Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

In the State of FLORIDA

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

2002 Old Saint Augustine Road, Building #A

Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4862

Phone: 850-488-6210

Director: Loretta Costin

Assistant Director: Sheree Keeler

Area 1 (Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)Area 2 (Regions 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11)

William Simmons – Area DirectorLinda Chandler, Director

1 South A Street, Suite #1062141-0120 Loch Rane Blvd.

Pensacola, Florida 32501-5575Orange Park, Florida 32073

Phone: 850-595-8855Phone: 904-213-3040

Other: 695-8855Other: 893-3040

Fax: 695-8487Fax: 893-3044

Area 3 (Regions 12, 13, 17, 19, and 20)Area 4 (Regions 14, 15, 16, and 18)

James Shalls, Area DirectorMaria O. Risco, Area Director

3555 Maguire Boulevard4221 N Himes Avenue, Suite #205

Bennington Bldg., Suite #205Tampa, Florida 33607-6209

Orlando, Florida 32803-3723Phone: 813-871-7300

Phone: 407-897-2725Other: 512-5553

Other: 342-2725Fax: 512-5572

Fax: 342-2752

Area 5 (Regions 21, 22, 24)Area 5

Mary Watford, Area Director2550 W Oakland Park Blvd.

3745 Broadway, Suite #203Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33311

Ft. Myers, Florida 33901-8144Phone: 954-714-3517

Phone: 941-278-7317Other: 457-3517

Other: 729-7317Fax: 954-714-5604

Fax: 729-7255

Area 6 (Regions 23)

Cynthia Gaber – Area Director

1111 Park Center Blvd., Suite #103

Miami, Florida 33169

Phone: 305-628-7033

Other: 428-7033

Fax: 428-7048

FLORIDA One-Stop Center Directory

Escarosa Career Center – CenturyEscarosa Career Center – Milton

7600 Mayo Street6570 Caroline Street

Century, Florida 32535Milton, Florida 32570-4778

Phone: 850-256-6250Phone: 850-983-5325

Fax: 850-256-6235Fax: 850-983-5330

Escarosa Career Center – PensacolaJobsPlus One Stop Career Center

3670-A North L Street409 N.E. Racetrack Road

Pensacola, Florida 32505-5217Ft. Walton Beach, Florida 32547

Phone: 850-595-5200Phone: 850-833-7587

Fax: 850-595-5249Fax: 850-833-3924

Susan Miller, 850-864-3466

JobsPlus One Stop CenterJobsPlus One Stop Career Center

648 N. Wilson Street79 N. Davis Lane

Crestview, Florida 32536DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433

Phone: 850-689-7823Phone: 850-951-8256

Fax: 850-689-2688Fax: 850-951-9807

Susan Miller, 850-864-3466Susan Miller, 850-864-3466

(Blountstown) One Stop Career Center(Chipley) One Stop Career Center

17370 N. Main Street757 Hoyt Street

Blountstown, Florida 32424Chipley, Florida 32428

Phone: 850-674-5088Phone: 850-638-6089

Fax: 850-674-1267Fax: 850-638-6093

Margaret Murphy, 850-718-0326 ext. 110Anita McLendon

Judy Lipford, 850-674-5088

(Marianna) One Stop Career Center(Panama City) Workforce Center

4636 Highway 90 East, Suite #E114 E. 9th Street

Marianna, Florida 32446Panama City, Florida 32401

Phone: 850-718-0326Phone: 850-872-4340 ext. 120

Fax: 850-718-0334Fax: 850-872-4346

Margaret Murphy, 850-718-0326 ext. 110Contact: John

Workforce CenterWorkforce Center

Gulf/Franklin Centerc/o Dept. of Children & Families

3800 Garrison Avenue411 Highway 98, West

Port St. Joe, Florida 32456Apalachicola, Florida 32320

Phone: 850-227-9670Phone: 850-653-8883

Fax: 850-873-3524Fax: 850-653-8666

Big Bend Workforce Center, GadsdenBig Bend Workforce Center,

1140 W. Clark StreetTown South

Quincy, Florida 323512525 South Monroe Street,

Phone: 850-875-4040Suite #3-A

Fax: 850-875-3324Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Barbara DonnellyPhone: 850-922-0023

