DEMSWG Meeting Minutes June 6-7, 20171
1.Coffee and Networking (8:30– 9:00)
2.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Devin Miroy, Data and Energy Management System Work Group (DEMSWG) Chair, called the meeting to order and asked for introductions. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.
3.Review WECC Antitrust Policy
Evan Paull, Associate Reliability Specialist, read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
4.Approve Agenda
Mr. Miroy reviewed the agenda with the group. Brian Meadows, Salt River Project, asked to have Agenda item 8 moved to the next day. Mr. Miroy reminded everyone that Morgan King, WECC Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Auditor, will join the meeting the next day for the AT&T presentation.
The group agreed to suspend Roberts Rules for this meeting.
5.Review October 4, 2016 Minutes
Mr. Paull reported the review of the October 4, 2016 meeting minutes would need to be addressed at the next meeting.
6.Review of Previous Action Items
Mr. Paull review the previous action items, and the items that remain open are listed below.
- Devin Miroy will review the DEWG documentation to remove WNET ref. Completed, however, Mr. Miroy is still looking for other references.
- CAISO and AT&T come up with options for a secure AT&T pricing. Open
- Tim Reynolds will send out the reminder on signing the WON Connection Agreement. Open
7.WECC-Wide Node/Breaker Model Update and Survey Results—BPA Presentation
A discussion was held regarding the need for the focus to be on the vendors. If the group should discuss a common practice, it is very important for the vendors to be involved. Murat Uludogan, Peak Reliability, stated that the Time Error discussion will be going away.
8.Review of CIM Task Force and Follow-up with RalphMackiewiczfrom SISCO
Mr. Meadows reported that he met with RalphMackiewicz, and discussed that CIM is a standard as technology. The committee discussed defining common problems, such as out of box is not accommodating, naming convention differences, different versions because different regions have different processes, and lack of resources to pursue.
The committee discussed a possible path to accomplish the goal, and discussed a WECC general guideline, defined structure for CIM, use the Common Power System Modeling (CPSM) profile as a starting point.
9.Peak Reliability Coordinator (RC) Update
10.TOP-003 Task Force Update
Stacen Tyskiewicz, Bonneville Power Administration discussed the need of sharing more data. Bonneville Power Administration does not like to share their data, as they prefer others to use the TOP closed website. She asked Jeff Mettler, Grant County Public Utilities District, to review the Participants Guide that’s on the Peak RC website for TOP compliance. There was a discussion about having a data specification – IRO-010 - the task force came up with this solution so that they didn’t have to go through the whole process every time they had a request for data. The data spec encompasses every type of data anyone will need. This is for those who don’t want to have to do a formal request. Does everyone understand the TOP-003 approach?
Action: Jeff Mettler, GCPD, will review the Participants Guide that’s on the Peak RC website for TOP compliance.
Action: Devin Miroy, WAPA, will add the need for maintenance of the Peak library site to the DEMSWG Charter.
On a motion made by Brian Meadows, the DEMSWG approved having the maintenance of the Peak library site as a permanent agenda item.
11.Update on WON Connection Agreement Signatures
Ms. Tyskiewicz reported that getting everyone to sign the WON connection agreement wasn’t going well. There was a discussion that the documents were difficult to find. It was decided they would carry on the discussion after the AT&T presentation in the afternoon.
12.Discussion on FERC Order 822 (may possibly become CIP-012)
Mr. King led a discussion on the CIP-012 standard, and reviewed the current draft of the standard that will be posted. The drafting team posted a comment form for FERC Order 822. After a discussion about transmitting real-time data, Mr. King encouraged them to provide their comments back to the drafting team.
13.Discussion on Issue Resolution Between Companies for Sharing Data
After a brief discussion about sharing data, the decision was made they will work with Tim Reynolds on the Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).
14. AT&T ECN and WON Presentation/Discussion
Clifton Jones, AT&T, Todd Coleman, GLS, Sean Eversman, Certes, and Robert Melis, CAISO, gave an overview of AT&Ts ECN and the partnership with Certes and GLS. They discussed infrastructure monitoring and management, and the need for a complete solution for everyone. The group held a discussion on the management console and the device.
The presentation is posted here.
15. Technical Support Discussion on WON Support via CAISO and AT&T
The group held a candid discussion regarding some of the difficult challenges they have experienced with the AT&T express ticketing application. After they voiced their concerns, Clifton Jones, AT&T, and Mr. Melis agreed to meet to document the process and instructions, to ensure they have the right information.
Mr. Jones recommended entities continue to open a ticket with AT&T. He gave his email address
Action: Robert Melis will review the list of contacts between AT&T and CAISO, and will share it with Devin Miroy, DEMSWG Chair.
16. TOP-010 Discussion. How Are Entities Planning to Address Requirement 3? (Regarding the Quality of Assessments)
Mr. Miroy posed the question if everyone knew how they will meet the standards. Jim Hiebert, CAISO, stated that his company has had many discussions on it. They do alarm on critical points, including all generators, quality of analysis and how it’s being monitored, data flows, and so on. The work group agreed a best practices discussion would be beneficial, and that feedback from their engineers is needed. They discussed collaboration within the group for consistency.
It was agreed the October meeting will be focused on this standard and best practices of entities.
ACTION: In October, Brian Meadows will give a presentation on Salt River Project’s best practices.
ACTION: Gareth Lim, Peak Reliability, will see if his company would be willing to present in October.
