a Breeding Establishment for Dogs
(Domestic) /
Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 and 1991
Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999
1.Name of applicant(s). Title: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms)Forename: Surname:
Age (if under 18):
Tel No:
2.Name and Address of Breeding Establishment:
Tel No:
3.Are there any other Keyholder(s)? YES/NO
If yes please give the name address and telephone number for each person.
4.Is this a new application (ienot a renewal) YES?NO
If YES, what date would you like any licence to start?
(eg have you got an opening date for a new premises?)
Please note all licences expire on 31 December each year.
5.Who will have direct control or management of the Breeding Establishment?
6.Please give details of all persons working at the premises who hold, or are in the process of taking, any relevant qualifications. Please enclose any certificate(s) with this application.
Name QualificationDate passed/
to be sat
7.If the person named in question 5 does not hold any relevant qualification, give details of his/her experience in running a breeding establishment (continue on separate sheet if necessary).
8.Please answer YES or NO to the following questions:-
(i)Are you, or any person who will have control or management of the Establishment, disqualified for the time being from:
(a) keeping a breeding establishment for animals? YES/NO
(b) keeping a dog? YES/NO
(c) keeping a riding establishment? YES/NO
(d) having the custody of animals? YES/NO
(e) keeping a pet shop? YES/NO
(f) keeping a boarding establishment for animals? YES/NO
(ii)Are you the holder of a current insurance policy which
insures you against public liability in connection with the
premises to be licensed? (this should be for at least £2 million) YES/NO
If YES, enclose with this application evidence that you hold such insurance; if NO, state below what steps you are taking to obtain such insurance
9. (a) What is the maximum number of dogs you propose to keep at any one time? (you should take into account the maximum likely litter number and size)
(b) What is the maximum number of breeding bitches you propose to keep under the terms of the Act ?
10.Will the dogs be kept mainly in a domestic premises or in non-domestic units?
11.Please answer the following questions about the accommodation.
(a) Number of units/rooms
(b) Size of units/rooms
(c) Is an exclusive sleeping area provided for every unit/room?YES/NO
If rooms are used, how many boxes, etc for sleeping are provided
(d) Is an exclusive exercise area provided for every unit/room? YES/NO
If the answer to (c) or (d) is “NO”, give details below
12.Please give details of the materials of construction*
How much space is there
between adjacent units/rooms?
* Note: all wood must be in good condition, impervious and suitably treated
against wood-rot using products that are non-toxic to dogs.
13.What arrangements are there for heating?
Are heating facilities available in every unit and area used
for the dogs?YES/NO
14.Is natural and/or artificial ventilation provided
for all parts of the premises used in connection with
the breeding establishment? YES/NO
Please give details of the ventilation provided and give details of the areas with no ventilation.
15.Is natural and/or artificial lighting provided for
all parts of the premises used in connection with
the breeding establishment? YES/NO
Please give details of the areas which do not have artificial lighting.
16. Is mains water provided at the premises? YES/NO
If no, please give details.
17.Do you have exclusive facilities for the storage
and preparation of food for the dogs?YES/NO
Is all food stored in impervious, closed containers? YES/NO
18.How is excreta disposed of?
19.What is the name and address of your usual veterinary surgeon/practitioner?
Do you have separate isolation facilities?YES/NO
Please give details.
I am aware of the provisions of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973 and 1991 and the Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999, and I confirm that the details set out in this application form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Please note that a false statement may render you liable to prosecution).
Print Name:
Designation if applicable:
Have you enclosed:
1)Licence fee of £170
2)Proof of your insurance policy as detailed in question 8?
3)Certificates as detailed in question 6?
Please return this form to:
Environmental Health, Direct Services
Canterbury City Council
Military Road
Canterbury CT1 1YW
Please Note It Is An Offence To Run A Breeding Establishment
Without First Obtaining A Relevant licence
If you do not receive acknowledgement of this application within 10 days of it being posted, please contact the Commercial Health Team on (01227) 862222.
Please Note All Fees Are Non-Refundable
15 October 2013