2017-2018 School Year
Ms. Lawrence / JWJ
Biology Honors
BiologyHonors Syllabus
Why Biology is important: Biology is the study of life; it helps us understand how the world around us works. This course will teach you how to think critically, solve problems, and use the scientific method.
Mandatory in class each day:
JWJ Biology HonorsClass of 2018
Ms. Lawrence
James Weldon Johnson College Prep Middle School2017-2018 School Year
Ms. Lawrence / JWJ
Biology Honors
- (2) Blue or Black Pens
- (2) mechanical pencils
- (1) 2 inch (3 Ring Binder)
- (10) dividers (2 packs)
- Loose Leaf Paper
- Interactive Notebook (Composition Book any color)
JWJ Biology HonorsClass of 2018
Ms. Lawrence
James Weldon Johnson College Prep Middle School2017-2018 School Year
Ms. Lawrence / JWJ
Biology Honors
Helpful to have: highlighters, index cards, graph paper
Grades are based on a point scale.
- Classwork/Homework25-35
- Work completed, including warm-ups, lab activities, handouts, and readings.
- Tests100
- Unit Tests will be given throughout the year to formally assess your mastery of this subject. These tests will model the EOC, and are an indicator on your progress in this course.
- Quizzes50-75
- Vocab quizzes willbe given weekly, you are expected to record and study these words in your free time. Exit Quizzes will be given at the end of each standard, these multiple choice quizzes will serve to demonstrate your mastery of the current topic.
- Interactive Notebook25-50
- This will be graded for content and organization. All work must be glued/affixed into your notebook on the appropriate page, corresponding to the class table of contents. Collection and grading of the notebook does not have to be announced prior to class. It is your responsibility to have it with you at all times, and to be up to date on all assigned work.
The Final Grade for this course will also include the state wide EOC, or End of Course exam. Attendance is directly correlated to success on this assessment!
Scholarship Warnings: Scholarship warnings will be given once a quarter. This notice MUST BE SIGNED BY A GUARDIAN AND RETURNED TO TEACHER WITHIN 48 HRS OF NOTIFICATION. Please keep in mind that Duval County Public Schools has revoked the learning recovery option. These warnings are indicators that you are in jeopardy of losing the credit for this course.
Class Consequences
Students who violate class, school, or district rules and policies will be subject to disciplinary action.
The progression of consequences is:
1. Verbal Warning – Informal Conferencing with student.
2. Seat Change
3. Phone Call to Parent to discuss discipline issue and methods to correct problem behavior.
4. Referral to your Assistant Principal. This will be AUTOMATIC in cases of defiance,disrespect, or serious class disruptions.
Severity Clause: If your behavior becomes severe, I reserve the right to skip consequences, refer you to the Dean, and/or remove you from the classroom.
Class Rewards
We will celebrate our successes! Good work and good behavior will be rewarded through a number of different ways: notes home, class recognition, and other rewards we will establish as a class.
Cheating, in any form (including plagiarism) will result in an automatic ZERO for that assignment. ALL parties engaged in cheating will be penalized. ANY COMMUNICAITON DURING AN ASSESSMENT IS CONSIDERED CHEATING.
Your attendance in this class is expected each day. If you have an excused absence, please make sure you retrieve your make up work. You may also check the website, calendar and/or makeup work folder. Please be responsible for your grade and your performance by turning in the work you have missed. Late work will not be accepted!
Restroom/ Hall Pass
Students will be given 2 hall passes per nine weeks. No exceptions, unless you have a doctor’s note. Students will need to wear a hall pass around their neck which will read teachers’ hall pass and that teachers name.
Getting Help
I am here to help you succeed in this class. It is my expectation that you will see me if you need help or further explanation. There are three ways you can receive extra help:
- Website: Most of our class power points and handouts, as well as reminders, vocabulary lists, and additional resources will be made available to you on class website.
- Lunch and Learn: I will be available to give help during lunch by appointment only.You will need a pass in order to be released from the cafeteria and or your teacher.
- Email: My e-mail address is: (THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO GET A HOLD OF ME).
Grade- (5 points) Please return to teacher by August 18th
I agree that I have read and understand the expectations, policies, and procedures of Ms. Lawrence’s Biology Honors Class. I will commit to achieving what is expected of me academically, and I will follow the Behavior Expectations. I understand the grading policy, and I will follow the class procedures.
Student SignatureDate
I agree that I have read and understand the expectations, policies, and procedures of Ms. Lawrence’s Biology Honors Class. I will support my student in upholding these expectations, policies, and procedures.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian Phone Number: ______
Parent/ Guardian Email: ______
Student Email: ______
I/we preferred to be contacted (circle at least one): phone email other
List three words you would use in describing this student:
What is your student’s greatest strengths?
What is one area on which your student needs to improve?
JWJ Biology HonorsClass of 2018
Ms. Lawrence