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The Missouri Association of Counties SelfInsurance Workers' Compensation and Insurance Trust, was formed in April of 1987, by 27 Missouri county governments and one health department to offer a means of protecting their resources and assets from possible loss and give insurance protection at a reasonable cost. By this agreement, all of these insured local governments are selfinsured. Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. is administering claims. Loss prevention and safety services are being handled inhouse at the MAC office in Jefferson City. If the members of the MAC selfTrustTrust become effectively committed to loss prevention and safety, the potential for real savings will be realized.

The MAC workers' compensation loss prevention program represents a practical commitment to safety. It sets forth philosophy and policy goals, organizational authority, safety program directives and methods of prevention. The full implementation of the loss prevention program for all employees at every level is the goal established by the board of directors of the Trust. The responsibilities outlined in the program are the minimum and they shall in no way be construed to limit individual initiative to implement more comprehensive procedures to reduce losses. Without enterprising and purposeful direction, a program can cease to be operational. With proper and adequate effort, this loss prevention program can be most effective. It can be accomplished

This manual is intended to be a template for the entities own personalized program. It will probably have to be modified to suit the particular needs of the entity. Have your program reviewed by local counsel before implementation.

This manual is constantly being revised and updated. The most current copy is available for download at our website:


*Click on the “Workers’ Comp Trust” link

*Username is “wcmember”

*Password is “workcomp”

If you desire a hard copy of this manual contact MACat (573) 634-2120for assistance.



Chapter 1 Loss Prevention Policy and Incentives



Safety Incentive Programs

Chapter 2 Elected Officials' Commitment

Implementation of Program

Loss Prevention Program (Steering) Committees

Departmental Loss Prevention Committees

Specialty Committees

Chapter 3 Loss Prevention Responsibilities

Loss Prevention Coordinator

Department Heads

Supervisory Personnel



Chapter 4 Loss Prevention Methods


Job Loss Prevention and Safety Training...... Accident Investigation

Loss Prevention and Safety Discipline

Chapter 5 Occupational Illness and Injury Control

Designated Physician

Post Job Offer Physical Examinations and Return to Work

Physical Fitness...... First Aid Treatment for Sick or Injured Employees

Emergency Medical Treatment...... Personal Protective Equipment Proper Dress for Work


Safety Performance Evaluations and Incentives

Chapter 6 Record Keeping

Employee Files - Orientation to Hazards

Loss Prevention Committee Meeting Minutes




LOSS PREVENTION FORMS AND CHECKLISTS are located at our website under Workers’ Comp Trust/Member Services/Loss Prevention Forms. To access website see page 3

Form #

A. Loss Prevention Committee Records (MAC Forms 001 - 002)

Record of Committee Meeting...... 001

Record of Departmental Loss Prevention Meetings...... 002

B. Loss Prevention Checklists - Departments (MAC Forms 003 - 008)

Courthouse Loss Prevention Checklist...... 003

Sheriff’s Department Loss Prevention Checklist...... 004

Road and Bridge Department Loss Prevention Checklist...... 005

Slips and Falls...... 006

Fire Inspections...... 007

Job Safety Analysis...... 008

C. Motor Vehicle Records (MAC Forms 009 - 010)

Motor Vehicle Maintenance Record...... 009

Vehicle Daily Operation’s Log...... 010

D. Employee Records (MAC Forms 011 - 017)

Hazard Orientation Checklist...... 011

Injury and Illness Records...... 012

Safety Training Attendance Record...... 013

First Aid Report...... 014

Accident Investigation Report...... 015

SAFETY TALKS/WEBSITES(Available at (eTools are very useful at this website)


SAFETY VIDEOS are listed and can be ordered from website or by contacting the MAC office.


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It is the intention of the members of the board of directors of the Missouri Association of Counties' SelfInsurance Workers' Compensation and Insurance Trust, Inc., to develop, implement and administer an allencompassing loss prevention program. Each county and political subdivision maintains that its residents and employees are its most important asset. Therefore, their safety is our greatest responsibility. In all of our assignments, the health and safety of all should be the utmost consideration. Department heads and supervisory personnel at all levels of the work force are directed to make loss prevention and safety a matter of continuing concern, equal in importance with all other operation considerations. This program is established to emphasize that effective loss prevention is an integral part of management procedures designed to fully utilize capital and personnel.


Within the operational activities of an endeavor, there may be exposure to personal injury or property damage that may be unintentionally hidden. Reviews of contemplated operations should include consideration of errors, which could occur. The detail of the working situation and method should also receive consideration of the possibility of improper actions. Accidents are unplanned events. Proper planning can control accidents. Most accidents are preventable. An essential part of loss prevention is to initiate the preplanning necessary to minimize unsafe acts, contain environmental hazards and control unsafe conditions.

