Hampshire Children’s Trust
Delivery Plan for the
Local Children’s Partnership
Hampshire Children’s Trust - Delivery Plan for the Local Children’s PartnershipPage 1 of 13
ContentsSection One: Vision
Needs assessment
Section Two: Delivery Plan
Delivery plan
Appendix One: Local Children’s Partnership contact details
Appendix Two: Links to other plans and strategies
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Section One: VisionVision
Needs Assessment
To include evidence of how children and young people’s views have informed local assessment and planning.
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Section Two:Delivery PlanPriority / What? / Who? / How? / Success Measures / Baseline / Local Target(s)
10/11 / 11/12
Local Children’s Partnership key priority 1 (KP 1) 2010/11: reduced proportion of children living in poverty
(contributing to Hampshire CYPP priority 1: reducing the incidence and impact of poverty on the achievement and life chances of children and young people)
KP 1 / Reduction in the proportion of children who live in families in receipt of workless benefit (NI 116) / Hampshire: 11.6% (2007/08) / 11.4% / TBC
Increased take up of formal childcare by low income working families (NI 118) / Hampshire: 16.9% (2007/08) / 19% / 20%
Reduction in the achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected level at Key Stage 2 (NI 102a) / Hampshire: 27.9% (2008/09 provisional) / 23% / TBC
Reduction in the achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected level at Key Stage 4 (NI 102b) / Hampshire: 31.6% (2008/09 provisional) / 26% / TBC
Local Children’s Partnership key priority 2 (KP 2) 2010/11: reduced teenage conceptions
(contributing to Hampshire CYPP priority 2: securing children and young people’s physical, spiritual, social, emotional and mental health, promoting healthy lifestyles and reducing inequalities)
KP 2 / Increased percentage change in the rate of conceptions from the 1998 baseline (NI 112)
Reduction in the rate of conceptions per 1,000 girls aged 15-17 / Hampshire: -5.4% (2008 provisional)
Rate: 34 per 1,000 (2008 provisional) / -45%
Rate: 19.8 / TBC
Local Children’s Partnership key priority 3 (KP 3) 2010/11: improved educational attainment of vulnerable groups
(contributing to Hampshire CYPP priority 3: providing opportunities to learn that raise children and young people’s aspirations, encouraging excellence and enable them to enjoy and achieve beyond their expectation; and Hampshire CYPP priority 6: removing barriers to access, participation and not tolerating discrimination and abuse)
KP 3 / Reduced achievement gap at Early Years Foundation Stage (NI 92) / Hampshire: 32.5% (2008/09) / TBC / TBC
Increase in the proportion of children in care achieving Level 4 in English at Key Stage 2 (NI 99) / Hampshire: 47.6% (2008/09) / TBC / TBC
Increase in the proportion of children in care achieving Level 4 in maths at Key Stage 2 (NI 100) / Hampshire: 50% (2008/09) / TBC / TBC
Increase in the proportion of children in care achieving five or more A*-C grades at GCSE, including English and maths (NI 101) / Hampshire: 7.6% (2008/09) / TBC / TBC
Increase in the proportion of black and minority ethnic groups achieving Level 4 in English and maths at Key Stage 2 (part of NI 107) / Gypsy, Roma and traveller of Irish heritage / Hampshire: 30.8% (2008/09) / 42% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Any other white background / Hampshire: 76.2% (2008/09) / 77% (2009/10 target) / TBC
White/Black Caribbean / Hampshire: 69% (2008/09) / 76% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Black African and White/Black African / Hampshire: 74.4% (2008/09) / 74% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Bangladeshi / Hampshire: 71.1% (2008/09) / 70% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Other Asian background / Hampshire: 55.9% (2008/09) / 74% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Increase in the proportion of black and minority ethnic groups achieving five or more GCSEs grade A*-C including English and maths (part of NI 108) / Gypsy, Roma and Traveller of Irish heritage / Hampshire: 0% (2008/09) / 19% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Any other White background / Hampshire: 55.1% (2008/09) / 66% (2009/10 target) / TBC
White/Black Caribbean / Hampshire: 63.6% (2008/09) / 62% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Black African and White/Black African / Hampshire: 50.7% (2008/09) / 47% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Other Asian background / Hampshire: 33.1% (2008/09) / 47% (2009/10 target) / TBC
Local Children’s Partnership key priority 4 (KP 4) 2010/11: Increased number of young people in education, employment or training
(contributing to Hampshire CYPP priority 5: providing vocational, leisure and recreational activities that provide opportunities for children and young people to experience success and make a positive contribution)
KP 4 / Reduction in the percentage of 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training (NI 117) / Hampshire: 6.3% (2008/09) / LAA target: 3.3%
Children’s Services target: 5.16% / LAA target: TBC
Children’s Services target: ≤5%
Local Children’s Partnership key priority 5 (KP 5) 2010/11: Increased number of care leavers in education, employment or training
(contributing to Hampshire CYPP priority 5: providing vocational, leisure and recreational activities that provide opportunities for children and young people to experience success and make a positive contribution)
KP 5 / Increase in the percentage of care leavers in education, employment or training at age 19 (NI 148) / Hampshire: 64.1% (2008/09) / LAA target: 85%
Children’s Services target: 70% / LAA target: TBC
Children’s Services target: 75%
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Appendix One: Local Children’s Partnership membership and contact detailsMembership / Contact
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Appendix Two: Links to other plans and strategiesHampshire Children’s Trust - Delivery Plan for the Local Children’s PartnershipPage 1 of 13