Tuesday, February 25, 2014

9:30 AM

Parent Center – Room B81



Ms. Zoepfl called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. She spoke about the importance of parental involvement and the vital role that parents play in the education of their children. She commented that a majority of the students enrolled at Birmingham are of Latino descent, likewise the ELL student population is made up predominantly of Latinos; therefore it is critical to ensure that the Latino community is active in the school, and in the decision making process.

  2. The minutes from 11.15.13 are reviewed and approved in English and Spanish. Ms. Zoepfl motions to approve the minutes and Clara Iturbe and Leticia Aguirre second the motion. Jennifer Victoria is elected as the classified employeeto do the “minutes” for the ELAC meetings.
  2. Understanding a high school transcript

Ms. Zoepfl mentioned the significance of being able to read and interpret a transcript. She also stated that grade reports are going to be mailed home so that parents are informed about their child’s grades. The transcript is a document that demonstrates all of the classes a student has taken and needs to take in order to graduate from high school.If students do not complete all of the required courses they will not qualify for graduation.Ms. Zoepfl passed out a packet that contained two sample transcripts and the graduation status report and explained the information that is found on each one. Ms. Zoepfl asked the parents if they understand the meaning of “credits.” No one responded so she explained how credits are earned. A typical student is enrolled in six courses per semester, each class is worth 5 credits, this means that a student should complete a total of 60 credits per year. Ms. Zoepfl emphasized that in order for students to graduate from Birmingham, a total of 230 credits must be completed. She also explained that the “credit summary” box specifies exactly how many credits are required in each subject area. However, students who are interested in going to a UC should consider taking additional classes within each subject. For example, instead of two years of math, they should take three or four years. Karla Menjivar asked if the transcript is currently available and accessible to parents, and how do they know whether or not their child has to attend summer school. Ms. Zoepfl said that parents can call the counselors or visit the school and get a print out of the transcript at any time. The counselors will be able to determine whether or not a student has to attend summer school. Sandra De Loera asked if the students are informed about the classes that they need to complete. Ms. Zoepfl responded that students meet with their counselors every year to discuss their progress. Ms. Zoepfl recommended to the parents that if they see any F’s on their child’s transcript, they call the school immediately so that they can find out why their child is failing, and what can be done to help their child improve. Likewise, she suggested that parents encourage their child to attend tutoring. Ms. Zoepfl asked if parents had any questions. Martha Sanchez asked if students are able to attend summer school to improve or make-up a class. Ms. Zoepfl responded that summer school is provided for students who have failed a class. Sandra De Loera asked why “status reports” are not sent directly to their homes. Ms. Zoepfl responded that the cost of sending reports to every single home would be too much.

  • Recent test scores and reclassification documents

Ms. Zoepfl spoke about the school’s goals in regards to the CAHSEE. The first goal is to increase the overall passing rates; however this also includes increasing the passing rates for first time test takers (10th graders). The second goal that she mentioned is improving student performance (scoring proficiency or higher). She explained that the CAHSEE is an exam that students are required to take and pass in order to graduate from high school. She also commented that students in the 10th grade will be taking the CAHSEE on March 18, 2014. Although, students are given various opportunities to pass the CAHSEE, Ms. Zoepfl stated that passing the CAHSEE in the tenth grade is beneficial for the students as well as the school. Another goal that the school has is to increase the number of EL students who reclassify. Ms. Zoepfl explained that students who enroll into a U.S. school for the first time are typically placed in an ESL program. This program extends from ESL level 1 through ESL level 4. Ms. Zoepfl went over the reclassification criteria. In order for the student to reclassify from this program they need to demonstrate English proficiency by passing the CAHSEE or receiving a score of basic or higher on the CST-ELA. Lastly, Ms. Zoepfl talked about the goal to increase graduation rates.

Title III/EL Funding

Ms. Zoepfl mentioned that the school receives funding from the federal government and the state combined. She explained that the money is distributed among five categories. These categories include: English Language Arts, Mathematics, English Learners, Special Education, and Graduation. She also stated that the way in which the money is spent within these five categories is open to suggestions. Therefore, she encouraged parents to attend the ELAC meetings, because through these meetings parents are able to voice their opinions and valuable input about how the money should be spent. She reviewed our sources of funding, Title I (Free/reduced lunch SES) from which most of our funding is derived, Title II (teacher quality/professional development), and Title III (English Learners) 1 million dollars is acquired through this source.Ms. Zoepfl talked about our current expenditures, which includes the RTI program for Math/English, teachers, supplies, and professional development as well as the implementation of new programs and instructional coaches for teachers.


Sandra De Loera commented that we should continue to have the ELAC meetings during the adult ESL class. Moises Banda asked if there is funding available for the adult ESL class. He asked if it was possible to get materials for the class (paper, pens, folders, markers, etc.), a small set of reading books, dictionaries, and headphones.


Ms. Zoepfl asked for parent input for the next ELAC meeting. Alesvia Epitacio asked if Ms. Zoepfl could discuss how discipline is handled. Clara Iturbe asked if Ms. Zoepfl could discuss community service opportunities available for students. Ms. Zoepfl suggested that the significance of the common core (the changes in our way of teaching/student learning) be discussed in the next meeting. Also, the benefits of having different academies available for students and what each academy provides.

It is decided that the next meeting will be held: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 9:30 am in B81.

  2. Add additional members to ELAC
  3. EL parents
  4. BCCHS Staff

Ms. Zoepfl motions to adjourn the meeting. The meeting is adjourned at 10:26 am.