Continued emphasis on loss prevention techniques, the refinement of work procedures, and safe working conditions will reduce employee injuries and property damage. All employees are charged with the responsibility to adhere to the loss prevention program outlined in this manual and are expected, as a condition of their employment, to adopt the concept that the safe way to complete a task is the most efficient and the only acceptable way. Safety will be included as part of the performance evaluation of all employees.




The elected officials' commitment to safety only is realized by active management involvement in the safety program. Once the loss prevention policy is adopted, each department should set forth its goals and objectives in striving toward reducing losses due to preventable accidents. While some accidents sequences may not be deemed preventable, the extent of the frequency or severity of personal injury or property damage may be through loss prevention measures. The most effective accident prevention measures are those, which have been formulated at each level, thoroughly discussed and coordinated by all concerned, and supported by county commissioners and/or the governing body. Each county or political subdivision is to name a loss prevention coordinator and furnish this information to the administrator of the Trust at the MAC office. The board of directors of the Trust recommends that the presiding commissioner assume this responsibility. A deputy or assistant loss prevention coordinator may also be designated.


The loss prevention committee will function as an advisory body to develop and recommend matters of policy and procedure affecting the administration of the loss prevention program. The committee will be chaired by a loss prevention coordinator (the presiding commissioner, county executive, political subdivision designee or a duly appointed representative). It is recommended that membership shall be composed of such elected officials as sheriffs or department directors. It is required that the loss prevention committee meets a minimum of four times a year.

Functions of the committee shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Maintain minutes of meetings and distribute them to the loss prevention coordinator and each department head. The abovementioned coordinator shall retain a central file of minutes. (See form MAC 001)
  2. Plan and recommend policies and procedures affecting development of the administration of an aggressive accident prevention program for all employees.
  3. Coordinate and establish toplevel goals, objectives and regulations for this program to ensure directives are current and coincidental with current needs.
  4. Review statistical data, records and reports of loss prevention matters.
  5. Make followup investigation of accidents and safety inspections. When appropriate, file a report with the loss prevention coordinator and department heads regarding recommendations concerning disciplinary action.
  6. Discuss problems and ideas concerning general and specific loss prevention efforts.
  7. Develop and conduct a program of safety and health inspections.
  1. Prepare a report annually of the committees’ significant activities and accomplishments.


The departmental loss prevention committee will serve as a direct link between the employee and the loss prevention committee. Each major department, such as road and bridge or the sheriffs department shall be responsible for developing and administering a loss prevention committee. The respective department heads will determine the committee size and makeup. However, the representative designated by the department head to serve as a member of the overall loss prevention committee shall be appointed chairman of the departmental loss prevention committee. The primary function of this committee will be to focus on internal solutions to safety problems and to actively support the loss prevention committee recommendations. Meetings may be held in conjunction with regular staff meetings or departmental assemblies. The specific duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Maintain a record of meeting minutes. (See form MAC 002)
  2. Review loss prevention suggestions presented by employees and consultants.
  3. Review accident records and evaluate the progress of departmental loss prevention efforts.
  4. Prepare for submission to the loss prevention committee those department mattersthat cannot be resolved at this level, together with loss prevention promotion
  5. Formulate recommendations developed by employees within the department.
  6. Formulate recommendations for loss prevention meeting materials, new policies and procedure changes, equipment needs and personal needs that can enhance the loss prevention program.
  7. Arouse and maintain the interest of employees to put safety into practice.


Specialty Committees are formed to oversee a single or specialty area. These committees may be formed to help to prevent duplication of efforts within the individual departments or committees. One such example of a specialty committee is a motor fleet safety committee. Another example would be an ergonomics committee. The members of these committees can be specifically trained and focus in the specialty. They can then serve the needs of the entire organization as an information, training, and inspection resource.



Each county or political subdivision's employees shall be fully responsible for implementing the provisions of this program as it pertains to the operations under his/her jurisdiction. The responsibilities listed below are a minimum and they shall in no way be construed to limit individual initiative to implement more comprehensive procedures to reduce losses.


