Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Court St. Bernadette #2410

St. Stephen’s Parish, Framingham, MA 01702


Jennifer SheaKimberly McKinnon

Regent & EditorRecording Secretary

5 Carriage Lane30 Grant Street, Apt# 9

Shirley, MA 01464Framingham, MA 01702

Phone: (508) 277-2793Phone: (774) 204-5723


Father Peter DeFazioAlicia Baer

Court ChaplainTreasurer

221 Concord Street69 Ardmore Road

Framingham, MA 01702Framingham, MA 01702

Phone: (508) 875-4788Phone: (774) 217-3684


Email: mail:

Roberta (Bobbie) SchererMary Slamin

District DeputyFinancial Secretary

5 Clover Lane336 Hollis Street

Medway, MA 02053Framingham, MA 01702

Phone: (508) 533-7472Phone: (508) 872-2748



March 2018

Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love

in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.


Dear Members, Officers, Bobbie, Fr. Peter and Friends,

From the Regent

The month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph. The entire month falls during the liturgical season of Lent which is represented by the liturgical color purple — a symbol of penance, mortification and the sorrow of a contrite heart.

“The Lord has put his faithful servant in charge of his household.”

Local Court News


Mr. Drummey will be our guest speaker for THIS MEETING!! Yahoo!

Thursday, March February 8th at 7:00PM. It would be great if we could have as many people at the meeting to welcome Jim for coming.

Because of the weather, we had to cancel the February meeting all together. Thank you for those who helped make phone calls. We will decide how to handle our makeup meeting for this month at our next meeting.

Upcoming State and other Local Court Events

MARCH 10, 2018 - Court Maplewood #510 invites you to their annual Flea Market held at St. Joseph's Hall in Malden from 9 to 2pm. You can either donate items to their CDA table or rent your own table for $20. Please contact Janet Mercer 781-324-8806 for more info or to reserve your table.

MARCH 17, 2018 - Court Sacred Hearts #864 invites you to their 8th annual Old Fashioned Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner at Sacred Hearts School Cafeteria, 168 South Main Street, Bradford, MA. Doors open at 4:45. Tickets are $12 per person, $30 per family.

APRIL 14, 2018 - Court Sacred Hearts #864 will hold a Women's Day of Recollection from 11 - 4 at Sacred Hearts Church Hall and Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel. There is no cost for this even, however a free will offering basket will be available for the luncheon and will be gratefully accepted. Facilitator and Keynote Speaker Sr. Bridget Hass, OSU, will speak about "WALKING THE PATH OF FAITH: THE POWER, PROVIDENCE, AND PRESENCE OF GOD." Come, bring a friend and treat yourself to a day of prayer, fellowship, and spiritual renewal. RSVP to IPSR Maureen Trainor, 978-374-4682

MAY 19, 2018 - Court St. Clementine #821 invites you to their annual Retreat Day at Glastonbury Abbey Conference Center on Hull Street in Hingham. Arrive at 9AM for coffee. Prayer is at 9:30, Quiet Reflection at 10:00 following by sharing and presentation at 10:30 by Dorothea Masuret, CSJ. Theme: Living in Hope. Liturgy will be held at noon in the Abbey Chapel followed by lunch at 12:30. Presentation begins at 1:15 and closing prayer at 2:15. Please send your $30 check made out to Court St. Clementine #821 to Carol Ghiloni, Vice Regent, 23 St. Clements Road, Medford, MA 02155-1180. RSVP by May 10, 2018.

Prayer Corner

Let us keep all of our CDA members and their families facing health issues as well as those who have gone home to Our Lord in our prayers. We pray for all those who are serving in our Military for a safe return home.

We keep the special intention from State Regent Trisha McShane in our hearts and pray for all Vocations. We need these special men and women to help guide us on our spiritual paths of life.

God Bless In Christ,

Kim, Alicia, Mary S., Bobbi, Fr. Peter and I,

Jennifer Shea

Regent & Editor

Ct. St. Bernadette #2410

The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'

Matthew 25:40