Hello St. Margaret Mary School families,
Happy Sunday! I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter holiday! Tomorrow is the children’s first day back! School, as always, begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:30. Please be ever mindful of our school’s start times. Lately, we have had an inflex of students arriving late to school, particularly in grades Kindergarten through Third. As principal, it is my duty to report ‘truancy’ to the state and to the Los Angeles Archdiocese Department of Catholic Schools. Truancy is defined as absences and tardies of three or more. Thank you in advance for your consideration to this matter.
Before the break, the students participated in a SMMS tradition called “Stations of the Cross.” It was awesome to see all the children, with reverence and respect, re-enact the steps of our dear Christ before his crucifixion. Thank you, teachers for teaching and guiding your students in this awesome event.
As mentioned earlier, school resumes tomorrow. This week, along with the reminder of the month, is filled with exciting happenings. Below is a list of those events:
- April 9th school resumes.Our littlest family members (T.K) will begin to line up outside for morning assembly.
- April 10th, the 4th grade will spend the day in Hegarty Hall in a program called 'Walking through California."
- *ON that same day, the first-grade class is scheduled to have their complimentary pizza and ice cream Sunday treats!
- April 11th, the 8th grade will take a field trip!
- April 12th, the entire student body will attend the 8:15 Mass. Cash Jones, a current SMMS 6th grader will be making his First Holy Communion. A reception will immediately follow.
- At ten o'clock, Ms. Benitez and her the sixth graders will be hosting a 'HEROS' event.
- April 13th,we have our FUN RUN!!! The run begins at 9:00 a.m. For answers to questions, please consult Mrs. Garbe.
...and that is just the first week we get back! The remainder of the month looks like this:
April 17th - 6th grade field trip
April 19th - Farm Day for our T.K ers!
April 20th - faculty meeting ½ day
April 21 - Grandparents Day
April 25th – Book Fair!
April 27th - 5th grade WALK
I took a peek at our May calendar and its actually busier! However, for right now, let’s concentrate on April.
7. I have not yet received the 'official' calendar from the L.A Archdiocese, however I have penned in one date that you may want to jot down:
First day of school - Wednesday August 22nd.
Mrs. Zimmerman