DENT 423

2 credit hours: 1 theory 1 clinical

Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Oral Medicine & Surgery
First Semester
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Oral Diagnosis 1
Course Code / Dent 423
Course prerequisites / Dent 355,356
Course website / E Learning
Office phone / 7201000
Office Hours / Mon 1- 4 pm, Thu 1 - 4 pm
Instructor / Dr. Aceil Al-khatib
Office Location / Dental Teaching Centre
E-mail /
Contributors / Dr. Huda Hammad
Dr. Rima Safadi
Dr. Ashraf Shaweesh
Dr. Reem Azzam
Course Description
This course covers the theory and practice of Oral Diagnosis. It aims to provide students with the skills of history taking, extra oral and intra oral examination application of diagnostic tests , establishing diagnoses and planning treatments. During the first semester, students are given a one hour lecture per week and are taught to practice history taking, extra oral examination, intra oral examination, teeth charting on each other under the direct supervision of instructors. During the second semester, students apply skills acquired in the first semester to provide examinations and treatment planning for dental patients.
Text Book
Title / Oral Diagnosis, the clinician’s guide
Author(s) / Warren Birnbaum & Stephen Dunne
Publisher / Butterworth-Heinemann
Year / 2002
Edition / Reprinted 2006
Assessment Policy
Clinical Assessment / Students’ clinical performance is assessed in the clinic on the basis of professional attitude, adequate history taking, proper clinical extra-oral and intra-oral examination, diagnosis and management planning.
Grade distribution: / First Semester (40 marks): Midterm online exam: Theory: 20 MCQs. Clinical: 20 MCQs.
Second Semester (40 Marks) (please see description of dent 424 course below)
Final Exam (60 marks) at the end of the second semester, distributed as follows:
MCQ theory and clinical (online)= 60 marks (30 clinical + 30 Theory)
Attendance / Is mandatory in compliance with the university regulations
Participation / Student is to perform each task as instructed in the clinic
Course Objectives: Development of skills pertinent to: / Weight
1. / Taking and documenting relevant medical and dental histories using medical and dental terminology. / 10%
2. / Examination the head and neck and the oral cavity efficiently / 30%
3. / Charting of the dental findings using the correct symbols. / 10%
4. / Ordering warranted investigations / 5%
5. / Interpreting radiographs for pathological and anatomical findings using appropriate radiological terms. / 7.5%
6. / Establishing provisional diagnoses based on interpretation and analysis of collected data. / 7.5%
7. / Presenting and discussing findings with instructors. / 7.5%
8. / Discussing the appropriate management plan / 7.5%
9. / Taking necessary measures to control infection and prevent cross contamination / 5%
10. / Understanding characteristics of pain of dental and non-dental origin / 10%
Teaching & Learning Methods
 Duration: 15weeks/ semester
 Lectures: : one-hour lecture / week(first semester)
 Clinical : one 3-hour clinic/2weeks(first & second semester)
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Related Objective(s) / Outcome / Lecture/s
1. / Be able to take medical and dental history . / 2
2 / Be able to perform proper extra-oral examination / 3
3, 7 / Be able to perform intra oral soft tissue examination / 5
4. / Be able to perform routine diagnostic tests / 6
3. / Be able to examine teeth and chart findings / 7
6. / Be able to distinguish between pain of dental and non-dental origin / 10,11,12
2,7 / Be able to identify common oral conditions / 14, 15
1,2,3,5,6 / Be able to make a provisional diagnosis based on history, clinical and radiographic findings. / Previous and acquired knowledge
7,8 / Be able to formulate a treatment plan. / 9
1,2,3,4,5,6 / Be able to present findings and discuss treatment plan with an instructor and with a lay person. / Most lectures
Useful Resources
References & supporting materials:
  1. Oral Diagnosis, the clinician’s guide, Warren Birnbaum & Stephen Dunne, 2006
  2. Clinical Oral Diagnosis and Emergency Treatment Manual

Time: Mon 9:45-10:45 Venue: JUST NG76
Week / Topics / Date
1.. /
Introduction. The dental record.
/ 23/9/012
2. / Taking and documenting medical and dental history / 30/9/013
3. / Extra oral exam / 7/10/013
4. / Eid Al-Adha / 14/10/013
5. / Intra- oral exam / 21/10/013
6. / Diagnostic tests / 28/10/013
7. / Teeth examination / 4/11/013
8. / Midterm exam / 11/11/013
9. / Treatment plan / 18/11/013
10. / Differential diagnosis of pain of dental origin / 25/11/013
11. / Differential Diagnosis of pain of non-dental origin I / 2/12/013
12. / Differential Diagnosis of pain of non-dental origin II / 9/12/013
13. / Assessment of cranial nerves / 16/12/013
14. / Common oral conditions I / 23/12/013
15. / Common oral conditions II / 30/12/013
Attendance is mandatory as per existing university regulations. Students are expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. Students who fail to do so may not be able to take the final exam and thus will be assigned a failing grade.
Excuses for all class absences must be submitted to the course coordinator within a reasonable time.