Fax: 850-487-1505

Big Bend Workforce Center, WakullaEconomic and Career

3278 Crawfordville Highway, Unit GDevelopment Center

Crawfordville, Florida 323272710 Country Club Drive,

Phone: 850-926-0980Bldg. #15

Fax: 850-926-0984Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Phone: 850-942-6755

Fax: 850-942-7492

Hamilton One Stop Career CenterJefferson One Stop Career Center

306 NE 1st Avenue905 N. Jefferson Street

Jasper, Florida 32052Monticello, Florida 32344

Phone: 386-792-1229Phone: 850-342-3338

Fax: 386-792-0562Fax: 850-342-3210

Jean LeDew 850-997-2394

Lafayette County One Stop Career CenterMadison One Stop Career Center

Corner of Main and Monroe600 East Base Street, Suite #A

Post Office Box #384Madison, Florida 32340

Mayo, Florida 32066Phone: 850-973-9675

Phone: 386-294-1055Fax: 850-973-9757

Fax: 386-294-4496Glenda Branch

Pam Geiger

Suwannee County One Stop Career CenterTaylor One Stop Career Center

1416 North Ohio Avenue224 N. Jefferson Street

Live Oak, Florida 32060Perry, Florida 32347

Phone: 386-634-7952Phone: 850-584-7604

Fax: 386-364-7957Fax: 850-584-6238

Melissa McGeeGerald Durbin

Florida Crown Workforce Career CenterFlorida Crown Workforce Career

Crown Professional ComplexCenter

1761 US Highway 90 West155 S.E. 6th Place

Lake City, Florida 32055Lake Butler, Florida 32054

Phone: 386-755-9026Phone: 386-496-0055

Fax: 386-755-0691Fax: 386-496-1577

Sandy PhillipsJulia Koberlein

Florida Crown Workforce Career CenterFlorida Crown Workforce Career

Children and Family ServicesCenter

Post Office Box 1199 (SR 26 & CR 319,Children and Family Services

Bldg. #B)Post Office Box #710

Trenton, Florida 32693Cross City, Florida 32628

Phone: 352-463-0230Phone: 352-498-7980

Fax: 352-463-8307Fax: 352-498-1904

Patti NybergMichael Moran

Downtown Jacksonville WorkSourceGateway Jacksonville WorkSource

Career ServicesCareer Services

215 N. Market Street5000-2 Norwood Avenue

Jacksonville, Florida 32202Jacksonville, Florida 32208

Phone: 904-798-9222Phone: 904-924-1710

Fax: 904-798-4799Fax: 904-924-1725

Suellen Adams 904-924-1726

Southside Jacksonville WorkSource Westside Jacksonville WorkSource

Career ServicesCareer Services

11000 Beach Blvd., Suite #17579-8 103 Street

Jacksonville, Florida 32246Jacksonville, Florida 32210

Phone: 907-997-3100Phone: 904-573-4960

Fax: 904-996-1818Fax: 904-573-4972

Jack CroakeErvin Kohn

WorkSource Career ServicesWorkSource Career Services

1303 Jasmine Street, Suite #82141 Loch Rane Blvd., Suite #102

Fernandina Beach, Florida 32034Orange Park, Florida 32073

Phone: 904-277-7272Phone: 904-213-3888

Fax: 904-277-7219Fax: 904-213-3069

Robert Caraball, ext. 111Steve Hill

WorkSource Career ServicesWorkSource Career Services

2451 U.S. 1, South400 Highway 19 N., (Palatka Mall)

St. Augustine, Florida 32086Suite #30

Phone: 904-797-4878Palatka, Florida 32177

Fax: 904-825-5047Phone: 386-329-3724

Lale GergerFax: 386-329-3709

Lynda Phinney

WorkSource Career ServicesAlachua Family Services Center

1184 South 6th Street13720 North West 151 Place

Macclenny, Florida 32063Alachua, Florida 32616

Phone: 904-259-9309Phone: 352-462-5666

