Responsible Officer
Senior Injury Management Consultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant / Manager / Principal
/ Identify that an employee may be absent from duty, or not performing their duties satisfactorily, due to mental or physical illness or disability.Senior Injury Management Consultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant
/ Obtain and review all relevant available medical evidence, including information from WorkCover and QSuper. If the employee is not absent from duty, obtain a performance report from their Principal / Manager (use form letter7). Provide a copy of the performance report to the employee for comment/response (use form letter 8)Senior Injury ManagementConsultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant
/Ensure that the options of rehabilitation, reasonable adjustment and medical deployment have been fully investigated and will not result in a sustained return to productive employment in a permanent position.
Senior Injury ManagementConsultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant
/ Where it is considered that rehabilitation, reasonable adjustment and medical deployment will not be effective, make a recommendation to the Regional HR Manager to send the employee for a medical assessment under section 175 of the Public Service Act 2008.Regional HR Manager
/ Approve sending the employee for an assessment under section 175 of the Public Service Act 2008(ensure that appropriate funding approval is obtained from the Organisational Health Unit. Please see the Rehab Budget Expenditure Flowchart for further information).Senior Injury ManagementConsultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant
/ Make an appointment for a medical assessment of the employee with an appropriate medical specialist.Regional HR Manager
/Advise the employee in writing that an appointment has been made for them to attend a medical assessment with a specialist under section 175 of the Public Service Act 2008(Use rehab form CM15).
/ Provide the specialist with relevant background information and a list of questions to be addressed (Use rehab form CM16).Employee
/Attends medical appointment.
Senior Injury ManagementConsultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant
/Notify the employee when the medical report has been received.
Regional HR Manager
(with support fromSenior Injury ManagementConsultant / Employee Advisor / Principal Human Resource Consultant)
/ Review the available documentation and determine, based on medical advice, whether the employee is eligible for ill health retirement (i.e. permanently unable to perform their inherent job requirements despite the provision of reasonable adjustment).Regional HR Manager
/ Make a recommendation to the appropriately delegated officer to approve the employee’s ill health retirement and to approve the placement of a ‘Notice of Further Consideration’ on TSS (Use form letter 3). Form letter 4 should be attached for the appropriate officer’s signature.Delegated Officer / Approve that the employee should be ill health retired under section 175 of the Public Service Act 2008and that a ‘Notice of Further Consideration’ should be placed on TSS.
Delegated Officer / Advise the employee that their ill health retirement has been approved and that a‘Notice of Further Consideration’ will be placed on TSS.Give the employee an opportunity to respond to this information and/ornominate an appropriate retirement date (Use form letter 4).
Delegated Officer / Upon receipt of a retirement date, approve the employee’s ill health retirement from the Department.Advise the employee in writing of this decision (Use form letter 5).
/ If the employee does notprovide a retirement date, or provides reasons why ill health retirement should not proceed, determine whether to proceed with the employee’s ill health retirement. If the decision is made to continue with the ill health retirement, set an appropriate date for their termination. Advise the employee in writing of this decision
(Use form letter 6).
Delegated Officer / Advise payroll of the decision to ill health retire the employee and the date this retirement will become effective. Advise the Director, Workforce Standards and Performance of a teaching staff ill health retired.
Payroll Services / Payroll processes the termination payments based on the approved ill health retirement date. The termination reason entered on TSS is ‘Retire-Ill Health’.
Payroll Services / Advise Organisational Health Unit (OHU) that the IHR has been processed for them to place a‘Notice of Further Consideration’ on TSS.
Organisational Health / Enters ‘Notice of Further Consideration’ on TSS.
TRIM: 10/171687