

When you can't fit your burpees into the minute, you drop out at that level.

You're not allowed to drop out for a minute - these have to be consecutive minutes.

What level can you complete? Can you get further than week 1?

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 2GIMME 10Time cap 12m

This will be included at Circuit Training on Monday 29th January.

  1. 2 rounds of 10 exercises, completing 10 reps of each exercise listed. Either choose list (a) or list (b). The two lists are as follows ....

List (a)

Goblet squats (using your weight)

Press Ups

Squat Jumps

Dive Bombers

Thrusters (using your weight)

Overhead Kettle Swings (using your weight)

Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)

Double Spidermans

Jack Knives

Sit Up Presses (using your weight)

List (b)

Russian Twists (using your weight)

Figure 8 Squats (using your weight)

Spartan Burpees

Sumo High Lifts (using your weight)

Basketballs (using your weight)

Star Jumps

Tuck Jumps

High Knees (10 each leg)

Left Arm Snatch (using your weight)

Right Arm Snatch (using your weight)

Activity 3LUNGE LUNACYTime cap 12m

Using your weight held overhead or to your chest in goblet form.

  1. 10 rounds of the following .... aiming for knee to floor on all except the side lunges.

Left leg front lunge

Left leg rear lunge

Left leg side lunge

Left leg curtsy lunge

Right leg front lunge

Right leg rear lunge

Right leg side lunge

Right leg curtsy lunge

If you're still working at 9 minutes, move onto part 2 of this activity.

  1. 5 rounds of the following .... again, knee to floor.

10 left leg deep lunge pulses

10 right leg deep lunge pulses

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 4INFERNOTime cap 12m

  1. Start with 3 Shoulder Presses (using your weight and both arms)
  1. Continuous rounds of the following ....

3 press ups

3 left arm shoulder presses (using your weight)

3 right arm shoulder presses (using your weight)

3 sumo high lifts (using your weight)

But every minute, stop and do 3 more Shoulder Presses

  1. Finish with 3 final Shoulder Presses

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 5SUFFERING BY SQUATSTime cap 12m

  1. 10pyramid rounds, as follows ....

Start with ....

20 Goblet Squats (using your weight)

2 left leg single leg squat jumps

2 right leg single leg squat jumps

2 speed squats (wide+narrow counts as 1 rep)

With each round, reduce the Goblet Squats by 2 reps and increase the others by 2 reps.

The final round will therefore be ....

2 Goblet Squats (using your weight)

20 left leg single leg squat jumps

20 right leg single leg squat jumps

20 speed squats (wide+narrow counts as 1 rep)

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 6CORE CRIPPLERTime cap 12m

  1. As many rounds of the following as you can ....

10 table top crunches

10 reverse crunches

10 oblique jack knives (switch sides in consecutive rounds)

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 7FILTHY 50s (mandatory)Time cap 30m

  1. 4 rounds of the following ....

50 Squats (not using your weight)

50 Press Ups

50 Full Sit Ups

You will need to pause during this, which is acceptable, but you need to complete each 50 before moving onto the next exercise.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 8PYRAMID PLAGUE (mandatory, scaled)Time cap 30m

  1. A simple increasing pyramid as follows ....

Start with 12 reps of the following ....

Kettle Swings (using your weight, to shoulder height)

Thrusters (using your weight)

Double Spidermans

For Bronze standard, increase all exercises by 1 rep each round.

For Silver standard, increase all exercises by 2 reps each round.

For Gold standard, increase all exercises by 3 reps each round.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 9APOCALYPSE (mandatory, scaled)31m

  1. As many rounds of the following as you can in 30 minutes ....

For Bronze standard, work to the first timing.

For Silver standard, work to the second timing.

For Gold standard, work to the third timing.

The scaled exercises are ....

Basketballs (using your weight)seconds20, 30, 40

Squat Jumpsseconds 20, 30, 40

Tuck Jumpsseconds 20, 30, 40

There is no scheduled rest, just pauses if you need to.

.... and every 5 minutes, stop and do a 1 minute Plank.

At 30 minutes, stop and go straight into your 6th and final 1 minute Plank.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 10TEN BELLS OF HELL (shorter run)

There will be an opportunity to do this at Caroline's running group on Thursday 25th January.

10 rounds of the following ....

1 minute effort + 1 minute in which to complete 5 Spartan Burpees and rest before your next effort.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.

Activity 11ZOMBIE RUN (longer run or equivalent)

For the long run ....

Run 10 miles, and at every mile, stop and do 3 Spartan Burpees + 3 Squats.

Alternatives to the long run are as follows ....

Cycle 20 miles

Swim for 75 minutes

Walk for 2 hours

However, if doing an alternative to the run, you will need to fit in 30 Spartan Burpees + 30 Squats, either before or after the activity or split between the two. It's not expected that you would just out of a pool in your Speedos and do 30 burpees at pool side, but the burpees and squats need to be done as close as possible, time wise, to your activity.

This is to be achieved in one uninterrupted session.