Fax: 904-259-7702Fax: 352-462-0133

John RamboPatty Shirkey

Alachua-Bradford Career CenterAlachua-Bradford Career

1000 NE 16th AvenueCenter

Building #J, Box #374800 SW 13th Street

Gainesville, Florida 32601Gainesville, Florida 32608

Phone: 352-955-3135Phone: 352-955-2245

Fax: 352-955-6082Fax: 352-955-2332

Marsha MottLavonne Mililike

Bradford Career CenterSanta Fe Community College

609 N. Orange Street, Room #09-193000 N.W. 83rd Street, Bldg. #R

Starke, Florida 32091Room #227

Phone: 904-964-8092Gainesville, Florida 32606

Fax: 904-964-3969Phone: 352-395-5641

Tony MangolFax: 352-395-5980

Susan Motz

Central Florida Community CollegeCommunity Tech. & Adult

3001 SW College Road, Bldg. #2, Education Center

Room #2161014 SW 7th Road

Ocala, Florida 34474Ocala, Florida 34474

Phone: 352-237-2111 ext. 41530Phone: 352-732-1750 ext. 120

Fax: 352-873-5855Fax: 352-732-1748


One Stop Career CenterOne Stop Career Center

16 Northeast Fifth Street10457 SE Highway 441/27

Crystal River, Florida 34429Belleview, Florida 34420

Phone: 352-794-0086Phone: 352-307-5858

352-794-5414Fax: 352-307-5869

Fax: 352-794-0181


One Stop Career CenterOne Stop Career Center

2703 NE 14th Street220 N Main Street

Ocala, Florida 34470Chiefland, Florida 32626

Phone: 352-732-1700Phone: 352-493-6744

Fax: 352-369-2658Fax: 352-493-6753

One Stop Career CenterOne Stop Career Center

1239 NW 4th Street701 White Blvd.

Ocala, Florida 34475Inverness, Florida 34453

Phone: 352-369-2440Phone: 352-637-2223

Fax: 352-369-2438Fax: 352-637-1490

One Stop Career ConnectionOne Stop Career Connection

Crystal River Mall2701 SW College Road

1801 NW Highway #19Ocala, Florida 34474

Crystal River, Florida 34429Phone: 352-291-6000

Phone: 352-564-2326Fax: 352-291-6009

Fax: 352-564-2436

One Stop Career ConnectionWithlacoochee Tech. Institute

9030 N.E. Highway 27 A1201 West Main Street

Bronson, Florida 32621Inverness, Florida 34450

Phone: 352-486-5580Phone: 352-726-2430

Fax: 352-486-5585Fax: 352-341-0033

Daytona Beach One Stop Career CenterDeLand One-Stop Career Center

359 Bill France Boulevard1382 South Woodland Blvd.

Daytona Beach, Florida 32114DeLand, Florida 32720

Phone: 386-323-7001Phone: 386-740-3232

Fax: 386-323-7055Fax: 386-740-3244

David Straka, 386-323-7027David Straka, 386-740-3240

Flagler One Stop Career CenterOne Stop Career Center

3000 Palm Coast Parkway, Room #116(Casselberry)

Palm Coast, Florida 32137260 Sausalito Blvd.

Phone: 386-447-1545Casselberry, Florida 32707

Fax: 386-447-1548Phone: 407-262-7422

Patricia, 386-447-1546Fax: 407-339-4626

One Stop Career Center (Kissimmee)One Stop Career Center

1599 N. John Young Parkway(South Orlando)

Orlando, Florida 347415449 s. Semoran Blvd., Suite #17

Phone: 407-343-4900Tavares, Florida 32822

Fax: 407-932-4914Phone: 407-249-6586

Fax: 407-249-6591

One Stop Career CenterOne Stop Career Center

1300 Duncan Drive, Bldg. #A(West Orlando)

Tavares, Florida 327785362 Silver Star Road

Phone: 352-742-6143Orlando, Florida 32808

Fax: 352-742-6162Phone: 407-445-5305

Fax: 407-297-2051

One Stop Career Center (Wildwood)One Stop Career Center
1601 West Gulf Atlantic Hwy. #44(Leesburg)

