Minneapolis, MN
July 14-16, 2015
Tuesday, July 14 – 9:00am to 5:00pm
9:00am:Welcome and Introductions
Overview of Agenda
Review of Meeting Objectives
9:30am:OCS Review and Update
- Updated Reporting Forms - Purpose/Content
- T&TA Webinars - Completed/Planned
- Performance Measures T&TA Site Visits
- Peer to Peer Mentoring - Experiences/Lessons
- National Training - Experiences/Lessons
- IT Security and Two-Factor Authentication
- Accessing OCS Training Materials
10:00am: APPRISE Review and Update
- Webinars
- Data Warehouse Development Activities
- Grantee Resources Development Activities
- Grantee T&TA - Household Report/Grantee Survey/Performance Measures
- Performance Measures T&TA Site Visits - Experiences/Lessons
- National Training - Experiences/Lessons
11:00am:PMWIG Feedback on Performance Measurement Implementation
- What did we learn in Baltimore (HHS Training, NEADA, NEUAC)?
- Feedback on T&TA Site Visits
- Feedback on Grantee T&TA
- Feedback on Webinars
- Recommendations on Approach to Training
- Recommendations on Content of Training
11:30pm:Communications Subcommittee
1.Review of January goals
2.Review of progress made between January and July
3.Preliminary ideas from subcommittee for the next 6 months
4.Preliminary suggestions from PMIWG for next 6 months
1:00pm:Operations Subcommittee
1.Review of January goals
2.Review of progress made between January and July
3.Preliminary ideas from subcommittee for the next 6 months
4.Preliminary suggestions from PMIWG for next 6 months
1:30pm:Data Subcommittee
1.Review of January goals
2.Review of progress made between January and July
3.Preliminary ideas from subcommittee for the next 6 months
4.Preliminary suggestions from PMIWG for next 6 months
2:00pm:Committee Breakouts
- Goals and deliverables for this meeting
- Goals and deliverables for the next six months
3:30pm:Committee Reports (15 minutes each)
- Goals and deliverables for this meeting
- Goals and deliverables for the next six months
- Feedback from PMIWG
4:45pm:Check-In on Agenda/Schedule
5:00pm:Adjourn for Day
Wednesday, July 15 – 9:00am to 5:00pm
8:30am:Committee Breakout Work Session
- Adjust goals, action plan, deliverables based on discussion/feedback
- Work on deliverables, projects
10:00am: Break
10:30am:Resume Committee Breakout Work Session
1:00pm:Switching It Up
Mix-match members of committees. Committee members review progress, identify outstanding questions, get feedback, and use “guest” expertise and skills to tackle work/projects.
3:30pm:Committee Breakout Work Sessions
Reform original groups.Finalize plans. Finalize work products.
4:15pm:Committee Reports (15 minutes each)
a.Summarize (epiphanies, action steps, and outstanding questions)
b.Re-prioritize goals, agenda items for remainder of meeting (if needed)
c.Identify any emerging, potential, and definite breakout topics/projects
5:00pm:Adjourn for Day
Group Dinner?
Thursday, July 16– 8:30am to 4:30pm
8:30am:Committee Work Breakout Sessions
- Wrap-up face-to-face work/projects
- Identify action plan, next steps for 6 months—including timeline
- Identify resources needed from peers, APPRISE, OCS
10:30am:Committee Final Reports (30 minutes each)
1:00pm:Committee Reports to Lauren (Invited)
- Meeting outcomes
- PMIWG recommendations to OCS
- PMIWG requests for support
2:00pm:Next Steps
- APPRISE Role - Proposed by APPRISE based on feedback
- OCS Role - Propose by OCS based on feedback
- PMWIG Role - Proposed by PMWIG based
2:30pm: Break
3:00pm:Next Steps (continued)
4:00pm:Plan for communicating PMIWG meeting outcomes with OCS, grantees, others