Conservation Commission Minutes – July 25, 2011
Meeting was called to order at 7:34pm by Chair Leah Basbanes
Members present: Marilyn Pike, Alan Chaney and Judy Larter
Members absent: Juan Amodei, Bill Moeller and Jeff Haight
Meeting held: At the Dunstable Town Hall – lower level – Grange Room
Public Meeting–Request for Determination – 177 Hardy Street – James Bizier
Leah opened the public meeting at 7:34pm. Mr. Bizier was in attendance to explain to the Commission that he is requesting to pave his driveway with pervious (popcorn) material. Currently, the driveway consists of stone dust which, as Leah explained, is actually worse for the environment then the run off from the pervious asphalt. The work to be done is within the buffer zone. Silt fence will be installed to protect the wetland. After the discussion, Alan made a motion to issue a Negative 3 Determination. Judy 2nd the motion. – Motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing Continuation – ANRAD - Lowell Street - Cornerstone Properties (Dumont)
Leah reopened the hearing at 7:41pm. It was announced that member Alan Chaney is an abutter to the property on Lowell Street. The applicant said he was aware of that and agreed to proceed with the hearing.
Leah explained that members of the Commission had walked the site with Todd Morey from LandTech Consultants on July 7th. During the site visit, his plans were compared to the Ross Associates plans that were submitted and approved in 2000. After reviewing the wetland line, Mr. Morey agreed to revise his plans to make them more consistent with the previously approved plans. Changes that were made were:
. Sheet NRAD2 – added the Riverfront Area as well as the Inner- and Outer- Riparian Zones to
the plan. They were inadvertently left off the original submittal.
. Sheet NRAD4 –wetland flags 11B through 17B were adjusted as requested by Conservation
Commission members present for the site walk.
. Sheet NRAD6 – wetland flags 54B through 67B were adjusted as requested by Conservation
Commission members present for the site walk.
The newly revised plans were submitted and reviewed by the Commission. No abutters or interested parties were in attendance. Leah closed the hearing at 7:52pm. Alan made a motion to accept the new delineation and new revised plans for the ANRAD filing at 41 Lowell Street. Marilyn 2nd the motion. – Motion passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes of July 7, 2011
Marilyn made a motion to approve the minutes, with noted change (sight to site), from the July 7th meeting. Alan 2nd the motion. – Motion passed unanimously.
Review/Sign Bills and Payroll - Invoice for certified mail and payroll were signed.
Elizabeth Olivera – 611 Hollis Street
The Building Inspector suggested to Ms. Olivera that she attend the Conservation Commission meeting to discuss where on her property she could place a barn. She presented a 1991 plot plan showing wetlands on her lot. The Commission said that since the plot plan was from 1991, they would advise her to have the wetlands flagged. Leah explained that in addition to the state regulations that say any activity within 100 feet of wetlands must be approved, the town has a 60 foot “no build” wetland bylaw. Ms. Olivera asked about pasture land. Leah told her that she would need to make sure a fence is at least 25 feet from the wetland line.
430 Groton Street – Laurie Keough
Leah explained that she, Jeff and Cheryl had attended the July 7th site visit. The Keough’s would like to place fill on an area in their yard and wanted to make sure it was not in wetlands. Leah said that the staked out area is outside the wetland buffer zone. No additional filing is necessary.
Flat Rock Hill
Alan will talk to David Tully when he returns from vacation to inquire about repairing the culvert at Flat Rock Hill.
Special Permit Hearing – August 15th
Alan asked that members of the Commission attend the Planning Board Special Permit hearing on August 15th for 205-215 Pleasant Street. The applicant has applied for a permit under Section 8.2 of the Zoning Bylaw, to use the property as a contractor garage. The Commission discussed their concerns with the proximity of this business to Salmon Brook. After the discussion, Alan made a motion to ask the Planning Board to deny the request for a Special Permit for MSR Utility Maintenance Corporation to have a contractor yard because of the potential threat to Salmon Brook and the town well field. Judy 2nd the motion. – Motion passed unanimously.
Demolition of Garage at Unkety Woods Preserve – Woods Court
Alan contacted Don Clements who will visit the site within the next few weeks.
$2,500 Performance Bond
The Secretary will request the return of the $2,500 performance bond check from John Scanlon.
Motion was made to close the meeting at 8:13pm. Motion was 2nd. Motion passed unanimously. The next meeting of the Dunstable Conservation Commission will be held on August 8, 2011 at 7:30pm at the Dunstable Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl A. Mann – Secretary - Dunstable Conservation Commission
Conservation Commission Minutes – July 25, 2011 Page 2 of 2