Wildwood, Florida 34785715 W. Main Street

Phone: 352-330-1305Leesburg, Florida 34748

Fax: 352-330-1375Phone: 352-360-6518

Brevard Job Link Business CenterCocoa Job Link

1519 Clearlake Road., Bldg. #3840 Forrest Avenue, Suite #A

Room #203Cocoa, Florida 32922

Cocoa, Florida 32922Phone: 321-690-3220

Phone: 321-632-1111 ext. 64465Fax: 321-690-3218

Fax: 321-634-3725

Melbourne Job LinkPalm Bay Job Link

4450 W. Eau Gallie Blvd.2320 Commerce Park Drive., NE

Melbourne, Florida 32934Palm Bay, Florida 32905

Phone: 321-752-3222Phone: 321-984-4831

Fax: 321-752-3232Fax: 321-984-4994

Titusville Job LinkEnoch D. Davis Center

Sears Town Plaza1111 18th Avenue, South

3550 S. Washington Avenue, Suite #26St. Petersburg, Florida 33705

Titusville, Florida 32780Phone: 727-552-1544

Phone: 321-385-4300Fax: 727-552-1546

Fax: 321-385-4343Charles Johnson

PTEC ClearwaterUnion Academy Family Center

Community Outreach Center401 E. Martin L. King Jr. Drive

6100 154th Avenue, North, Building 16Tarpon Springs, Florida 33755

Clearwater, Florida 33760Phone: 727-938-4403

Phone: 727-533-9744Fax: 727-938-4512

Fax: 727-507-6193James Hill, 727-938-4403

Nancy Trudell, 727-533-9744

WorkNet Clearwater One Stop WorkNet Gandy One Stop Center

(1100 Building)3491 Gandy Blvd., Suite #100

1100 Cleveland Street, Suite #400Pinellas Park, Florida 33781

Clearwater, Florida 33755Phone: 727-578-4593

Phone: 727-442-8827Fax: 727-570-3046

Fax: 727-469-5878

WorkNet One Stop Center (300 Plaza)Workforce Apollo Beach

3251 3rd Avenue N., Suite #150260 Apollo Beach Blvd.

St. Petersburg, Florida 33713Apollo Beach, Florida 33572

Phone: 727-893-1255Phone: 813-671-5015

Fax: 727-893-1254Fax: 813-671-5017

Maria Gonzalez

Workforce BrandonWorkforce Plant City

9325 Bay Plaza Blvd., Suite #2122001 E. Cherry Street

Tampa, Florida 33619Plant City, Florida 33566

Phone:813-740-4170Phone: 813-757-9009

Fax: 813-744-4222Fax: 813-757-9012

Susan PeacockGloria Houston

Workforce TampaWorkforce YBOR

9215 North Florida Avenue, Suite #1012002 E. 26th Avenue

Tampa, Florida 33612Tampa, Florida 33605

Phone: 813-930-7400Phone: 813-233-2952

Fax: 813-930-7634Fax: 813-272-2861

Career Central Career Central

4440 Grand Boulevard324 W. Jefferson Street

New Port Richey, Florida 34652Brooksville, Florida 34601

Phone: 727-816-1714Phone: 352-754-6794

Fax: 727-816-1753Fax: 352-754-6789

Career Central Dade CityCareer Central Hernando

36739 SR 52661 s. Broad Street (U.S. 41)

Dade City, Florida 33525Brooksville, Florida 34601

Phone: 352-521-1417 ext. 401Phone: 352-540-6037

Fax: 352-521-1233Fax: 352-540-6064

ALPI – Lakeview Park Community CenterEloise Community Center

38 Kings Boulevard710 Snively Avenue

Frostproof, Florida 33843Winter Haven, Florida 33880

Phone: 863-635-3396Phone: 863-299-9273

Florence Villa Community Development Corp.Help for Fort Meade

111 Avenue R. NE121 Broadway West

Winter Haven, Florida 33881Fort Meade, Florida 33841

Phone: 863-299-3263Phone: 863-285-6600

Fax: 863-299-8134Fax: 863-285-6090

Latt Maxey Memorial LibraryPolk Community College

15 North Magnolia Avenue999 Avenue H., N.E.

Frostproof, Florida 33843Winter Haven, Florida 33881-4299

Phone: 863-635-7857Phone: 863-297-1000 ext. 61212

Fax: 863-635-8305Fax: 863-297-1060

Polkworks (Bartow) One Stop CenterPolkworks (Lake Wales)

