24 OCTOBER 2012
The Meeting commenced at 2:30pm and concluded at 4:15pm
Councillor Mrs Slade (Vice-Chairman – in the Chair)
Councillors Clements, Parker, Mrs Stribley, Wilson and Mrs Wilson (substituting for Councillor Howell).
Also in attendance:
Councillors Mrs Butt, Brooke, Burden, Mrs Evans, Mrs Le Poidevin, Sorton and Mrs Walton
Jim Stewart, Chief Executive, Poole Harbour Commissioners
Richard Lacey, Chairman, Poole Harbour Commissioners
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Dion, Howell and White.
There were no declarations of pecuniary disclosable interest.
Other Non Statutory Interests Members wished to be recorded
Councillors Clements, Parker and Mrs Stribley declared a non statutory interest in Agenda Item No.4, Developer Presentation, as either Members or Substitute Members of the Planning Committee.
Councillor Mrs Slade declared a non statutory interest in Agenda Item No.4, Developer Presentation, as a Member of the Poole Yacht Club.
Councillor Clements declared a non statutory interest in Agenda Item No.4, Developer Presentation, as he had met with representatives of Marina Developments Limited (MDL) regarding the viability of Cobbs Quay Marina.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Member Engagement Forum, held on 12 September 2012, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Vice-Chairman.
Prior to inviting the Presentation Team into the Meeting, Nigel Jacobs, Planning Policy and Implementation Manager, provided Members with an Officer Briefing. Particular reference was made to the following:
- Consultation process to date
- Timetable for future consultation
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Hamworthy Marina Proposals versus Poole Town Quay Marina Proposals
- Which planning route would be adopted?
A Member stated that care needed to be taken in not ending up with a massive “boat park” on the Quay.
The Vice-Chairman welcomed Jim Stewart, Chief Executive, and Richard Lacey, Chairman of Poole Harbour Commissioners.
Members received a PowerPoint Presentation, details included:
What is a Port Masterplan?
- Strongly encouraged by the Department for Transport
- Sets out strategic ambitions for the next 25/30 years
- Assisted Planning Bodies regarding Poole Harbour Commissioner’s ambitions
- Informed Stakeholders
- Explained intended changes in land use
- Influenced by the National Planning Policy Framework
- Linked to Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and Trust Port Guidance
Process for the Masterplan
- September 2011, launched first draft consultation exercise
- 2012 – commencement of the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA)
- SEA Scoping Report, June 2012 and SEA Environmental Report, September 2012
- 29 September 2012 – commencement of 6 week consultation on version 2 of the draft Masterplan and Environment Report.
- December 2012, publish final version
- Spring 2013 – completion of Environmental Impact Statement followed by possibleapplication for development consent to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).
Details were provided of the most extensive Port Masterplan Consultation in the UK. Over 60 meetings and presentations had taken place with a wide variety of organisations, including meetings with younger members of the Community. Consultation had also taken place via social media – Facebook and Twitter.
Findings to date on the Consultation Process:
- Majority of responses centred on the location of the Marine Centre – consensus in favour of Poole Quay extension
- Concern over visual impact, noise, parking and traffic
- Impact on Hamworthy Park
- Impact on siltation within the harbour area
- Positive impact on the local economy
- Loss of sailing/racing space
- Other locations – Baiter, Whitecliff Park, Holes Bay?
- Height of breakwaters
- Concern over the position of theCruise berth
- Ecology of Poole Harbour
- Safety of Poole Harbour
- More access to the water needed
- Marina operators concerned about increased competition from Poole Harbour Commissioners
- Support for increase cruise ship calls
- Additional tourist attraction needed.
- Recognition of the need for Poole Harbour Commissioners to diversify
- Support for Poole Harbour Commissioners to remain as a Trust Port
Brief details were provided of the SEA process and the Environmental Report findings.
Five scheme options were detailed:
(i)Development of RoRo 1 and one new deep water quay
(ii)Development of RoRo 2 and two new deep water quays
(iii)Deepening of existing Quays and “Little Channel” dredging
(iv)Marine Centre West (Hamworthy)
(v)Marine Centre East (Poole Quay Boat Haven extension)
Details were provided of the constraints/issues facing Poole Harbour Commissioners:
- Continuing uncertainty with the Ferry Sector
- Channel Tunnel, loss of duty free, low cost airlines, increased fuel costs, the economy
- Poole Ferry passengers - £805K in 1998, £674K in 2004, £375K in 2011
- 1998 – 105K lorries, 2013 expected figure of 20K
- Sulpher Regulations (30% increase in cost)
- Road links
- No public funding
The following growth opportunities were outlined:
- New Port layout
- Wind Farm Base
- Bulk cargo
- Cruise Ships (max 185-200 metre in length)
- Short Sea Containers
- Leisure and Poole Harbour Marine Centre
Possible benefits to Port if Plan wentahead:
- £25Million per annum to local economy, 200-300 new jobs
- Educational facilities and world class interactive tourist attraction
- Major events locations – Tall Ships, J Class, Louis Vuitton, Super Yachts
- Viewing platforms
- Improved fishermen’s facilities
- Facilities for Poole youth, Sunseeker, RNLI
- Lift out facilities, new marine business park
- Car parking
- Zero cost to Council Taxpayers
Members Comments/Questions
The Presentation Team responded to Members’ questions/requests for clarification, details included:
- Design work of proposals still to be completed: Poole Town Quay option could, in theory, accommodate 900 berths, however, this would decrease if areas for Sunseeker, an education centre, etc, were included
- It was confirmed that there was demand for berthing on Poole Quay
- With Option 5, the Cruise Ship berthing facility would be constructed onto the Port Estate (Option 1)
- PHC had liaised, interacted and consulted with the LEP.
- PHC would ensure that the Proposals would be for all members of the Community
- It was proposed that Option 5 would provide permanent berths
- PHC were aware that more work was needed to be undertaken regarding car parking and traffic issues
- Free car parking would be provided on the Port Estates, with water taxis linking to the Poole Town Quay
- Proposals had the backing of local restaurants, hotels and shops in Poole
- If the Wind Farm Proposal went ahead, PHC would be interested in providing facilities for maintenance
- PHC would investigate the possibility of consulting with the Scout Organisation
- Masterplan and Assessment Documents were on Poole Harbour Commissioner’s Website
- Consultation responses could be made via the Poole Harbour Commissioner’s Website
- Poole Harbour Commissioners have “open doors and open ears”
Other comments made by Members included:
- MDL (Cobbs Quay) had lost between 200 and 300 customers, there would be a real possibility that it could close due to viability issues
- Concerned that Option 5 (Poole Town Quay) was preferred by Poole Harbour Commissioners due to the fact that Hamworthy residents had “shouted the loudest”
- Public facilities at the Ports of Cowes and Falmouth had become very expensive, it was important that Poole stayed and remained a benefit for everyone in Poole
- PHC looked after Poole’s greatest asset, the Harbour
- Important that any tourist attraction should not be too expensive for visitors
Members joined the Vice-Chairman in thanking Jim Stewart and Richard Lacey for their presentation.
There was no urgent Business.