Safer Neighbourhood Panel – Cannock Chase


7th December 2015

Mansfield House, Rugeley

1.  Welcome and introductions


Paul Woodhead Panel Chair - Hednesford resident

Geoff Knight Chief Inspector – Cannock LPT

Junaid Gharda Head of Policy, Performance and Assurance, OPCC

Mike Tams Panel member Rugeley resident

Pat Tams Panel member Rugeley resident

Lesley Harrison Panel member Brereton resident

Karla Vowles Cannock Chase District Council

Sgt. Lee Hardy Cannock LPT

Lorraine Brown-Day Rugeley resident

Jared Nelson OPCC

Judith Morris Magistrate

Carl Bennett CCDC

Zareena Khan Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase (minutes)

2.  Apologies

Jan Matthews Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase

Esther Bromley Support Staffordshire Cannock Chase

Toni Marie Foster Rugeley YMCA

Sue Thornley Resident

3.  Previous minutes and actions

A list of acronyms has been circulated and will be added to in due course

The Transformation Work Group meeting was arranged.

A new digital charging process is being trialled with CPS and will be rolled out nationally over the next 3 – 4 months. A review will take place to see how it is working

A Crime Performance Work Group meeting was arranged.

Jan and Pat to meet to discuss publicity and communication.

Visual Case studies to be developed.

A press release was prepared by the OPCC.

4.  Transformation

The working group met on 3rd November at Rugeley Police Station.

ACTION: PW to circulate notes.

Feedback from GK: Over the period of one month there have been the following outcomes:

Positive –

o  Good accuracy of recording crimes

o  Heidi provides knowledge and experience to support input into the file.

o  Overall efficiency and effectiveness increased.

o  Electoral reps are happy with developments (keeping informed weekly) ACTION; review in 3 or 6 months

Negative –

·  There is disconnection between PCSO’s AND PC’s due to different roles

·  “Leaderless”

·  PCSO’s cases are now assigned by Community Engagement

District/Wards figures were discussed

ACTION: KV to get a map to clarify wards.

5.  Crime Performance

The working group met on 24th November at Coniston Hall, Chadsmoor.

Questions were raised and sent to GK by email asking for a verbal update for the meeting.

·  Rapes.

The rape procedure was explained – after the initial investigation, the case is then passed onto specialist officers with ‘STONES’ training.

36% of rape cases are over 12 months old.

Historic rape figures are reducing.

Domestic rapes indicate cases where individuals are known to each other and are not ‘stranger’ rapes.

GK distributed data from 2012 to 2015 for comparison.

PREVENT – intervention in behaviour e.g. young people/schools

Overall, over the last few years, people are more confident to come forward.

·  Arson

Regarding the press article – 3 arrests have been made.

. Arson figures are down compared to last year – are very low.

·  Burglaries

Increase in crime in Hednesford, Cannock East and North has reduced recently. No particular reason for this.

Recent increase in Brereton is causing public unrest, 30 – 40 burglaries. Electoral reps/Parish council trying to calm and reassure. D. Jones, previously known to police is now ‘sofa surfing’. He has been caught with stolen goods. 5 charges made – more will be made.

·  Drug Offences

A 5 year trend would give a better feel for the local situation.

Drugs are a problem – action is taken if it affect an area/neighbourhood (ASB).

Need to target the right ones at the right time.

6.  Table Top exercise

Re arranged for 8th January 2016 at Cannock Police Station

7.  Mobile Data Dashboard

Jared demonstrated the dashboard which is on the OPPC website. JG explained the context behind the site. Crime performance figures can be viewed by the SNP and the wider public. Information can be scrutinised, using the data available as it gives some context across districts/communities. Search categories will include crime/ business crime/ASB/police visibility/stop and search/victim feedback. For ease of access/navigation everything will be on one page. Terminology will be made clear.

Data from 3 previous years comes straight from local police systems.

The dashboard will be able to be used by the SNP, general public and the media.

It will be offered to SNP members to trial.

Feedback from panel –

Use another word rather than ‘visibility’.

Analysis of who is using the site.

A category for ‘Response time’.

A section on how people could get involved with the SNP

8.  Membership

Recruitment of new members.

ACTION: JG to talk to OPCC communications team to produce an article.

Publicity to include work which has been done by the SNP.

Communication to parish/district councillors.

ACTION: follow up why previous members have left

9.  External Communications & Publicity

ACTION: JM and PT to arrange meeting in New Year re newsletters etc.

Engaging young people – Table Top exercises.

Links to schools

ACTION: JM and PW to look into links with schools during 2016.

SNP to tap into Young Forums that already exist.

Visual Case Studies could be used as publicity e.g. Body Cameras.

10.  Future meetings:

Daytime meetings seem to suit at present.

Stop and Search – no particular problem locally but worth looking at for scrutiny.

ACTION: JM to arrange for a training session for Cannock and Lichfield for early 2016.

And also, a table top exercise.

Availability for meetings from Police

Crime Performance – more regular figures

ACTION: JG to check that they are being sent each month.

Date of next meeting

11th February 2016

10 – 12noon

Aquarius Ballroom


WS12 1BT