Strand 1: Committing
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update1)Written Commitment:
Our organisation’s commitment to developing an organisational culture, in which equality, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and fairness for all are genuinely valued, is written into all appropriate documents. / SU Strategic Plan 2016-2020 has recurring theme of an equality of experience for all students.
New organisational values builds on earlier work to include ‘We are many voices but one Union, we achieve great things when we work together’.
Behaviours common to all staff, elected officers and reps are clearly stated in the staff handbook, trustee handbook andreflected in role descriptions.
Equalities Policy in placeand supported by IID action plan (see ) / ●Launch new SU Strategic Plan and its commitment to EDI and achievements to date via website.
●Introduce new consideration of behaviours within annual staff development reviews. / CEO
CEO / Dec 2016
From August 2016 / Introduced revised SDR format. Trial in May, rolled out from August 2016.
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
2) Effective Messages:
Our organisation has been effective in sending out strong, clear messages, internally and externally, to an appropriately diverse range of audiences about our commitment to diversity. / ●Officer posts have included events, campaigns information and IID project updates
●IID project featured on the website with regular updates
●Recruitment information clearly states our commitment to equalities; see :
●Clear information on access to joint Harassment Policy with BSU and access to Harassment Advisors
●Club & Society Handbook contains specific section on Equalities; see:
●Social Media policy covers appropriate use of social media, see : / ●Revise training and information for Clubs and Societies to include badges through undertaking EDI training.
●Develop an accessibility assessment framework for Clubs & Societies
●Ensuring external partners have a commitment to EDI by reviewing current marketing/contracts/T&Cs for contracts
●Ensure consistent use of IID logos in all recruitment/publications/email signatures?
●Develop a Welcome video covering welcoming diversity and our zero tolerance of harassment and bullying
●Develop a Membership Rules for all Union members to replace existing Student Disciplinary procedures and define acceptable standards of behaviour
●Include topic of consent in to Buddy training to ensure new students are supported / MB/SH
SD/ D&O Forum
VPWelfare / Sept 17
Sept 17
Sept 17
December 2016
Sept 2016 / See website, emails etc
See vlogs at
Completed. See Code of Conduct and House Rules on website at:
Topic of Consent included in Buddy training 2016
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
3) Practical Commitment:
Staff at all levels within our organisation have shown a practical commitment towards embracing equality, diversity and inclusion. / ●Clear commitment leaders and recognition of widespread responsibility shown through consistent feedback through IID diagnostics
●Lib Reps in place and running campaigns, events & groups
●EDI training is mandatory for all staff and officers.
●Mental health awareness and first aid training provided as required.
●SU is a signatory to Mindful employer charter.
●SU is represented on the Equality Forum and BSU Equalities Diversity Steering Group
●EDI support / signposting to national organisations in place on website. / ●Capture and make use of case studies to promote wide range of learning and support. EG; being a mature student at BSU, Working parents experience and Coming out.
●Clear information for activities in SU guide, eg; alcohol free, child friendly
●Explore Diversity Calendar for further opportunities for learning for all
●Launch awareness raising campaigns aroundareas such as positive mental health, well-being, hidden disability / Lib Reps/ VPWelfare
Lib Reps / VP Welfare
Lib reps / VP Welfare / Ongoing
Ongoing / See NSS report to Board looking at satisfaction and demographic data. Current research project to uncover groups with lower dissatisfaction.
This will form part of the induction for Lib Reps to plan their year ahead in June-Sept
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
4) IiD Steering Group:
A cross-sectional IID steering group is established, fully functional, and has the willingness and ability to effective and deliver aims. / ●Steering group well established, comprising of CEO, Leading Officers and Reps
●Other people invited to join Steering group as required to ensure skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to drive change are maintained / ●Continue to publish remit of Steering group, its membership and meeting minutes are all available on the website
●Examine how the group dovetails in to the Equal Opps (Lib Rep) group to avoid possible confusion of roles, duplication and make the most efficient use of time / SD
SD/VP Welfare/ D&O Forum / Ongoing
Review Oct 2016 -March 2017 / Format to be reviewed with incoming VPW post elections in March 2017
Strand 2: Learning
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update5) Business Case:
There is a good awareness of the business benefits of EDI amongst staff at all levels. / ●Business case discussed as part of staff and officer induction
●Clear statement on SU website and in the Strategic Plan / Continue to advocate business case through the website, training and policy to ensure all staff, officers and reps understand and can articulate the financial and reputational importance of centralising EDI into our everyday business. / All / Ongoing
6) IiD Action Planning:
The IID action plan has been informed by a thorough EDI consultation and is understood by key members of staff and stakeholders. / ●Initial discussion at Steering Group workshop in June 2016 and then detailed action plan developed as part of officer and Rep induction
●EDI message is a central theme of the new Strategic Plan /
- Revise use of you said we did and key equalities messages to ensure consistency of messages and central focus
- Drill down qualitative and quantitative information from survey results and organise focus groups/working parties as appropriate
- Develop data sharing protocol with BSU and more consistent use of EDI information and research to inform service planning
SD / March 2016
Sept - March 2017 / Change something platform introduced Oct 2016. Will inform feedback
Research & Insight temp post established Nov 16-April 17 to look at existing data.
