2nd Grade Pacing Guide Overview 2015-2016
The Pacing Guide Overview is a quick look at the school year. It provides suggested time frames for each unit in Math Expressions across the 2015-2016 calendar year. Please refer to the Pacing Guides for each individual instructional block for detailed information on the alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment and additional resources. The order of the units have changed to better meet the needs of student learning.
SLCSD Instructional Blocks and Math Expressions Units and Lessons / PacingInstructional Block 1: Units 1&2 / Aug. 24 – Nov. 9
MX Unit 1, Addition and Subtraction Within 20
- Lessons 1-9 Strategies for Addition and Subtraction
- Lessons 10-16 Addition and Subtrcation Situations
- Lessons 17-21 More Complex Situations
- Unit 1 Review/Test
MX Daily Routines: Money Routine, Money Flip Chart, Number Path, Secret Code Cards, and Number Flashes / Aug. 24-Sept. 29
21 Lessons: 24 days
MX Unit 2, Addition Within 200
- Lessons 1-5 Use Place Value
- Lessons 6-10 Add 2-Digit Numbers
- Lessons 11-15 Money and Fluency for Addition Within 100
- Unit 2 Review/Test
MX Daily Routines: Money Routine, Money Flip Chart, Number Path, Secret Code Cards, and Number Flashes (NEW ROUTINE: Comparing Two- Digit Numbers) / Sept. 30-Nov. 3
15 Lessons: 22 Days
Interim 1: Nov. 9
Instructional Block 2:Units 3&4 (Lessons 1-11) / Nov. 4 – J\an. 11
MX Unit 3, Length and Shapes
- Lessons 1-5 Lenghts and Shapes
- Lessons 6-9 Estimate, Measure, and Make Line Plots
*For additional lessons from Engageny see last page of overview
MX Daily Routines: Money Routine, Money Flip Chart, Number Path, Secret Code Cards, and Number Flashes (NEW ROUTINE: Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies) / Nov. 4 – 24
9 Lessons: 15 Days
MX Unit 4, Subtract 2-Digit Numbers
- Lessons 1-2 Totals of Mixed Coins and Bills
- Lessons 3-11 Multidigit Subtraction Strategies
MX Daily Routines: Money Routine, Money Flip Chart, Number Path, Secret Code Cards, and Number Flashes (NEW ROUTINE: Metric Units of Length, Customary Units of Length, Personal Referents (Metric), and Personal Referents (Customary)) / Nov. 30- Jan. 8
11 lessons : 20 days
Interim 2 Jan. 11
Instructional Block 3: Unit 5 and Unit 4 (Lessons 12-23) / Jan.l 12 – Feb. 25
MX Unit 5, Time, Graphs, and Word Problems
- Lessons 1-2 Time
- Lessons 3-4 Picture Graphs
- Lessons 5-10 Bar Graphs
10 Lessons: 14 Days
MX Unit 4, Subtract 2-Digit Numbers
- Lessons 12-23 Word Problems: Addition and Subtraction within 100
12 Lessons: 18 days
Interim 3 Feb. 29
Instructional Block 4: Unit 7 and 6 / Feb. 26 Apr. 29
MX Unit 7, Arrays, Equal Shares, and Adding or Subtracting Lengths
- Lessons 1-2 Arrays and Equal Shares
- Lessons 3-6 Relate Addition and Subtraction to Length
MX Daily Routines: Money Routine, Money Flip Chart, Number Path, Secret Code Cards, and Number Flashes (NEW ROUTINE: Comparing 3-Digit Numbers) / Feb. 26 - March 11
6 Lessons: 10 days
MX Unit 6, 3- Digit Addition and Subtraction
- Lessons 1-5 Understanding Numbers to 1,000
- Lessons 6-8 Adding to 1,000
- Lessons 9-12 3-Digit Subtraction
- Lessons 13-15 3-Digit Addition and Subtraction
(NEW ROUTINE: Math Mountains for 100 or 2-Digit Numbers, Using the Mathboard, Using Dimes and Pennies) / March 14- April 22
15 Lessons : 25 days
Interim 4: April 25
End of Level Assessment / Assessment Window
SLCSD Second Grade End of Level Assessment / April 4 – May 26
Instructional Block 5 / May 2 – June 3
Grade 2 Module 5: Addition and Subtraction Within 1,000 with Word Problems to 100
Click on the link to access the whole module in PDF format:
Strategies for Adding and Subtracting Within 1,000
- Lesson 1: Relate 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, and 100 less to addition and subtraction of 10 and 100.
- Lesson 2: Add and subtract multiples of 100, including counting on to subtract.
- Lesson 3: Add multiples of 100 and some tens within 1,000.
- Lesson 4: Subtract multiples of 100 and some tens within 1,000.
- Lesson 5: Use the associative property to make a hundred in one addend.
- Lesson 6: Use the associative property to subtract from three-digit numbers and verify solutions with addition.
- Lesson 7: Share and critique solution strategies for varied addition and subtraction problems within 1,000.
Strategies for Decomposing Tens and Hundreds Within 1,000
- Lesson 13: Relate manipulative representations to the subtraction algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.
- Lessons 14–15: Use math drawings to represent subtraction with up to two decompositions, relate drawings to the algorithm, and use addition to explain why the subtraction method works.
- Lessons 16–17: Subtract from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place.
- Lesson 18: Apply and explain alternate methods for subtracting from multiples of 100 and from numbers with zero in the tens place.
/ Lessons: 18 Days
SLCSD District End of Level Assessment
STMath: SLCSD Recommeneded Curriculum Order
Counting With Groups→The Number Line→Addition and Subtraction Situations→Place Value Bundles Tens and Hundreds→Opperations on the Number Line→Measurement→Recognnizing Shape Attributes→Identifying Shapes→Adding and Subtracting Tens and Hundreds→Using Place Value to Add and Subtract→Addition and Subtraction Situations within 100→Time→Creating Graphs→Addition and Subtration within 100→Rows and Columns→Partitioning→Equal Shares→ Money→
For more information on the pacing of lessons, see page xxx in the MX Teacher Edition.
2nd Grade Pacing Guide Overview 2015-2016
Additional Resources
Engageny Grade 2 Module 7: Problem Solving with Length, Money, and Data
- Lesson 18: Measure an object twice using different length units and compare; relate measurement to unit size.
- Lesson 24: Draw a line plot to represent the measurement data; relate the measurement scale to the number line.
- Lessons 25–26: Draw a line plot to represent a given data set; answer questions and draw conclusions based on measurement data.
Engageny Grade 2 Module 2: Addition and Subtraction of Length Units
- Lesson 5: Develop estimation strategies by applying prior knowledge of length and using mental benchmarks
- Lesson 9: Measure lengths of string using measurement tools, and use tape diagrams to represent and compare the lengths.
For more information on the pacing of lessons, see page xxx in the MX Teacher Edition.