1055 Highway 17 NOne-Stop Center

Bartow, Florida 33830648 Highway 60 West

Phone: 863-519-7657Lake Wales, Florida 33853-4419

Fax: 863-533-4968Phone: 863-678-4155

Fax: 863-676-8939

Polkworks (Lakeland) One-Stop CenterPolkworks (Winter Haven)

936 E. Parker StreetOne-Stop Center

Lakeland, Florida 33801500 E. Lake Howard Drive

Phone: 863-683-5627Winter Haven, Florida 33881-3135

Fax: 863-413-2438Phone: 863-291-5292

Ridge Technical CenterTraviss Technical Center

7700 St. Rd. 5443225 Winter Lake Road

Winter Haven, Florida 33881Lakeland, Florida 33803

Phone: 863-419-3060Phone: 863-499-2700

Fax: 863-419-3062Fax: 863-534-7494

Jobs – Employment & Training CenterJobs – Employment & Training Ctr.

1112 Manatee Avenue East897 East Venice Avenue

Bradenton, Florida 34208Venice, Florida 34292

Phone: 941-714-7449Phone: 941-486-2682

Fax: 941-714-7458Fax: 941-480-3098

Susan StubbsJoe Doss

Jobs – Employment & Training CenterHeartland Career Connection

3660 N. Washington Blvd.System SFCC

Sarasota, Florida 34234500 E. Interlake Boulevard

Phone: 941-358-4200Building #100

Fax: 941-358-2820Lake Placid, Florida 33852

Delores JohnsonPhone: 863-465-5779

Fax: 863-699-0081

Heartland Career Connection CenterHeartland Career Connection

1016 S. 6th AvenueSystem

Wauchula, Florida 33873930 SE Lakeview Drive

Phone: 863-773-3435Sebring, Florida 33870

Fax: 863-773-3949Phone: 863-784-7226

Lorrie Key, 863-784-7266Fax: 863-385-3672

Heartland Career Connection SystemHeartland Career Connection System

805 N. Mills Avenue600 West College Drive

Arcadia, Florida 34266Avon Park, Florida 33825

Phone: 863-993-1008Phone: 863-784-7460

Fax: 863-993-1046Fax: 863-784-7209

Heartland Career Connection SystemFort Pierce One-Stop Career Center

310 West Whidden Street2415 S. 29th Street

Arcadia, Florida 34266Fort Pierce, Florida 34981

Phone: 863-494-3157Phone: 561-462-6100

Fax: 863-494-6121Fax: 561-460-3641

Kathy Parker, 863-784-7278

Indiantown One-Stop Career CenterOkeechobee One-Stop Career Center

16491 S.W. Farm Road123 SW Park Street

Post Office Box #1218Okeechobee, Florida 34974

Indiantown, Florida 34956Phone: 863-462-5350

Phone: 561-597-2686863-462-5357

Fax: 561-597-2661Fax: 863-462-5355

Thea LaceyMary Snyder

Port St. Lucie One-Stop Career CenterStuart One-Stop Career Center

9334 S. U.S. #1900 S.E. Central Parkway

Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952Stuart, Florida 34994

Phone: 561-398-2800Phone: 561-223-2653

Fax: 561-398-2824Fax: 561-283-5041

Sam Patterson 561-221-4080

Kathy Winstanle

Vero Beach One-Stop Career CenterBelle Glade One Stop Center

1404 Old Dixie Highway1085 South Main Street

Vero Beach, Florida 32960Belle Glade, Florida 33430-7106

Phone: 561-569-0355Phone: 561-992-1310

Fax: 561-562-4494Fax: 561-993-1265

Mattie HunterStuart Karbal, ext. 104

Delray Beach Workforce DevelopmentLake Worth One Stop Center

Center4220 Lake Worth Road

14610 S. Military Trail Lake Worth, Florida 33461

Delray Beach, Florida 33484Phone: 561-963-3124

Phone: 561-637-7000Fax: 561-963-3159

Fax: 561-637-7010Jan Cook

Roger Nielsen

Riviera Beach One Stop CenterWorkforce Development Center

2051 Martin L. King, Jr., Blvd.4100 Okeechobee Blvd.

Riviera Beach, Florida 33404West Palm Beach, Florida 33409

Phone; 561-841-0250Phone: 561-616-5200

Fax: 561-841-0284Fax: 561-682-0088

Leila Menefee, 864-841-0271Greg Brodbeck, ext. 352

Industry Based TrainingSER/BETA TEC

Broward Community College5399 N. Dixie Highway, Suite #200

7200 Pines Blvd., Bldg. 88-102Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33334

Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024Phone: 954-492-1886

Phone: 954-986-8055Fax: 954-492-1891

Fax: 954-986-8056

Diane Schiffman, 954-986-8054

Workforce One CentralWorkforce One North

2610 W. Oakland Park Blvd.2301 W. Sample Road

Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33311-1347Building 4, Suite #7A

