Agenda for World History – Chap 2_Sec 2.3 – 2.4 ______

① GAIN ATTENTION – the Engager (Bell Work)

View a slideshow depicting this unit’s Word Wall terms

·  Prepare an answer sheet, numbered 1-10, titled: Identifying Word Wall pictures

·  While viewing a slide, write that picture’s related term beside its number on the sheet

② INFORM LEARNERS OF OBJECTIVES – the Frame ...welcoming the Guest

1. Explain today’s objective... 2. Relate to the Standard(s)... 3. Show in current classwork

Standard 7.6.3 – Understand the development of feudalism, its role in the medieval European

economy, the way in which it was influenced by physical geography (the role of the manor and the growth of towns), and how feudal relationships provided the foundation of political order.

Objective – Explain how feudalism developed in Western Europe.

③ STIMULATE RECALL OF PRIOR LEARNING – reflect on prior meeting: what was ‘happening’?

Review the concept “hierarchy” and how it related to feudalism in Western Europe.

④ PRESENT THE CONTENT – the Activity

Introduce the concept “nobility” and relate it to feudalism in Western Europe (2.3-2.4)

·  Explore how monarchy gave lands/fiefs to nobles in exchange for support & funds

·  Highlight today’s vocabulary terms from our Word Wall

⑥ ELICIT PERFORMANCE (practice) – students do the task with teacher’s direction and assistance

Begin notetaking in Chapter 2, pages 22-23

·  Use Notetaking Guidelines to set-up a page for notetaking in one’s Interactive Notebook

·  Create an “informal” outline

o  Copy text headings as section titles for notes

o  Write the main idea for every paragraph as bulleted points beneath each heading


Advise students of strategies to aid them in learning content and of resources available.

·  Provide scaffolds (cues, hints, prompts)

·  Model varied learning strategies

o  Use concept mapping (adding Thinking Maps to students’ notes)

o  Use illustrations (visualizations) to make the content more life-like


1. Confirmatory: praise student accomplishments in writing new notes and thinking maps [P1]

2. Corrective: identify ways (give prompts) to improve the notes [P2]


1. Review the notes taken from textbook, pages 22-23

2. Paraphrase content while writing the “Summary” across bottom of today’s notes

⑧ ASSESS PERFORMANCE (Review – the Debrief: Evaluate)

·  Embed questions throughout instruction through oral questioning and/or quizzes

Homework: Read next section + Complete informal outline notes for initial section (~ 5 paragraphs)

·  Assess and evaluate the quality and quantity of student achievement – Step 6 above
[HOM: Striving for accuracy]

·  Ensure students carefully process the effectiveness of their learning groups
[HOM: Thinking about your thinking - Metacognition]

·  Have students make a plan for improvement [HOM: Remain open to continuous learning]

·  Have students celebrate the hard work of group members > Preferred Activity Time

(Applying Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction Agenda – World History – Chap 2_Sec 2.3-2.4 / page 1)