21st Annual Over The Hump - Hash A Thon – click over the hump

Registrar Information

Your Hash Name
Your Given Name
Your Contact Phone
Your Email Address
Emergency POC/POC Phone #
Are You a Vegetarian? / YES NO
Above information is required for event notifications, day of accountability, and liability purposes. Omission of said information will prohibit registration.

Information and Payment

Hash A Thon Registration can be made any OTH4 run in person or via mail. We do not have any electronic means setup for payment, because of the stupid “service fees”. Registration will close at the last OTH4 Sunday run before the HAT, which is Sunday, March 25, 2012. Mailed registrations must be received by March 26, 2012.
The OTH4 HAT Price is: $25.00 until March 18th - $35.00 March 19th until March 26th.
There is a registration limit of 100 attendees. Shirts are available on a first come first serve basis for an extra $15.00 dollars.
Cash is welcome; Checks MUST be written to: Jessica Maillard or Tia Perry
Registrations must be mailed to: Jessica Maillard – 1566 Teal Way, Woodbridge, VA 22191
Partial registrations are priced per trail and per meal. Each Trail is $5.00 and each meal is an additional $5.00. NO PARTIAL REGISTRATIONS WILL BE PERMITTED AFTER MARCH 18th. After March 18th, all registrars will be required to pay the full $35.00 registration fee, no exceptions.
The event will start on Saturday, April 7, 2012 at the: QUANTICO GATEWAY BUILDING
18300 Quantico Gateway Drive, Triangle, VA.
The event will start, HARES AWAY, promptly at 1200pm (noon). Site registration will begin at 10:30am.
Event shirts will be available for purchase on a first come first sever basis at the event registration table or with the OTH4 Haberdasher at the event.
Four Runner’s and Walker’s trails will be live hared throughout the day. Trails will kick off every two hours starting at Noon, then 2pm, then 4pm, and finally 6pm. Small circles will commence after each trail, with lunch served after trail 2, and dinner served after trail 4. All participants will be required to traverse on each trail. A bag vehicle will be provided for belongings. Prepare for all types of weather to include rain, snow, sleet, and cold. Several changes of clothes are recommended.
Do to the nature of the location and private property owner wishes; please leave your pets at home.

Disclaimer and Legal Waiver

My involvement in the 21st Annual Over The Hump Hash House Harriers (OTH4) Hash A Thon (HAT) is strictly a voluntary event. Upon signing below I understand that I am personally responsible for any legal obligations, debts, personal injuries received, injuries caused, or financial or property damages caused. I will not hold the OTH4 volunteers or managers or other HAT participants responsible for any of my actions or ensued legal/criminal charges as a result of negative behavior. I am personally responsible for all of my personal property and any loss of property cannot be held against any HAT participant or OTH4 volunteer or manager. Additionally, I understand that alcohol could be consumed at the HAT, and hold myself liable to control my alcohol intake. I do not hold the OTH4 volunteers or managers or other HAT participants responsible for any driving violations or potential legal/criminal actions after my consumption of alcohol. By signing below, I willfully and knowledgeably understand my financial obligations owed to OTH4 for the HAT registration and the conditions of this disclaimer and legalwaiver.

Agreement and Signature
