Woodstown-Pilesgrove PTO General Board Meeting

Date: October19th, 2015

Time: 6:30 pm Mary Shoemaker School Library

Attendance: Michelle Kates, Gina Buggy, AliisonPessalano, Diane Cioffi, Jessica Zaluske, Maricia Chiarelli, Nikki Donelson, Krystyn Wentz, Lisa Lott, Kerry Heathwaite, Eileen Morris, Amanda Fry, Joanie Rush Weber, Sean Fry, Nicole Huck

Treasurer’s Report – refer to Treasurer Sheet

ECLC Report:

  • Boo-tiful Night is coming up Wednesday October 21st. All staff are PTO members involved in the planning are super excited! Our Halloween costume parade is scheduled for October 30th. There is no rain date – if it rains, the parade will be held inside the building without parents.

MSS Report:

  • Boo at the Shoe is scheduled for the 28th, with a rain date of the 29th. Still accepting vehicles for Trunk or Treat. Spirit Day is the 29th. November 3rd is Red, White and Blue day. There will be a Veteran’s Day lunch, in which the staff is providing lunch and a Wall of Honor. On November 12th there is a Standards Grading Session for parents and Turkey Event for the Children. Bingo night is scheduled for adults on November 14th, in which the funds are for Stars Behavior. Power School passcode letters will not come home as of yet.

WMS Report:

  • Papa Luigi Night is coming up on November 12th and the WMS teachers are waitressing. There will be a Veterans Day Breakfast at the High School. In December there is a MAPSA Ice Skating Event. There is a Chairperson Position open for the upcoming Ice Cream Social.
  • There was a discussion regarding which year it is hosted by the School and which year it was handled by Lori Miles.
  • Also – A 5th grade spirit wear school store was throw out – not as competition to PTO but with some other items which would allow the students to learn the process and become educated.

Past Events:

  • ECLC, MSS, WMS Back to School Nights – all principals mentioned that their BTSN went extremely well.
  • Picture Day – the same, all went extremely well.
  • Fall Book Fairs – the MSS made 4500.00$ and the ECLC made 850.00$, check is being presented to the board.

Fundraising updates:

  • Cherrydale amounts were ECLC – 999.00$, MSS – 2415.00& and WMS online sales TBD.
  • New ideas presented included Krispy Kreme, Paint Night / Uncork your Art, Scentsy, and an art gallery.

Officer Nominations:

There was a vacancy for Corresponding Secretary. Amanda Fry was nominated by Jessica Z and seconded by Gina Buggy.

The position of 2nd VP to the ECLC nomination went to Krystyn Wentz. Maricia Chiarelli made the nomination and Michelle Kates seconded.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.

****The next meeting is scheduled for Monday November 16th at 6:30 pm in the Mary Shoemaker Library.

Recorded by,

Maricia Chiarelli

Approved by,

Maggie Boultinghouse,