Welcome week and Summer Ball surveys used to inform service planning. Change Something platform launched.
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
7) Formal and Informal Learning:
People at all levels within our organisation are enhancing their learning around EDI, in both formal and informal settings. /
- Online EDI course in place on U-Learn which is mandatory for all staff and trustees
- Mental health awareness and mental health first aid courses have been held as required
- Staff and Managers all have access to resources from Mindful Employer
●Explore other training such as unconscious bias etc, based on themes identified through diagnostic tests / SH/MB
SD / Sept 2017
Ongoing / December 2016 - EDI course run with Diversity trust including language, cultural awareness and unconscious bias.
8) Paradigm Shifts: There have been paradigm shifts in the thinking of staff at all levels, in relation to EDI. / ●Initial IID project development included discussion about where the shift needs to move, including behaviour, language, knowledge
●New Strategic Plan started from re-examination of our core organisational values and team behaviours / ●Revise training and Personal Development Plans for all paid and elected staff, officers and reps to ensure EDI is a central focus
●Staff survey and training evaluation to capture staff changes in thinking.
●EDI items on Staff Team meetings / OK/SD
SD / March-Aug 2017 then ongoing
Ongoing / EDI questions expanded in annual staff survey to provide consistency with IID assessments and test effectiveness of key policies and organisation culture.
Strand 3: Developing
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update9) New Opportunities:
There is encouragement for all stakeholders to speak of new opportunities (both commercial and non-commercial), based on personal knowledge of diverse needs. / ●Lib Rep and officer forums exist where students can bring forward ideas
●Current student Council format is not widely inclusive and format itself may put some students. AGM 2016 approved the format for Council should change to encourage wider student engagement / ●Establish use of online tools and open forums to encourage students to contribute ideas and feedback
●Continue student led campaigns and events which promote inclusive nature of Union and encourage more students to become involved
●Research to seek to look at digital engagement potential to encourage greater student involvement in research
●Website design review
●Continue to revise welcome messages to ensure students feel welcome and are signposted to helpful information and encouraged to become involved / OK
Sabbs/Lib reps
All / Oct-Dec 2016
From Oct 2016
Ongoing / Change something platform launched Oct 2016
Change something launched
Welcome week video sent to all new students from Sabbs when place confirmed. Sabbs gave talks to every UG and PG student during first week
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
10) Accessibility:
The organisation provides a welcoming environment that is appropriately accessible and accommodating of all stakeholders’ diverse needs. / ●Building refurbished to provide more welcoming atmosphere in summer 2014 / ●Develop Accessible venues checklist for all clubs and societies
●Begin work with BSU to develop ideas for replacement SU Hub at Newton Park
●Work with BSU to improve visibility of SU at other campuses
●Introduce mobile working by development staff to improve visibility at all campuses
●Develop use of mystery shopping to ensure frontline services deliver consistent customer focus
●Ensure accessibility central to externally held events
●Seek to establish a ‘contemplation space’ at Bath Spa / SH/MB
DS/RB/EC / Sept 18
From Sept 2016
From April 2017
Ongoing / Weekly presence at SH and CC established
Discussions underway to develop use of historic glasshouse as a contemplation space
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
11) Influencing Change Externally:
Your organisation makes it clear that it wishes to work, where appropriate, with organisations which are positive about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). / ●VPW and other staff attend Equality Steering Group to represent views of students.
●SU works with BSU and Bath University to develop annual equalities forum event.