Phone: 954-677-5555Pompano Beach, Florida 33073

Fax: 954-497-2889Phone: 954-677-5555

Peter LiuFax: 954-969-3550

Lee Dixon-Armstrong

Workforce One SouthCarol City One Stop Career Center

7550 Davie Road Extension4690 NW 183rd Street

Hollywood, Florida 33024Miami, Florida 33055

Phone: 954-677-5555Phone: 305-620-8012

Fax: 954-893-5030Fax: 305-620-9813

Armando Fana

Culmer/Overtown One Stop Cutler Ridge One Stop Career Center

1550 NW 3rd Avenue10700 Caribbean Blvd.

Miami, Florida 33136Suites #305 & 306

Phone: 305-571-0406Miami, Florida 33189

Fax: 305-576-5198Phone: 786-293-4537

Fax: 786-242-3930

English CenterFlorida City One Stop Career Center

3501 SW 28th Street751 West Palm Drive

Miami, Florida 33133Florida City, Florida 33034

Phone: 305-445-3573Phone: 786-243-4301

Fax: 305-443-3718Fax: 786-246-3858

Hialeah Central One Stop Career CenterHialeah Downtown One Stop

5362 W. 16th AvenueCareer Center

Hialeah, Florida 33012240 East 1st Avenue, Suite #208

Phone: 305-818-9818Hialeah, Florida 33010

Fax: 305-818-9840Phone: 305-883-6925

Fax: 305-883-6910

Hialeah Gardens One StopHialeah North One Stop Career

Career CenterCenter

2750 W. 68th Street, Suite #232500 W. 49th Street, 2nd Floor

Hialeah, Florida 33016Hialeah, Florida 33012

Phone: 305-826-4011Phone: 305-827-4018

Fax: 305-826-8022Fax: 305-364-6173

Homestead One Stop Career CenterKendall Campus

381 N. Krome Avenue11011 SW 104th Street, Room #3105

Homestead, Florida 33030Miami, Florida 33176

Phone: 305-246-4861Phone: 305-237-2356

Fax: 305-242-5999

Key Largo One Stop Career CenterKey West One Stop Career Center

103400 Overseas Hwy, Suite #2393112 Flagler Avenue, Habana Plaza

Key Largo, Florida 33037Key West, Florida 33040

Phone: 305-853-3540Phone: 305-292-6762

Fax: 305-853-3543Fax: 305-292-6891

Liberty City One Stop CenterLiberty Square

5400 NW 22 Avenue., Room #1036304 NW 14th Avenue

Miami, Florida 33142Miami, Florida 33147

Phone: 305-638-6444Phone: 305-694-2758

Fax: 305-638-6499

Lindsey HopkinsLittle Havana #1 One Stop

750 NW 20th StreetCareer Center

Miami, Florida 331273990 W. Flagler Street, Suite #100

Phone: 305-324-6070 ext. 8714Miami, Florida 33134

Fax: 305-545-6397Phone: 305-443-9170

Fax: 305-443-7390

Little Havana #2 One StopLittle River One Stop Career Center

Career Center7900 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite #600

3525 NW 7th StreetMiami, Florida 33138

Miami, Florida 33125Phone: 305-759-6511

Phone: 305-643-6730Fax: 305-759-7639

Fax: 305-643-0777 305-758-6009

Marathon One Stop Career CenterMiami Downtown One Stop

11400 Overseas Highway, 2nd FloorCareer Center

Marathon, Florida 33050390 NW 2nd Street

Phone: 305-289-2470Miami, Florida 33128

Fax: 305-289-2469Phone: 305-374-1987

Fax: 305-539-9141

Miami Allapttah One Stop Career CenterMiami Beach One Stop

1313 NW 36th Street, 2nd FloorCareer Center (Temporary location)

Miami, Florida 33142945 Pennsylvania Avenue

Phone: 305-693-3125Miami Beach, Florida 33139

