Lesson Plan Rubric
School of Education
The College of New Jersey
I. PLANNING / EXCEPTIONAL / PROFICIENT / NEEDS IMPROVEMENT1. Lesson Essential Question / Relates to the big ideas of the lesson, is important to the domains of the discipline, and is of interest to the students. / Relates to the big idea of the lesson. / Vaguely worded or not reflective of lesson, or is of little importance or is of little interest to the students.
2. Learning Objectives / Lesson objectives are performance based, connect to NJCCC standards, and challenge students to make deep conceptual connections. / Lesson objectives are performance based, connect to NJCCC standards, and reflect lesson content. / Lesson objectives are stated but are not performance based, or do not connect to NJCCC standards.
3. Assessment / Uses innovative assessment strategies to evaluate student learningeffectively. / Uses conventional assessment strategies to evaluate student learning effectively. / Assessments chosen to evaluate student learning are not closely connected to learning objectives, or do not assess all aspects of learning.
4. NJCCCS / Identifies appropriate standards.
All objectives, activities, and assessments are aligned with appropriate NJCCC standards and are assessed. / Identifies appropriate standards.
Most objectives, activities, and assessments are aligned with appropriate NJCCC standards and are assessed. / Standards are not appropriate, or are not align with lesson activities, or are not assessed.
5. Materials
- Graphic organizers
- Handouts
- Technology
- Laboratory
6. Lesson Beginning / Is a creative or innovative activity that assesses prior knowledge, increases motivation, and connects to lesson. / Is an activity that assesses prior knowledge, stirs interest and connects to lesson. / Is an activity that does not assess prior knowledge, or does not engage students, or does not connect to lesson.
7. Subject Matter Knowledge / Lesson demonstrates deep content and conceptual competence. / Lesson demonstrates content competency with some gaps in conceptual connections. / Lesson reflects weak or inaccurate content knowledge or lacks conceptual connections.
8. Lesson Activities / Lesson activities are developmentally appropriate, creative, and relate to students’ lives. / Lesson activities are developmentally appropriate are interesting. / Lesson activities are developmentally inappropriate, or uninteresting, or do not relate to students’ lives.
9. Differentiation / Lesson objectives, content, and assessments are differentiated based on awareness of individual student needs. / Lesson objectives, content, and assessment are differentiated and based on students’ needs. / Lesson objectives, content, and assessments are not meaningfully differentiated.
10. Questioning / Has planned higher order questions that make students think critically and make complex connections.
. / Has planned some higher order questions that make students think critically. / Has planned a series of questions that are lower on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
11. Transitions / N/A / Has planned transitions that make logical connections between lesson activities. / Has not planned transition or made connections between lesson activities.
12. Closure / In the closure activity students share their work, justify their thinking, or engage in discussion that connects back to lesson essential question. / The closure activity connects back to the lesson essential question. / There is no closure activity or the activity does not connect back to lesson essential question.