2017 World Senior Championships
13th – 20th August 2017 |
Munich/Unterföhring, Germany |
Form A: Entry FormPlease return this form even if you do not want to participate in the WSrC 2017
Country & Federation à
We want to participate / Yes / NoThe delegation
Number of players / Male / Female
Number of coaches and officials
Contact information
Contact person
Email address
Federation Contact (if different from above)
Federation E-mail
Federation Phone
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 15th June 2017
Your contact person in the Host Tournament Committee is ______
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
Form B: Hotel Form
Please return this form even if you choose to accommodate your delegation at another hotel than the official hotels.
Country & Federation à
Are you using another accommodation than one of the official hotels, if so, which hotel?
Please select your preferred hotel (type x) / Feringapark / Park Inn / SheratonNumber of rooms / Type of rooms / Arrival date / Departure date
Type of rooms (field no. 2 in the table above): 1 = Single / 2 = Double / 3 = Double Comfort (Feringa- park only) / 4 = Single Club (Sheraton only) / 5 =Double Club (Sheraton only)
All reservations must be made through the Host Tournament Committee with Form B and have to be pre-paid to the Host Tournament Committee. Reservations are subject to availability. The Host Tournament Committee will try to handle your reservations for the requested hotel. However, we must reserve the right to change your reservation to the other hotel, if necessary due to limited availability. We cannot provide a shuttle service from/to the airport or from/to Dream-Bowl Palace for federations having decided to stay in any other hotel.
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 30th June 2017
Your contact person in the Host Tournament Committee is Florian Fister.
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
Form C: Room list with names
Country &Federation à
Your delegation divided at the hotel roomsRoom / Type / Please type all names in a room on one line.
Type of rooms (field no. 2 in the table above): 1 = Single / 2 = Double / 3 = Double Comfort (Feringa- park only) / 4 = Single Club (Sheraton only) / 5 =Double Club (Sheraton only)
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 30th June 2017
Your contact person in the Host Tournament Committee is Florian Fister.
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
Form D: Arrival and Departure
Country & Federation à
Mean of transportation (type yes)Will arrive by plane
Will arrive by train
Will arrive by bus or car
Arrival information
Arrival Airport / Date (dd/mm/yyyy) / Flight # / Time
24hr digital presentation / # of People
Departure information
Departure Airport / Date
(dd/mm/yyyy) / Flight # / Time
24 hr digital presentation / # of People
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 15th June 2017
Your contact person in the Host Tournament Committee is Florian Fister.
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
Form E: Official Delegation
Country & Federation à
Athletes (Please Type only the names to be shown in the result system!)Given name / Family name / Date of birth
yyyy-mm-dd / Gender / Right/left handed
(R/L) / Two handed
(mark X)
Given name / Family name / Date of birth
yyyy-mm-dd / Gender
M/F / Function
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 30th June 2017
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
Form F: Supporters & Press Accreditation
Country & Federation
SupportersName (first name, family name)
Press Registration information
Federation (if any)
Newspaper / Magazine
Bringing laptop (Yes/No)
Email Address for press kit
The ultimate deadline for submitting this form is 30th June 2017
Your contact person in the Host Tournament Committee is Florian Fister.
World Bowling Deutsche Bowling Union e.V.
2208 Brookside Föhringer Allee 11 Phone +49 89 61469830
Arlington TX USA 85774 Unterföhring Fax +49 89 69373968
+1 414 803 9188 Germany www.bowling-wm.de
All forms must be submitted to