Friends of the Library
Monday, July 13, 2015
Library Community Room
Mary Ann O’Neil called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m.
Present: Mary Ann O’Neil, Mary Ann Melgey, Elaine Leon, Mary Jo Nugent, Ann Legler, Gladys Kimmel, Pat Berthiaume, Toi Willson, Linda Christensen, Jan Clancy
Minutes from Last Meeting: The reading of the minutes from March 23rd was waived. The minutes were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Ann Melgey reported the balance for FOL is $7815.28. She reported total revenue of $1272.28 and expenses of $1047.85. Expenses included purchases of passes for Slater Museum, Mystic Seaport, Roger Williams Zoo, Dennison Pequotsepos Nature Center, Children’s Museum of SECT. A motion was made by Elaine Leon and seconded by Toi Willson to accept the treasurer’s report.
Director’s Report: Susan Brosnan, Director, reported that the Summer Reading Program for children is underway. She presented an invoice for $200 for one of the programs that is being sponsored by the Friends, July 29th, Bird House Building. The Friends have committed to fund up to $500 for the summer programs and/or supplies. We will receive a breakdown of how the funds are used at the next meeting.
She reported that the interlibrary loan system is not statewide any longer. The state is supposed to have a statewide catalog system in place by Sept. For now, Preston is participating in CONNcert, a smaller consortium of libraries, on a trial basis. She also confirmed that Preston library cards will be accepted, as before, in all Connecticut libraries. She also said that the transportation system for delivering books from one library to the other, upon request of patrons, is still operational.
She asked that all information concerning the library be submitted to her in advance for review.
Library Board: Ann Legler reported that the HVAC (heating and cooling system replacement) is almost complete. Work has been underway since May. Home Depot is installing new cabinets in the staff work room to help with storage.
Committee Reports:
Program Committee:
Mary Jo Nugent reported the following programs have been confirmed:
· Thurs., Aug. 27, 2015, 6 p.m., Preston Public Library Meeting Room, as part of the Connecticut Authors Trail, Jedah Mayberry, author of The Unheralded King of Preston Plains Middle, will speak.
· Three upcoming gardening programs presented by Tracy Burrel:
o Thurs., September 3, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Preston Public Library Meeting Room, Gardening to Attract Birds & Butterflies
o Thurs., September 17, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Preston Public Library Meeting Room, Pruning Basics – Tools, Techniques & Tips
o Thurs., Oct. 5, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m., Preston Public Library Meeting Room, Composting & Amending Your Soil – Steps to Take Now for a Beautiful Garden Next Spring,
· Genealogy/Ancestry Workshop, Tuesday, Oct. 13, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., Preston Public Library Meeting Room, Linda Christensen
· Connecticut Authors Trail: Linda Christensen offered to purchase a plant or other item to a maximum of $40 as the Friends contribution to the raffle at the final event this year to be held at the Mohegan Sun.
Other programs are still in the planning stages.
Book Sale Committee: In Marie Perrin’s absence, Anne Legler reported that the fall Book Sale will be held on Friday, Oct. 16 (9 a.m. – 7 p.m.) and Sat., Oct. 17 (9 a.m. – 1 p.m.) at the Poquetanuck Fire Department on Route 2A, Preston.
Old Business:
The discussion to purchase a bicycle rack and a picnic table for the library was again tabled until we hear further from Sue Brosnan.
Regional Friends Meeting : Mary Ann O’Neil, Linda Christensen and Mary Jo Nugent reported that they benefited from the new ideas at the April 11th meeting.
New Business:
Sue Brosnan brought up the need for funding for the CONNcert consortium for interlibrary loans after the trial period. The previous statewide system cost approximately $300 and this system will be approximately $1200 a year (prorated for this fiscal year). The discussion was tabled until we find out more about what the state plans to do with the new statewide system.
Mary Ann O’Neil asked volunteers to serve on a goal setting committee for the Friends to contact her. Any member would be welcome on this committee. Susan said that once the committee gets going she would find someone from the library staff to serve.
Linda Christensen asked for volunteers to temporarily store books for the upcoming book sale at their homes. She reported that the books can be delivered and picked up from the volunteers. They are stored in plastic boxes.
Elaine reported that membership renewal letters and lifetime member letters will be mailed in July. She reported that there were 18 lifetime members and 33 active annual members.
Election of Officers: Gladys Kimmel read the slate of officers. The slate was approved.
President: Mary Ann O’Neil
Vice President: Toi Willson
Secretary: Elaine Leon
Treasurer: Mary Ann Melgey
Elaine asked the members to recognize all of the committees for their hard work and contributions.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Elaine Leon, Secretary
Next Meeting: Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, 3:30 p.m. in the Library Meeting Room
FOL Minutes July 13, 2015 Page 1 of 2