Fax: 305-693-3130Phone: 305-532-5350

Fax: 305-532-9307

Miami Edgewater One StopMiami Little Haiti One Stop Center

Career Center6660 Biscayne Blvd.

3050 Biscayne Blvd., 4th FloorMiami, Florida 33138

Miami, Florida 33137Phone: 305-758-2462

Phone: 305-573-7301Fax: 305-758-8216

Fax: 305-573-4916

Naranja One Stop Career CenterNorth Campus

Naranja Plaza, 27112 South Dixie Highway11380 NW 27th Avenue,

Miami, Florida 33032Room #1173

Phone: 305-245-4510Miami, Florida 33167

Fax: 305-245-8180Phone: 305-237-1668

Fax: 305-237-8043

North Miami Beach One StopNortheast Dade One Stop

Career CenterCareer Center

633 NE 167th Street, Suite #20018301 North Miami Avenue,

North Miami, Florida 33162Suite #216

Phone: 305-654-7175Miami, Florida 33169

Fax: 305-654-7188Phone: 305-493-8400

Fax: 305-651-6423

Northside One Stop Career CenterOpa-Locka One Stop Career Center

7900 NW 27th Avenue, Suite #11120 North Perviz Avenue

Miami, Florida 33147Opa-Locka, Florida 33054

Phone: 305-693-2060Phone: 305-687-2886

Fax: 305-693-5489Fax: 305-687-6511

Perrine GardenPerrine One Stop Career Center

10161 Circle Plaza West17430 SW 97th Avenue

Miami, Florida 33157Miami, Florida 33157

Phone: 305-235-0684Phone: 305-252-4440

Fax: 305-235-2196Fax: 305-252-4456

Rainbow VillageRobert Morgan V IT

2031 NW 4th Court18180 SW 122nd Avenue

Miami, Florida 33127Miami, Florida 33177

Phone: 305-438-8600Phone: 305-253-9920

Fax: 305-573-9559Fax: 305-234-8926

South Dade Skills CenterWest Dade One Stop Career Center

28300 SW 152nd Avenue9485 West Flagler Street

Homestead, Florida 33033Miami, Florida 33174

Phone: 305-247-7839Phone: 305-228-2300

Fax: 305-247-2375Fax: 305-228-2321


Wolfson CampusCareer and Service Center of

300 NE 2nd Avenue, Room #3108Charlotte County

Miami, Florida 3313219500 Toledo Blade Boulevard

Phone: 305-237-3533Port Charlotte, Florida 33948-2090

305-237-3358Phone: 239-613-1448

Fax: 305-237-7897Fax: 239-255-7685

Don Johnson, 239-255-7681

Ext. 216

Career and Service Center of Career and Service Center of

Collier CountyCollier County/Immokalee

215 Airport/Pulling Road North,750 South 6th Street

Suite #1Immokalee, Florida 34142

Naples, Florida 34104Phone: 239-658-3300

Phone: 239-649-1984Joe Estrada, 239-658-3300

Fax: 239-434-5028

Hellen Keller, 239-434-5006 Ext. 116

Career and Service Center ofCareer and Service Center of

Hendry/Glades CountiesLee County

215-B South Francisco Street4150 Ford Street Extension

Clewiston, Florida 33440Ft. Myers, Florida 33916

Phone: 863-805-0709Phone: 239-275-3100

Fax: 863-983-7118Fax: 239-278-7353

Miriam Garcia, 863-805-0709Tim Navarez, 239-278-7140

Ext. 187

The Able Trust/Florida Governor’s Alliance

106 East College Avenue, Suite #820

Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Phone: 850-224-4493

Fax: 850-224-4496

Developmental Disabilities Program

1317 Winewood Boulevard

Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Independent Living Research Utilization