●VPW sits on a range of partnership groups across the community (e.g. SCP, BaNES Equality Advisory Group, NTE group) to represent the views of students, including issues affecting EDI. / ●Review procurement processes to ensure information and practice reflects EDI commitment of SU
●Publish EDI checklist to be issued to each new supplier or sponsor
●Ensure volunteering opportunities for students are accessible for all participants and that partners chosen also reflect the Union’s commitment to EDI / SD/SS
SH / 2018
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
12) Bullying, Discrimination and Harassment:
Your organisation does not tolerate bullying, discrimination and harassment. Handling procedures are effectively implemented and understood by staff at all levels. / ●Policy & procedures – updated as required
●Staff Handbook
●Dignity at Work Policy
●Equalities Policy
●Complaints policy
●Joint Harassment Policy with BSU and Harassment Advisors in place / ●Continue to actively promote information on complaints procedure/bullying, discrimination and harassment in new members’ induction and to officers, staff and students
●Achieve and promote communications re zero tolerance stance within the SU, wider University space and wider community
●Monitor complaints re EDI to highlight issues/experiences for differing equality strand groups; eg homophobia/trans phobia / ALL
SD/ VPWelfare / Annually
Dec 2016
Ongoing / Included within revised Members Code of Conduct & House Rules
Central complaints log established with complaints reported to Audit Committee annually.
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
13) Using Data:
Your organisation is effectively monitoring EDI data, and is striving to appropriately increase the diversity of its staff and stakeholders. / ●Equality and Monitoring Form during recruitment of staff and elections of officers and Reps
●Candidate information for elections in 2015 and 2016 so significant increases in numbers of candidates identifying as having a disability
●EDI information used to inform Strategic Planning development 2015/16 / ●Annual reporting to Trustees contains EDI data where appropriate
●Develop data sharing protocol with BSU to ensure data is used to inform service development
●Review how we use and capture
student data to track engagement, progress around increasing diversity. / SD
OK / Ongoing
Sept 16-March 17
2018 / Awaiting QC opinion via Endsleigh in light of Data Protection legislation changes.
Strand 4: Advancing
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update14) Continuous Improvement:
There are perceptible signs of continuous improvement in attitudes, habits, behaviours and conduct in relation to EDI. / Quantifiable change evidenced through IID diagnostics 2013, 2014 and 2016 / ●Continue to monitor harassment and other complaints to ensure emerging issues are identified and addressed
●New SDR will introduce new focus on staff behaviours linked to strategic plan and organisational values / SD / A&R Committee / D&O Committee
SD / Ongoing
From Aug 2016 / See SDR pro forma
15) Strategic Planning:
The SU is committed to continuous improvement and has built EDI into both long term strategic plans and shorter term goals and projects. / ●Strategic Plan in place and EDI underpins the strategy
●Well established lead posts within the democratic structure of the Union to ensure voices are heard / ●Develop use of Equality impact assessments to inform policy development at Democratic & Oversight forum
●Ensure ALL Board, Committee and forum papers contain reference to Equality impacts as appropriate. / OK/SD
SD / From Sept 2016
Ongoing / First meeting expected November 2016
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
16) Communicating Outcomes:
We have effectively communicated the outcomes of our IID journey so far across the organisation, with staff at all levels demonstrating an improved understanding of the importance and impact of EDI activities / ●Initial planning identified many good feedback mechanisms in place / ●Utilise feedback forums, meetings, tweets, Blogs to celebrate, share good practice
●Further development and use of qualitative research to inform improvement plans and views for on-going success / All
All / Ongoing
Strand 5: Leaders
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update1.Senior Leadership:
Senior leaders, including board members
where appropriate, take a lead role in equality, diversity and inclusion. /
- Current groups & forums, IiD steering group, take lead role for EDI
- On-going programme of EDI events, awareness days, activities led by Senior members of the SU
- Senior managers are part of Stage 2 and Stage 3
- Senior leaders represent the organisation on various local/national EDI forums etc
- EDI as central to Governance and democracy – removed EO post and integrated responsibility in all elected roles/
- STAGE 3 Leaders surveys complete
- Update accordingly. Review coordination ofEqual Ops group, IiD steering Group and EDSG in order to work coherently.
- Use event info in all student guide, information for potential future student leaders and across the wider University
- Consider information, and communications with partners, other E & D forums etc to deliver message that EDI is led by senior colleagues at Bath Spa SU
- Promote, circulate Stage 2 and Stage 3 Information to all
- Capture current range of communication about all senior leadership commitments to date
- Consider comms about Leadership& Diversity across national Union forums and events etc.
