Alfred Nobel Charter Middle School

Nobel Math Science Technology Magnet

9950 Tampa Ave CA 91324

Tel 818-773-4700 August 17, 2016

8th Grade Physical Science Course Outline

Dear Parents and Guardians

My name is Mrs. Bhatia, and I am your child’s eighth grade Physical Science Teacher for 2015- 2016. Eighth grade Physical Science comprises of Physics, Chemistry and Astronomy. The instruction for the class is aligned with the District and state standards. Science concepts will be taught using lectures, student led investigations, power points, discussions along with several hands on activities, demonstrations and labs. Upon completion of a unit students will be assessed using tests and quizzes as well as their participation and effort in class.

The objective of the class is to nurture a love for science among students and help them build connections between the class room science and its role in our society. This course will provide the foundation of basic scientific principles and concepts. Students will develop the mastery of scientific methodology, research as well as oral presentations. The goal is for students to nurture a love for science through class room success, homework reading, interesting science projects and engaging labs to inspire these students to continue in Science.

California State Science Standards can be accessed at

Course Overview

Semester 1: Scientific Method & Measurement


Chemistry (Study of Matter)

Semester 2: Chemistry (Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions, Acids and Bases)


Homework: Homework is an essential aspect of learning and will be assigned three times a week. Your child will be spending about 20 minutes on each homework assignment. If your child misses class on a certain day it is his or her responsibility to make up the homework assignment for that day as well as any activities done in class that day. I am available during nutrition every day to work with any students that may need additional help.


Assessment is another important aspect of learning. Upon completion of a unit there will be a test or a quiz to evaluate learning. Grades will be on a point system and will be calculated based on class participation in labs, demonstrations, notebooks, discussions, class assignments as well as quizzes.

Tests and Quizzes = 35%

Labs, Demonstrations, Projects = 35%

Class Assignments and activities = 20%

Homework = 10%

Grading Scale

Grading is done on the basis of point system

90%-100% = A

80%- 89% =B

70%- 79% = C

60%- 69%= D

Below 60% = Fail

Citizenship grades are based upon following school & classroom rules, lab safety guidelines and their work being turned in ON TIME. Three or more tardies may result in a “U” in citizenship.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be on time: Students must be on their assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.

Tardieswill be recorded and unexcused tardies will affect your citizenship grade.

  1. Come Prepared: Students must bring all the necessary materials and homework assignments.
  2. Be Respectful: Students must be respectful to all adult, to their peers and school property.
  3. No Food and Drinks in The Room: Students must leave all foods and drinks

outside the classroom.

  1. Dismissal: Students must wait to be dismissed by the teacher.

I am very happy and excited to have the opportunity to be your child’s science teacher. I will make every effort to make the lessons both interesting and effective. A strong home- school line of communication is essential for academic success. I invite your questions and concerns at any time. Please contact me via e-mail at or through contacting the main office at 818-773-4700.

I look forward to a productive school year.


Mrs Bhatia

------Tear Off------

I have reviewed the course description with my child and my child understands the course guidelines and teacher expectations.

Student Name______Period______

Parents Name______

Parent’s email ______