The presiding commissioner, county executive or political subdivision designee has the overall responsibility for implementing and administering the loss prevention program of the county or political subdivision. Specific responsibilities shall include the following:

  1. Establish and administer the loss prevention program for the county or political subdivision.
  2. Chair the loss prevention committee, serve as loss prevention coordinator, and direct the loss prevention program.
  3. Develop in each department head a strong safety attitude and a clear understanding of her duties and responsibilities.
  4. Participate actively in the loss prevention committee.
  5. Review serious and disabling accidents personally to ensure that accident causes are being investigated and proper corrective action is being taken to prevent recurrence.
  6. Make necessary loss prevention program audits with the department heads to appraise the program's effectiveness at the department level.
  7. Develop and maintain the loss prevention program to incorporate the current practices and philosophies adopted as the most effective in preventing injuries, occupational diseases, vehicular collisions and damage to equipment and materials.
  8. Prepare monthly summaries of accidents to be submitted to the loss prevention committee. The summaries should include the development of comprehensive records of accident/injury experience and related costs, cause analysis to determine trends, problem areas and overall safety performance.
  9. Make followup investigations when required to ensure that unsafe conditions or practices identified by the safety committees or the department heads have been properly corrected.
  10. Maintain an effective driver training and selection program for drivers or other political subdivisions' vehicles.
  11. Coordinate compliance with federal, state and local safety laws.
  12. Develop and implement safety training for new employees and continued training for all employees.


Each department head has the full responsibilityand authority for maintaining a safe and healthful working condition within his jurisdiction. Each department is responsible for providing the type of work environment, work procedures, and service to the public that will promote, to the highest extent possible, the safety of the county or political subdivisions' employees and the general public. Therefore, each department head shall include the following among his duties:

  1. Develop and actively support a departmental loss prevention program that will effectively reduce and control accidents.
  2. Establish departmental loss prevention committee to administer the departmental loss prevention program.
  3. Develop practical loss prevention rules and regulations pertinent to the activities conducted by the department.
  4. Establish and maintain a system of safety inspections. (See forms MAC 003, 004, 005,014)
  5. Provide for adequate job training and continuing safety instruction to all employees in the department. Hold each supervisor fully accountable for an explanation of the preventable injuries by a department employee.
  6. Take corrective action for any unsafe condition that is observed, which could adversely affect the safety of an employee or the general, public.


A supervisor has full responsibility for the safe actions of his employees and the performance of machines and equipment within his operating area. The full potential of an effective loss prevention program can only be realized when supervisors cooperate in all phases of the program. The following is a list of the loss prevention responsibilities of supervisors:

  1. Must aggressively enforce the loss prevention and safety procedures that apply to the work they supervise.
  2. Provide adequate basic job training and safety instruction to all employees under their jurisdiction.
  3. Be fully accountable for preventable injuries, collisions and liabilities caused by their employees.
  4. Ensure that all loss prevention policies herein are fully implemented for maximum efficiency of each job.
  5. Provide continuing safety instruction while issuing daily work assignments to focus attention upon potential hazards, changes in work conditions or procedures.
  6. Ensure that all employees are instructed and understand the use and need for protective equipment for specific hazardous jobs.
  7. Continually observe and evaluate work conditions and work procedures to detect and correct unsafe conditions and practices.
  8. Promptly investigate accidents and make certain that the recommended corrective actions are completed.
  9. Make sure the necessary safety equipment and protective devices for each job are available, used and maintained properly.


Each employee is required as a condition of employment, to develop and exercise safe work habits in the course of his work (in order to prevent injuries to himself and to her fellow workers) and also to conserve material resources. Each employee shall adhere to the following directives:

  1. Promptly report to his supervisor or department head all accidents and injuries occurring within the course of her employment,
  2. Cooperate with and assist in investigation of accidents to identify correctable causes and prevent recurrence.
  3. Promptly report to his supervisor or department head all unsafe actions, practices or conditionshe observes.
  4. Become familiar with and observe approved safe work procedures during the course of his work activities.
  5. Keep work area clean and orderly at all times.
  6. Avoid engaging in any horseplay and refrain from distracting others.
  7. Obey all safety rules and follow published work instructions.
  8. Wear required protective equipment when working in hazardous operation areas.
  9. Arrive at work suitably attired for the job(s) she is expected to perform.

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Each of the following loss prevention methods plays an important part in the overall loss prevention program.


Inspections shall be conducted on a formal basis, at least semiannually, by the loss prevention coordinator and the department heads. Informal inspections should be made at a frequency that ensures that hazards are kept to a minimum and safe work practices are enforced. Emphasis should be placed upon condition of facilities, equipment and machines, as well as on implementation of these practices that comply with the overall goal of the loss prevention program.

  1. Good housekeeping.
  2. Use of prescribed protective equipment.
  3. Contents of First Aid Kits.
  4. Compliance with published department work rules.
  5. Qualifications of drivers and equipment operators.
  6. Condition of vehicles and equipment.
  7. Safe storage of flammable liquids and maintenance of fire fighting equipment.
  8. Guarding of open pits, ditches, tanks, ect.
  9. Safe maintenance of electrical equipment, power tools and hand tools.
  10. Administrative compliance with this manual and other pertinent directives.
  11. Evaluation of activities and workstations to insure they’re ergonomically correct.
  12. Survey of electrical cords and equipment to see that it is safe.
  13. Evaluation of emergency evacuation procedures.