- Update and use info about Bath Spa SU’s Leaders in Diversity plans in forum newsletters/websites etc
SD/SA / Ongoing / CEO speech at NUS2016 conference and contributed to NUS case study to demonstrate impact of commitment and the importance of senior leadership commitment
VP Welfare led workshop on theme of privilege at Bath Equality Forum October 2016
VP Welfare is permanent member of University Equality Steering Group, representing student issues
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
2.Succession Planning:
Your organisation has plans in place to ensure equality, diversity and inclusion
aspirations can be fulfilled in both the short and long term. /
- Provide Fresher’s & Angels Buddies Training
- Some EDI Training available for all
- Consideration for greater formal training for ideas discussed at LiiD Induction about an EDI Partners Scheme
- Lack of training/process currently in staff using Equality Impact Assessments
- Some ideas/discussions about diversifying the inclusion/development of ’champions’ for currently underrepresented groups in staff teams (women, BME)
- Some discussion about greater promotion of EDI learning
- Discuss benefits of training to individuals and the organisation as part of staff development reviews
- Review current position. Consider plans for formal qualifications for EDI champions.
- Explore this idea further, consider a pilot scheme with key partners
- Explore training support for staff in Equality Impact Assessments
- Consider a Diversify Bath Spa campaign – featuring social media messages, creative suggestions to promote and celebrate Bath Spa’s diversity
- Consider an annual EDI Calendar of National events, with key information about local initiatives/resources etc
VP Welfare / Lib Reps
Lib Reps / Annually as part of SDR process
As above
As above
Jan 2017
2017-18 / Sabbatical VLOGS launched 2016 aim to look at key issues, including mental and physical well-being. This will hopefully also inspire future student leaders to be involved.
The Big Plan 2016-2020 contains central commitment to equality of opportunity for all students. This is linked into Officer and Rep role descriptions and our organisational values, thus ensuring Union’s continued commitment.
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
3 Distributed leadership. People at all levels of the organisation
show leadership in equality, diversity and inclusion. /
- 2 members of staff are part of the wider University Harassment Advisor network
- Existing work about research – listening to students
- EDI Champions – Lib Reps
- On-going awareness days for all staff about mental health
- Liberation reps in place
- Open door culture in place within the SU. Strong survey
- Strong data about trust/respect from senior managers/colleagues Senior support for mentoring
- Open learning culture within the SU
- Officer descriptions, Trustees Code of Conduct, Staff job descriptions all enshrine organisation’s core value commitment to equality.
- Review current promotion of Advisor service – include discussion about language content and tone of promotional material.
- Continually look at methods to engage students capture/snapshot assessments of students’ views and concerns
- Promote new ‘Nightline service’ and its’ value
- Review/update channels for ideas, consideration for innovation in partnership with the University channels. EG: Establish Change something platform to determine issues and their importance to inform discussions with the University ( as discussed re International \Students and plagiarism)
OK / Ongoing
From Sept 2016
Ongoing / Buddy training 2016 revised and now includes unconscious bias and consent as key themes.
Relaunched with recruitment and training for volunteers from Sept 2016
Student led ‘Pride’ events held 2015 and 2016. Now established in SU calendar. Links to Bristol events and invites in students from Bath Uni and Bath College where no similar events are held.
Ambition / Current position / Action Point / By Whom / By When / Progress Update
4 External Leadership:
Your organisation shares best practice externally, is a leader in its field, and is an ambassador for positive change. /
- Capture current position for all work as part of leader’s process.
- Invite comment from partners’/supply chain–join the steering group?
- Good relations with University Departments
- Current suggestions for review of commissioning & procurement plans
- Some discussion at LIiD Induction about promoting Board opportunities to underrepresented groups (International) promoting Volunteering /CV development advantages to improve representation
- Promote/discuss/celebrate!
- Influencing partners and supply chain providers –BUCS, Tour, external sports venues
- Explore clear statement about ethical procurement and establish an ethical procurement policy
- Explore further opportunities to work with the University as part of ‘business as usual’. Eg; Housing or access issues?
- Review the EDI credentials of your suppliers, including demographic and other EDI data
- Consider a CEO/Presentation of information about the SU as a Value led organisation.
SD / E&E Officer
SD / Sabbs
SD / Ongoing
Sept 2017
2017 / CEO speech at NUS2016 conference and contributed to NUS case study to demonstrate impact of commitment and the importance of senior leadership commitment
VP Welfare led workshop on theme of privilege at Bath Equality Forum October 2016
Pride events link to Bristol Pride and invites in students from Bath Uni and Bath College where no similar events are held.