Anti-Defamation League’s Echoes and Reflections: A Multimedia Curriculum on the Holocaust
Part 1: Infusion of the History of the Holocaust into the Curriculum
Part 2: Infusion of the History of the Holocaust into the Curriculum
Infusion of the History of the African American History into the Curriculum
Introduction to Holocaust Studies for Educators Summer Institute
Strengthening Holocaust and Human Rights Instruction in Social Studies and Language Arts
A Framework for Understanding Poverty Professional Development
Gifted, ESOL, Multicultural- various
Curriculum Development for the Gifted
Character Education
CHAMPS: Proactive and Positive Classroom Management
Using the Newspaper to Promote Multicultural Awareness and Understanding 1
Developing Multicultural Curriculum
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Instructional Personnel
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Non-Instructional Personnel
Collaborative Literacy in-service for Teaching Students of Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
Anti-Defamation League’s A World of Difference Institute Anti-bias and Diversity Education Programs
Underrepresented Gifted Populations
Identifying Exceptional Students and Meeting Their Needs
Identifying Students who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Verbal Judo
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Component
SafeSchool Ambassadors
Aggressors, Victims, and Bystanders
Police Officer Training-African and African American Studies Curriculum
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Administrators
Special Olympic Games
Troubled Adolescents: The School’s Response
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Guidance Counselors
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Police Officers
COMPONENTS REQUIRED OF SPECIFIC GROUPS (coaches, those in leadership training, etc.)
Foundations in Language and Cognition-Reading Endorsement Competency 1
Foundations of Research-Based Practices-Reading Endorsement Competency 2
Demonstration of Accomplishment-Reading Endorsement Competency 6
Foundations and Application of Differentiated Instruction-Reading Endorsement Competencies 4 and 5
ESOL and LEP– various
Nature and Needs of the Gifted
CPR-First Aid
Bloodborne Pathogens
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Site Coordinator Training
Substance Abuse Facts (Me-ology)
Dismantling Racism Component for Education
Principal Training- African and African American Studies Curriculum
Teacher Training- African and African American Studies Curriculum
Assistant Principal Training- African and African American Studies Curriculum
Administrators Professional Development- African and African American Studies Curriculum
Section 504 Disabilities and Compliance Issues
Support Training 1
Support Training 2
Clinical Education for Teacher Support Training
Preparing New Principals Program- Phase 1
Preparing New Principals Program- Phase 2
Personnel and Legal Issues
Classroom Walk-through (CWT) Professional Development
School Improvement Plan Training
School Advisory Council Training