17. OC Restructuring
A discussion was held on the restructuring of the DEWG and EMSWG work groups into the DEMSWG. At the previous meeting, they had created the charter for the DEMSWG.
Scott Erwin, WECC Reliability Specialist, gave an update on the new Cyber Security Work Group (CSWG), reporting there are 20 members to date. He encouraged people to join the new group.
18.NERC EMSWG Update
Ms. Tyskiewicz encouraged everyone to attend the NERC EMSWG conference which is scheduled for October 2017. Wei Qiu, NERC, discussed the topics that will be covered at the conference; for example, modeling and “good tools”. He explained they were also looking for presenters who will share their tools, and real-time modeling. If anyone was interested, they were to contact Mr. Qiu.
The meeting recessed at 4:30 p.m.
19. Closed Door Session
During the closed-door session, the committee discussed the following topics:
a.CIP5 Transition aftermath
b.NERC Event Analysis Update and Discussion
20. Coffee and Networking (8:30–9:00)
21. Q&A with a WECC Auditor
Carl Bench, Stacia Carron and Lisa Wood, all WECC CIP Auditors, joined the group and answered questions on CIP v3, CIP-012 and dates on the CIP-010-R4. The Auditors reported that CIP violations will be discussed at their next outreach events in Portland, OR in October.
22.Update on Dispersive Technology Implementation at CAISO and Where It Is Going
Tom Williams, California ISO (CAISO) gave a brief update on the Dispersive Technology implementation, and about their connection to a remote intelligence gateway (RIG).
23. Secure ICCP Update
Mr. Miroy reported that he reached out Mark Rice of PNNL, and Mr. Rice provided a document, but it wasn’t for the public.
Ms. Tyskiewicz discussed the Bonneville Power Administration ICCP failure process. There was a brief discussion held on the actual process.
24. TOP-001-3 Follow-up Discussion on How Entities’ Operations and SCADA/EMS support has been affected since April 1 (more call outs, etc.)
25. Overview of EIM and Technology sharing (PI Displays)
Jim Hiebert, CAISO, gave an overview of the current EIM participants, and those who are planned to join the program. He stated there was more information on the CAISO website, and that it is a good computer-based training. Mr. Hiebert shared the CAISO PI Web System Architecture and Data Flow.
26. Discuss Allowing WON Connections for Non-WECC Entities (example— BA services provided by 3rd party company)
27. TOP-001 (version 4) Discussion Regarding Diversely Routed Data Exchange Infrastructure Within the Control Centers
The committee held a discussion on R20 of the TOP-001-4 document. Also, they discussed R13, which states each Transmission Operator shall ensure that a real-time assessment is performed at least once every 30 minutes.
28.Close-Out of Action Items
29. Public Comment
There was no public comment at the time of this meeting.
30. Review of New Action Items
Mr. Aust, reviewed the new action items.
- Review the Participant’s Guide that on the Peak RC website for TOP compliance.
- Assigned To: Jeff Mettler, Grant County Public Utilities District
- Due Date: Before the next meeting
- Add the need for maintenance of the Peak library site to the DEMSWG Charter.
- Assigned To: Devin Miroy, WAPA
- Due Date: Before the next meeting
- Review the list of contacts between AT&T and CAISO, and share it with Devin Miroy
- Assigned To: Robert Melis, CAISO
- Due Date: Before the next meeting
- For October, give a presentation on Salt River Project’s State Estimator Tool
- Assigned To: Brian Meadows, Salt River Project
- Due Date: October DEMSWG Meeting
- Determine if Peak Reliability will be willing to present at the October meeting.
- Assigned To: Gareth Lim, Peak Reliability
- Due Date: Before the October meeting
31. Review Upcoming Meetings
There was a brief discussion about the next meeting. The October date needs to change due to the NERC Situational Awareness Conference. An announcement will go out.
Oct 3-4, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT/Tucson, AZ
32. Adjourn
Mr. Miroy and Mr. Aust adjourned the meeting.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Steve Ashbaker...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
JonathanAust...... Western Area Power Administration
Carl Bench...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Geoffrey Burke...... AT&T
Stacia Carron...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Brian Cast...... Los Angeles Department of Water & Power
Nico Chondro...... Portland General Electric
Todd Coleman...... GLS
Tom Curtis...... Peak Reliability
Donald Davies...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Cheryl Garrett...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Jim Hiebert...... California ISO
Steven Johnson...... PacifiCorp
Clifton Jones...... AT&T
Morgan King...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Gareth Lim...... Peak Reliability
Xiaopeng Liu...... Alberta Electric System Operators
Brian Meadows...... Salt River Project
Robert Melis...... California ISO
Jeff Mettler...... Grant County Public Utilities District
DevinMiroy...... WAPA - Sierra Nevada Region
Eric Mscichowski...... Sacramento Municipal Utilities District
Troy Osteraa...... NaturEner USA
Evan Paull...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Chuck Pledger...... Certes Networks
Ramu Ramanathan...... Maxisys
Mary Savage...... Tacoma Power
Exhibit A: Attendance List (continued)
Name...... Affiliation
StacenTyskiewicz...... Bonneville Power Administration
Murat Uludogan...... Peak Reliability
Daniel Vang...... California ISO
Allan Wick (Webinar)...... Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Tom Williams...... California ISO
Lisa Wood...... Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Chris Yoon...... Puget Sound Energy
Western Electricity Coordinating Council