Directory of Centers & SILCs

State of Florida

Space Coast CILCIL of Southwest Florida

Barbara AllardRonald Muschong

331 Ramp Road3626 Evans Avenue

Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931Fort Myers, Florida 33901

Phone: 321-784-9008Phone: 941-277-1447

TTY: 321-784-9008TTY: 941-277-3964

Fax: 321-784-3702Fax: 941-277-1647

CIL of Northcentral FloridaNorthcentral Florida Citrus

William KennedyCounty (Satellite)

720 NW 23rd AvenueAlma Warren

Gainesville, Florida 326013277 South Suncoast Blvd.

Phone: 352-378-7474Homosassa, Florida 34448

TTY: 352-378-7474Phone: 352-628-3600

Fax: 352-378-5582TTY: 352-628-3600

ax: 352-628-5374

CIL of Florida Keys (Satellite)Independent Living Resource Center

Paula Wolgast Sheaof Northeast Florida

88005 Overseas Highway, Suite #17Marcia Randall

Islamorada, Florida 330362709 Art Museum Drive

Phone: 305-852-0177Jacksonville, Florida 32207

TTY: 305-852-0177Phone: 904-399-8484

Fax: 305-852-0121TTY: 904-398-6322

ax: 904-396-0859

CIL of Central Florida, Inc.CIL of South Florida

Judith BarrettKelly Greene

1845 North Crystal Lake Drive501 Northeast First Avenue,

Lakeland, Florida 33801-5902Suite #102

Phone: 863-701-1308Miami, Florida 33132

Fax: 863-701-1309Phone: 305-379-6650

TY: 305-379-6650

Fax: 305-379-6653

CIL of Northcentral Florida (Satellite)CIL of Northwest Florida, Inc.
Carol TerrillionFrank Cherry

3445 NE 24th Street3600 North Pace Blvd.

Ocala, Florida 34470Pensacola, Florida 32505

Phone: 352-368-3788Phone: 850-595-5566

TTY: 352-368-2969TTY: 850-595-5566

Fax: 352-629-0098Fax: 850-595-5560

Suncoast CILCaring & Sharing CIL, Inc.

Daniela SzadoMichael Cook

1945 Northgate Blvd.1130 94th Avenue, North

Sarasota, Florida 34234St. Petersburg, Florida 33702

Phone: 941-351-9545Phone: 727-577-0065

TTY: 941-351-9943TTY: 727-576-5034

Fax: 941-351-9875Fax: 727-577-2932

CIL of North FloridaCenter for Independent Living

Janet Kahnof Broward

1823 Buford CourtKaren Dickerhoof

Tallahassee, Florida 323088857 West McNab Road

Phone: 850-575-9621Tamarac, Florida 33321

TTY: 850-576-5245Phone: 954-722-6400

Fax: 850-575-5740TTY: 954-722-6400

ax: 954-722-9801

Self Reliance, Inc.Coalition for Independent Living

Joseph DiDomenicoOptions

11215 North Nebraska AvenueShelley Gottsagen

Suite #B-36800 Forest Hill Blvd.

Tampa, Florida 33612West Palm Beach, Florida 33413

Phone: 813-975-6560Phone: 561-966-4288

TTY: 813-975-6560TTY: 561-641-6538

Fax: 813-975-6559Fax: 561-641-6619

CIL in Central Florida, Inc.

Elizabeth Howe

720 North Denning Drive

Winter Park, Florida 32789

Phone: 407-623-1070

TTY: 407-623-1185

Fax: 407-623-1390