Kennedi quick

Mike martin

1) Continents located :

There are a rainforest in every continent except Antarctica!

2) Area of each in square miles:

Rainforest is also known as the Amazon Basin. Amazon constitutes half of the total rainforest of the earth. It occupies the northern part of the South America. It constitutes eight nations, some of which includes Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and other neighboring nations. It has a total area which extends more than 1.6 million sq miles.

3) Major countries involved:

The largest tropical rainforests exist in the Amazon Basin (the Amazon Rainforest), in Nicaragua (Los Guatuzos, Bosawás and Indio-Maize), the southern Yucatán Peninsula-El Peten-Belize contiguous area of Central America (including the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve), in much of equatorial Africa from Cameroon to the Democratic Republic of Congo, in much of southeastern Asia from Myanmar to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, northern and eastern Australia and in some parts of the United States. Outside of the tropics, temperate rainforests can be found in British Columbia, southeastern Alaska, western Oregon and Washington, the northern coast of California, Scotland and Norway, the western Caucasus (Ajaria region of Georgia), parts of the western Balkans, Japan, southern Chile, New Zealand, Tasmania, and parts of eastern Australia.

4) Major rivers:

The Amazon River in Brazill!!!brazi

5)10 resources found in the rainforest:

Tropical rainforests by themselves are a natural resource for us. Rainforests are home to two-thirds of all the living animal and plant species on the planet. Rainforests are also often called the "Earth's lungs". Coffee, chocolate, bananas, mangoes, papayas, avocados, and sugar cane all originally came from tropical rainforests, and are still mostly grown on plantations in regions that were formerly primary forest. Much of the genetic variation used in evading the damage caused by new pests is still derived from resistant wild stock. Tropical forests have supplied 250 cultivated kinds of fruit, compared to only 20 for temperate forests. Forests in New Guinea alone contain 251 tree species with edible fruits, of which only 43 had been established so far. They are also called "the world's largest pharmacy" because of the large amount of natural "medicines" discovered there. It is estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's species of plants and animals are found in the rainforest. So it is more than just timber that we get from these forests. We also get wood and oil from the rainforests, and sadly this leads to deforestation and loss of natural flora and fauna.

6) Rate of deforestation:

Deforestation is caused by humans and natural changes on earth.

On the natural side, as the tectonic plates have moved, mountains form and erode, rainfall patterns change, and forests respond to these changes over long periods of time. If a place was wet and warm enough for one type of tree, but the climate changed, such as during an Ice Age, those trees might not be able to continue to live in that place. Another tree might fare better, or none at all.

· The reason behind is the metro cities are becoming bigger and bigger day by day. The people from villages are coming to big cities because they are not getting the facilities in the villages which they need. So to make houses the trees are been cutting down, so to make houses, malls, cinemas etc. for the people.

7) Amount of co2 absorbed per acre:

A tree can absorb about 50lbs of CO2 per year.

· Amazon rainforest locks up 11 years of CO2.

· 600 pounds a year in an acre.

8) Reasons for deforestation:

· cutting trees for using the wood, called timber harvesting or logging, and

· Clearing forests to make way for agriculture of plants and/or animals.

· Forests may be cut down to make room for expanding cities, too.

· When people need to expand their space they tear down unused places, rip up trees from their homes, kill animals' habitats, and not even use the wood.

· Building new roads, cattle ranching etc.

· Urban sprawl

· logging

· mining

· infrastructure

· plantation - crops

· wood or timber

· urbanization

· cultivation

· The reason behind is the metro cities are becoming bigger and bigger day by day. The people from villages are coming to big cities because they are not getting the facilities in the villages which they need. So to make houses the trees are been cutting down, so to make houses, malls, cinemas etc. for the people.

9) Amount of rain:

Around 100 inches per year. Nine feet a year.

10) Take area, multiply by decimal % area = area cut.




Subtract #1 from #2= change




Area of change is in (pixels) which are set as 50*50m= 1 pixels so 50m*50m=2500 meter square

34384.878*2500m2=112011345 area in meters

44804.538*2500m2=85962195 area in m2

Divide area2 by meters2/acre 4047m2 divided by acre.



Co2 changes divide by 2.49 acres/ton

Tons 2 -1994-1995=8530.50co2 change

Tons 3 1995-1996=11115.511co2 change