NACADA 2016 Coaching to Learn: Professional Development in Coaching for Stronger Student Outcomes
Krysta Banke & Jody Conway, University of South Florida, 10/7/2016
ICF Competency / Coach / Advisor#1 Establishing the Coaching Agreement
(student agenda setting) / “What is it the client wants to work on today? What will make the next 30 minutes worthwhile?” / - What would be good to explore today?
- How can I help you?
- What should we talk about today?
- What is important for you to discuss in our time today?
- How can we use this time to move you forward on your goals?
Subsequent sessions:
- Catch me up?
- Since our last session what has moved you closer to your goals?
#5 Active Listening / “Understand the meaning of what is said in the context of the client’s desires, and to support client self-expression” / - Tell me more?
- What are your early thoughts?
- If I heard you correctly…
- What other questions do you have?
- Have you seen… what about that appeals to you?
- You identified struggles in your courses, tell me more about what would need to be in a course for you to succeed?
#6 Powerful Questioning / “Clear direct questions that lead to new insight and move the client forward.” / - How will you keep what is important to you and how will you change what isn’t working?
- What strengths can you leverage?
- What would you do differently next time?
- What will increase your desire for a better result next time?
-What have you tried thus far?
- Imagine you are 5 years in the future, and you have received every opportunity you could ever hope for. Where are you and what are you doing?
#8 Designing Actions / “The coach works in complete partnership with the client to design actions, or…lets the client lead in designing actions” / - Knowing what you know now, what do you plan to do next time?
- What are your top priorities for your future?
- What’s next?
-How does what you’ve just shared connect with your goals?
- How will you know when you’ve reached the outcome you desire?
- How do you want to be held accountable?
- How will you celebrate?
Examples of Coaching Services in Higher Education:
- Nova Southeastern Academic Success Coaching:
- Florida State University:
- Landmark College:
- Miami University:
- Portland State University:
Scenario 1:
•Seeking to lift advising hold
•Happy with major and career path
•Having difficulty with roommate / Scenario 3:
•Missed regular registration date
•Expecting Ds or Fs in major courses
•Unsure if wants to continue major
Scenario 2:
•Seeking to lift advising hold
•Would like to double major but don’t know how to set that up
•Also interested in study abroad / Scenario 4:
•Came in to discuss withdrawing from a class that is not related to the major and the student is not enjoying.
•Unrelated to the withdrawal, the parents are getting divorced, which the student knows will create financial hardship
Practicing ICF Competencies
Scenario (circle) : 1 2 3 4
Possible Coaching Questions:
I learned:
I want to know:
Coaching Resources:
- International Coaching Federation:
- ICF Training Program Search Service:
- Library of Professional Coaching
- NACADA Academic Advising and Coaching Interest Group:
- Coaching Questions: