Lois A. Herman Addendum to WILPF FAO Representative Document
With a history as a member of WILPF US – Metro Minnesota Section – When I moved to Italy in 2007, one of the first calls I made was to Anita Fisicaro whom I found on the WILPF International Website as the WILPF Representative with Bruna Lomazzi. Anita and I met multiple times, and till this past few months, we did many activities but never before received direction or regular communication from the ExComm or even the Secretariat. We asked again and again to be connected to the WILPF Sections where we could exchange information related to FAO, but we never received. The biggest event in the early period was the World Food Summit, which we both attended, and Anita was the skilled organizer of the People’s Food Forum Women’s Event. This Forum has since not happened. It was at the Forum that we met the then UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier de Schutter; and I asked if he would please make a focus on Women and the Right to Food. I helped organize a Geneva Panel (Flyer Attached) on Women-Right to Food-Food Security-Food Sovereignty. FAO presented their new Report. Special Rapporteur de Schutter announced at this Panel that his next report would be on Women & The Right to Food. The WILPF Secretary-General was Panel Moderator.
At one point, there was effort to establish a WILPF Working Group on Food Sovereignty, but this did not seem sustainable, and I cannot explain why, but we needed more unity, and a WILPF International engagement as through the ExComm might have made a difference.
Over time Anita and I would write up reports on events, and as an example, FAO policies. But, there was no exchange of information from WILPF International at any level. Unlike the Secretariat in Geneva and PeaceWomen in NYC, we were quite alone. Bruna Lomazzi went to AdHoc NGO Meetings for WILPF as did Anita, but Bruna never wrote any documentation. She is a very good lady, and has recently retired from representing WILPF at FAO. When FAO created the AdHoc Committee for NGO’s, and in essence a defined presence, this was important, but now the group has religious, professional, and private sector interests involved as well. For me personally, to go to this Committee means 3 hours each way, but I have talked to the Chair recently about possibly being on Skype.
It is important to note that the FAO CSM-Civil Society Mechanism, of which both Anita and I are part, provides an important civil society presence at FAO, and quarterly detailed mailings.
FAO is a UN entity of breadth and depth, and I have created meaningful and ongoing relationships with IFAD (FAO Fund for Agricultural Development), World Food Programme, Dimitra for Rural Women, FSN–Global Forum on Food Security & Nutrition, and the PermReps-Government Women Representatives to FAO.
About 3 years ago, I began mailing to a partial WILPF List, the best I have had but would welcome this expanded, regular research and resources on women and the right to food, women in agriculture, land rights, women’s food issues with migration, food as a weapon of war, and more.
When Catia explained new plans for more connection of FAO Representatives to the WILPF International structure, this could be so important for having FAO WILPF Representatives feel integrated, and provide for an exchange of information and best ways to communicate with sections, officers, and other UN Representatives for WILPF.
This has been a major challenge, and the former WILPF International President has written on this and also visited us at FAO in the past. The new plan Catia described could be a significant step forward.
I also note here, that my personal background, graduate education and work, is in Food Marketing and the corporate food industry, cooperatives, and the food supermarket industry. Thus, I can well see exploitation in this field for consumers and am so very alert to human rights and justice in the food industry. I have seen the private sector increase power at FAO, and the CFS, and we could keep WILPF alerted to this.
I would like to suggest that a simple Questionnaire be sent to all WILPF Sections, to ask what FAO themes are of interest to them, and what they might be doing on these topics. Examples would be:
*Women & The Right to Food
*Women & Food Sovereignty
*Women, Food Security – Conflict & Peace
*Women & Land Rights
*Women in Agriculture
*Rural Women & Food
*Women, Migration, Right to Food
*Women, Urbanization & Food
*Women & The Right to Safe Water
*Women & The Food Production Chain
*Corporate Responsibility & Women’s Right to Food
*Women & The Cost of Food
Thus, over time, networking from WILPF FAO with WILPF Sections that are interested, could be good for all.
FAO is unique as are all the UN operations in different locations as UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, ILO……and there is a big difference from having a WILPF Office and Staff as in Geneva and NYC, vs. being on our own here, but we can build bridges. It might be worth considering for all WILPF UN Representatives to meet once a year, best in person, but online if necessary. It is important to have the structure of what we do, but also the personalized components that have made some of our achievements possible.
Good WILPF Wishes,
Report of Representative to International Organizations
Please submit your report to the International Office
via email: membership (a) wilpf.ch no later than 2 May 2016
Name of representative – Lois A. HermanName of organization – WILPF Representative for FAO
Author(s) of report – Lois A. Herman
Contact Details
Address / 17 Via Venezia, Francavilla Mare, Italy 66023
Phone/ Fax / US Cell 612-306-6614
Official email address / / Official website /
Official social media accounts
Facebook / / Twitter
Alternate 1 Contact Details
Address / US Address: 3101 Dean Court, Minneapolis, Mn. 55416
Phone/ Fax / USA Fixed Phone: 612-922-2910
Official email address / Official website
Official social media accounts
Facebook / Twitter
Alternate 2 Contact Details
Phone/ Fax
Official email address / Official website
Official social media accounts
Facebook / Twitter
Political Work
Which main activities have you, as WILPF Representatives to FAO performed during the period 1 May 2015 – 1 May 2016? (Name the activities, locations and dates)
WILPF Representative to FAO:
*FAO Committee for World Food Security-CFS-2014 & 2015
*FAO CMS – Civil Society Mechanism
*Attendance at CFS Every Year
*Regular Contacts with FAO Programs as IFAD, WFP
*Research sent to WILPF List (hope to be expanded on ) Women & Food,
Nutrition, Agriculture, Land Rights, Food & Conflict/Peace Issues +
Which issues in the International Programme 2015-2018 do your activities mostly link to? Multiple choices.
xHuman Rights
Crisis Response
xWomen, Peace and Security
We would like to know how your work with the International Programme 2015-2018 in the context of the international organization where you represent WILPF. Please describe three concrete activities performed since 1 May 2015:
Activity example 1
What did you do:
What was the outcome:
How did you communicate about the activity within the members:
How did you advocate about this activity to public:
How did you follow up the activity:
Activity example 2
What did you do:
What was the outcome:
How did you communicate about the activity within the members:
How did you advocate about this activity to public:
How did you follow up the activity:
Activity example 3
What did you do:
What was the outcome:
How did you communicate about the activity within the members:
How did you advocate about this activity to public:
How did you follow up the activity:
In the case you, as WILPF representative to FAO cannot reach your potential, what are the limiting obstacles? Multiple choices:
International politics
NGO working environment
Personal security
Internal issues within the organization
Please elaborate: None
How do you collaborate with WILPF Sections, Standing Committees, regional groups or working groups?
How do you collaborate with WILPF Secretariat?
Have communicated over years but would like to have more defined linkages.
Please describe how you have used the WILPF 2015 Manifesto in your work since it was adopted at the Centennial Congress in April 2015?
Do you have any partnering organisations? If yes, please give more details.
Local organisation/NGO
Local WILPF Section
Please elaborate:
Do you regularly receive and read the newsletters and the Membership News sent by E-mail? YES
How many times in the period 1 May 2015 – 1 May 2016 have the representatives submitted a text to Membership News:
1 time
1-3 times
More than 3 times
Have the representatives during the period 1 May 2015 – 1 May 2016 been in contact with the staff at the International Secretariat?
If yes, please tick, which issues you, collaborated on:
Joint report
Joint research
In person training
National advocacy
Attended international conference
Updates to the International Directory
Training and/or webinar
Submission to Membership News
Submission to international website
Submission to Annual Report 2015
Seeking advice
Anniversary activities
Other, please elaborate: / No
If no, please explain why
Have the representatives been in contact with the ExCom liaison during the period 1 May 2015 to 1 May 2016?
Have the representatives been in contact with the entire ExCom during the period 1 May 2015 to 1 May 2016?
Yes, the contact was about the following reason: / No
Looking Back
How do you think your work has made a difference between1 May 2015 and 1 May 2016?
What do you consider as your biggest achievement between1 May 2015 and 1 May 2016?
What are the lessons that you have learned between1 May 2015 and 1 May 2016?
Looking Forward
What are your plans between now and next Congress in 2018?
Unaddressed items
Is there anything you would like to share with International Board?
Please see attached ADDENDUM.