Practical session’s timetable (Dent 423):

Session / Week / Date / Topic
1 / 1 / 23/9 /
The dental record
2 / 30/9
2 / 3 / 7/10 / Medical and dental history
4 / 14/10
3 / 5 / 21/10 / Extra-oral exam
6 / 28/10
4 / 7 / 4/11 / Intraoral exam
8 / 11/11
5 / 9 / 18/11 / Diagnostic tests
10 / 25/11
6 / 11 / 2/12 / Teeth examination and charting
12 / 9/12
7 / 13 / 16/12 / Treatment plan
14 / 23/12


(1 credit hours: 1 clinical)

Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Dentistry
Department of Oral Medicine and Surgery
Second Semester
Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Title / Oral Diagnosis 2 (continuous course)
Course Code / Dent 424
Prerequisites / Dent 423
Course Website / E Learning
Instructor / Dr. Aceil Al- Khatib
Office Phone / 7201000
Office Hours / Wed 1-4 Thu 1-4
Office Location / Dental Teaching Centre
E-mail /
Contributors / D. Huda Hammad
Dr. Rima Safadi
Dr. Ashraf Shaweesh
Dr. Reem Azzam
Dr. Abeer Miqdadi
Course Description
This course is practical. Students will apply and develop clinical skills by interacting with patients who visit the Oral Diagnosis clinic at JUST's Dental Teaching Center. Small groups of students will elicit history of chief complaint, obtain medical and dental history, perform extra and intra oral examinations, order and interpret intra oral radiographs, interpret and discuss abnormal findings, establish diagnoses and formulate treatment plans. Students should document and discuss their findings and treatment plan including referral to other disciplines with the instructor and afterwards advise patients kindly and respectfully as to their final treatment plan.
Text Book
Title / Oral Diagnosis, the clinician’s guide
Author(s) / Warren Birnbaum & Stephen Dunne
Publisher / Butterworth-Heinemann
Year / 2002
Edition / Reprinted 2006
Assessment Policy
Assessment Type / Modes of assessment:
Clinical Part: An evaluation form is provided for each student, where assessment is conducted on every session. Students’ assessment is based on; professional attitude, adequate history taking, proper clinical extra-oral and intra-oral examination, correct diagnosis treatment plan and communication with patients.
Continuous assessment / Second Semester (Dent 424) (40 marks)
Clinical assessment by examining patients= 40 marks
Final Exam / Final Exam (60 marks) distributed as follows:
MCQ theory and clinical (online)= 60 marks (30 clinical + 30 Theory)
Total = [(40 X 2 (first semester) + (40 X 1 (second semester)] /3 + 60 final
Attendance / Attendance is mandatory as per existing university regulations. Students are expected to attend all classes regularly and punctually. Students who fail to do so may not be able to take the final exam and thus will be assigned a failing grade.
Excuses for all class absences must be submitted to the course coordinator within a reasonable time.
Course Objectives ( by the end of this course students should be able to:
1. / Take History and obtain relevant information from patients / 10%
2. / Examine the head and neck and the oral cavity efficiently. / 10%
3. / Chart dental findings using correct symbols. / 10%
4. / Make a decision of further investigations required. / 10%
5. / Decide which investigation are required / 10%
6. / Interpret a radiograph for pathological and anatomical findings using appropriate radiological terms / 10%
7. / Decide the provisional diagnosis based on collected information / 10%
8. / Decide an appropriate treatment plan and refer the patient accordingly. / 10%
9. / Understand and apply principles of infection control / 10%
10 / Present the case using the appropriate medical and dental terms / 10%
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to
Related Objective(s)
1 / Be able to take full relevant detailed history.
2 / Be able to perform proper extra-oral and intra-oral examination
3 / Be able to chart dental findings using correct symbols
4 / Make a decision if further investigations are required.
5. / Be able to order required investigations
6. / Be able to interpret a radiograph for pathological and anatomical findings using appropriate radiological terms
1,2,3,5,6,7. / Be able to make a provisional diagnosis based on collected information
8. / Be able to decide an appropriate treatment plan ( in phases) and refer the patient accordingly
9. / Be able to comply with the principles of universal infection control
1,…10. / Be able to present the case in an informative and conclusive manner and communicate the findings and treatment plan with the patient
Teaching & Learning Methods
 Duration: 16weeks
 Lectures: No theory component
 Clinical : one 3-hour clinic/ 2weeks
Useful Resources
References & supporting materials:
  1. Oral Diagnosis, the clinician’s guide, Warren Birnbaum & Stephen Dunne, 2006
  2. Clinical Oral Diagnosis and Emergency Treatment Manual