Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG RatingIdentify resource & support for Equality Compliance across the new organisation building on local expertise & resources / Director of Workforce & Development / 1 WTE B8a Equality & Inclusion Manager
1 WTE B3 Equality & Inclusion Administrator / Green
To continue to evidence our commitment & compliance to the Equality & Human Rights agenda. This will be demonstrated through an Equality strategy/equality scheme with equality objectives, linked to the business plan of the organisation /
- Director of Workforce & Development
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
To establish the equality, diversity & human rights agenda & work program within & across the new organisation /
- Director of Workforce & Development
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
To ensure that clear leadership & governance (through an Equalities Governance group) is identified & established so that Equality is part of everyday business & to ensure that the impact on equalities is assessed & analysed on all core functions, policies & services as a priority in preparation for April 2012 when audit of the organisation on progress & compliance to the Equality & Human Rights agenda is implemented by the Care Quality Commission, Health-watch & Equality Delivery Council /
- Director of Workforce & Development
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Equality & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee
- Organisation has governance structures in place via Equality & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee
- Equality & Inclusion team are a corporate function
- Board training delivery in process to ensure corporate ownership of compliance
- Equality Analysis Framework developed & being introduced across the organisation
- Chair of Trust Board champion for Equality & Inclusion agenda
Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG Rating
To ensure a robust & systemic approach to analysing the impact on equalities of all policies, functions & services across the new organisation minimising health & equalities & discrimination /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Establish a systematic approach to identify, manage & mitigate risk regarding equality & human rights across the new organisation /
- Risk Manager
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
To ensure a robust & systematic approach to Equality data profiling, analysis & reporting across the new organisation for both service users & workforce /
- Health Intelligence
- ESR Team
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
To ensure the development & structure for the publication of all data across the Equality characteristics into the public domain maintaining the Transparency agenda & Data principles enforced by legislation by 31stJanuary 2012 /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- ESR Team
- Health Intelligence
On target to meet legal requirement of publication by 31st January 2012
Workforce data collected & incorporated into quarterly workforce report to Board. In process of collecting service user data / Amber
To ensure accessibility & compliance of external & internal website of organisation /
- Sharepoint Intranet Consultant
Equality Analysis Summary will be published on external website / Amber
Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG Rating
To continue to develop a culturally competent organisation that is fit for purpose to deliver culturally competent services & employment practices: this will be achieved through statutory training & specific training across the equality legislation & its characteristics, inclusive of training for analysis for the impact on equalities (equality impact assessment) /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Training Lead
- Statutory training & Equality Analysis training available across organisation
- Developing specific training on communication competence & equality data correction
Develop & sustain across the new organisation both the internal & external staff support & community engagement & involvement networks representative of the equality characteristics /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Staff Engagement Manager
- Internal staff networks established now rolling out to south division
- Community Health Equality Network established. Needs to be inclusive of southern division
Sustainable integration of equalities in the policy function & practices of the Trust in planning delivery & commissioning activities /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Equality & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee
- Equality & Inclusion Scrutiny Committee established to take action forward
- Equality Analysis implementation in process
Establish corporate policy & funding for use of interpretation & translation services inclusive of face to face, telephonic, lip speaker & sign interpretation /
- Director of Workforce & Development
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Ensure updated access & disability audit process in place for new organisation buildings /
- Estates
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Current audits being reviewed
- Two community hospitals being assessed initially
- Further actions being developed to include all geographical areas of organisation
Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG Rating
Continue to develop a clear policy & pathway for reasonable adjustment within the workplace for staff which has a clear audit trail /
- Senior HR Business Partners
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Establish a clear policy & pathway for support for staff within the workplace in relation to trans equality issues as defined within the Equality Act 2010 /
- Senior HR Business Partners
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG RatingEstablishment of an Equalities Scrutiny Committee with Executive leadership, reporting to Executive Board on progress of the Equality Strategy, Objectives & implementation plan /
- Director of Workforce & Development
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Develop comprehensive approach to equalities that is integral to the organisations business plan & objectives /
- Director of Business & Strategy
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Utilisation & implementation of the analysis template for the impact on equalities & relevant training reflective of the updated public sector equality duty /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Associate Director of Training & Transformation
Equality legislative & compliance statutory training to be continued across the new organisation which is inclusive of dignity in the workplace /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Associate Director of Training & Transformation
Equality Characteristic specific training which is delivered in partnership with voluntary & non statutory organisations to be accessible across the new organisation /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Associate Director of Training & Transformation
Assessment of training venues for accessibility & reasonable adjustment requirements for attendees & trainers regarding training resources & venues to be rolled across the new organisation /
- Associate Director of Training & Transformation
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
Action / Lead Responsible / Outcome / RAG RatingFurther development & establishment of the Community Health Equalities Network across the new organisation as part of the Equalities engagement strategy /
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Director of Workforce & Development
Develop sustainable engagement with community based & service user groups representative of the equality characteristics & local population across the geographical area served by the organisation /
- Director for Strategy & Business
- Communications Team
- Equality & Inclusion Manager
- Patient Experience Manager
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